Key Points:

Comment on a high ranking blogs where you already have an established blog commenting relationship between you and the blogger with a direct link to your new YouTube video with your GoFundMe link in the YouTube header description: If you already have an established relationship with a blog you regularly comment on and the blogger is familiar with your links that you leave in the website section of the blog URL comments, all you have to simply do is continue commenting on the blog with a wink to your Go-Fund-Me profile. Be mindful not to leave one or two sentence blog comments when commenting with your GFM link. In other words, you want your blog comment to be meaningful because not only do you want the blogger to know that you have read partial or all of his hard written blog post, but you also want to add meaningful insight relevant to the topic of the blog post. Moreover, you want to continually show the blogger through leaving your blog comments that you’re genuinely interested in keeping an ongoing relationship between you and the blogger. When you leave thin blog comments, it sends a quiet message to the blogger that you’re only interested in getting SEO backlinks. Or using their blog comments section to leave URLs to affiliate links to generate sales. This is not the impression you want to leave. Leaving meaningful blog comments also opens the door to you leaving future blog comments without any hassles. And the more blog comments that you leave with your profile link, the more you diversify your potential to get more quiet donations from strangers. When you leave links to your profile in the blog comments section, never write in the blog comments asking people to donate money to your profile. Just simply leave the meaningful blog comment “preferably 200 words or more,” insert a link in the website URL section of the blog comments to your Go Fund Me profile, and move on.
Add a link to your GoFundMe in the header description of every YouTube video before the description of the YouTube video: Exposing your GFM link in the header description of every YouTube video increases the probability of a stranger randomly donating money to your donation profile. The goal is to use YouTube and your donation profile to increase awareness that you’re raising money for a good cause. People’s eyeballs are immediately attracted to YouTube videos. And the longer a person watches you on YouTube, the more they become emotionally connected, whether they know it or not. YouTube viewers become slowly connected to your videos emotionally the more you upload and post to your channel. And when people’s feelings and emotions become involved, actions take place. Actions such as voting for you, supporting you an online polls, donating money to your donation profile, clicking the like button on your YouTube videos so the YouTube algorithm can move you up in YouTube search results, making more money from Google ads in your YouTube videos if you’re a YouTube partner, and the list goes on. Don’t look forward to donations to your GFM profile right away after inserting your donation profile link in the header of every YouTube video. It’s going to take time until your GFM earns steady streams of donations from YouTube video traffic. What you need to focus on is to create compelling YouTube content, stay consistent with your video uploads, and focus on building and retaining the relationship between you and your target audience. The money will come later. If you can get in the mindset and stick to the script of consistently posting videos to your YouTube channel “and this can’t be emphasized enough” for 3 to 6 months, you should probably start to see donations to your GFM slowly trickle in. If you have a GFM and are looking to raise money to pay medical bills or raise money to go to grad school for your Masters degree or Ph.D or Ed.D, using Go Fund Me is ideal for raising money for those purposes.
Upload videos consistently to your YouTube channel: YouTubers who have large amounts of subscribers, views and likes on their YouTube videos have one thing in common; they’re consistent with uploading videos to their channel and keeping their target audience tightly engaged. Uploading videos consistently to your YouTube channel creates a behavior pattern for the YouTube algorithm. If you’ve ever wondered why some YouTubers who have lots of videos on the channels but don’t have the large subscriber follow base, it’s because they haven’t mastered the mindset of consistently uploading to their channel. Some of the things that the YouTube algorithm looks at is consistency in video uploading, the time of the day your uploading videos to your YouTube channel, the amount of likes on your videos, and how often your videos are being shared by others on,,,,, and Consistency is quietly rewarded by the YouTube algorithm, as your YouTube videos are potentially promoted to the homepage, ranked higher in organic YouTube search results, thus resulting in more views and likes on your videos. More views and likes on your YouTube videos equals more YouTube subscribers, ad revenue, and potentially increased donations to your donation profile. If you own a smartphone with 14 video capability or a camera, get in the healthy mindset of consistency by creating videos every day or every other day, updating your YouTube followers on what you’re doing with your day. Don’t get bent on asking people in every YouTube video for a donation. Many people get irritated when you ask them for money online. Talk about something else in your YouTube videos other than hoping to receive increased donations to your GFM profile.
Create and save a 5 to 10 second video and add to every ending of your YouTube videos after you’ve edited the main portion of your video to be uploaded: A really good outro 5 to 10 second video is good to attach at the very end of every YouTube video. An outro video is also a call to action. An outro video-call to action could be anything from asking people to like your YouTube videos, subscribe to your YouTube channel. Or, asking your YouTube viewers in the Paltrow video to visit your Go Fund Me donation profile link in the header description of your YouTube video and consider donating money to your donation profile for helping you pay for grad school or pay medical bills. Your 5 to 10 second outro YouTube video clip can be a general and vague video file you have safe to your laptop or desktop home computer. It can be easily inserted in a video editor at the ending of every video after you finish splicing and editing videos to be published to your channel. If you’re able to squeeze in a 10 second message asking people to subscribe to your YouTube channel, like your YouTube videos, and click the link to your donation profile in the header description of your YouTube videos and consider donating, mash all of that up in the 10 second outro video. This way, you have all of your bases covered in a call to action outro video asking people to like, subscribe, and donate. What more could you ask for? All you have to do is put a 10 second video like that at the very end of your edited YouTube video, and let people make their decision on what they’ll do from there. You move on afterwards and focus on creating the next engaging YouTube video. And before you publish the next YouTube video, don’t forget to write a keyword rich YouTube video description, and add the link to your donation profile at the very top of your YouTube description known as the “YouTube header description section.”
Use to automate the content sharing process of having your blog posts and YouTube videos auto-shared to,,, IFTTT “If This Then That” came into existence by billionaire Mark Cuban. This is a mostly free service and a valuable social media marketing automation tool. Automating your social media marketing processes allows content marketers like affiliate marketers, bloggers, digital e-book sellers, and YouTubers to have a peace of mind knowing that they can set up certain automation processes, and use those social media automation processes to automatically share content to almost any social network. IFTTT allows content creators to use RSS “really simple syndication” feeds to automatically share content to some social networks. The beauty of using IFTTT to share RSS feeds on autopilot and have those feeds aggregated to certain social networks gives content marketers a peace of mind knowing they can focus more on creating quality content for their target audience. If you own a YouTube channel and regularly insert Go Fund Me links in the header description of every YouTube video striving to raise money for a certain cause, you can use IFTTT and RSS combines like Batman and Robin to auto share content to Facebook fan pages, Twitter, ReddIt,, blogs,,,,,,,, and more. When your content is consistently shared across a variety of social media platforms, this increases the probability of your YouTube videos getting more views, likes, subscribers, and donations off of using IFTTT social media sharing automation and RSS feeds combined. IFTTT also has a paid plan, but not mandatory for you to subscribe.
Create a free account. Add the RSS feed from your blog and YouTube channel to your Feedburner account and activate the “Ping” tab to auto-ping new content from your YouTube channel and blog posts: Feedburner is a free service provided by Simply a at the RSS feed from your YouTube channel:
Then, head on over to Feedburner to enter your YouTube RSS feed in a section where it says:
[Burn a feed right this instant. Type your blog or feed address here:]
After You’ve placed your YouTube RSS feed in the section mentioned above and replaced the “place your YouTube channel name here” with “your YouTube channel name,”click the next tab with the two arrows pointing to the right. After you clicked the next tab, you’ll see the following page that says:
Welcome! Let us burn a feed for you.
The original blog or feed address you entered has been verified.
Once you take a look at the details at the bottom of the page and feel okay with the Feedburner name they made for your YouTube RSS feed,click the next tab with two small arrows pointing right. Click the next tab again. And one more time after that. Then you’ll come to a screen where it says “Your feed is ready for the world. Now what?” From there,click the “Publicize” tab. This is the tab you definitely want to click on, because you want to activate the “automated pinging function.” On the upper flush left section of the Feedburner page, you’ll see a tab that mentions “PingShot Notify services when you post.” Click the “Pingshot” tab. Then, click the “Activate” tab underneath the statement “Notify interested services when my feed changes.” The Pingshot function will automatically automate the process of notifying painting services that you have a new YouTube video posted to your channel every time you upload and publish new video content. The results of automated pinging is potential increases in YouTube video traffic. And if you have links in every YouTube video description pointing to your Go Fund Me profile, this increases the probability of you getting increased random donations from strangers. Use Feedburner and IFTTT combined to increase your probability of exponentially sharing your content using automation and increasing the probability of getting more YouTube subscribers, donations, likes on your YouTube videos, etc. Don’t ignore or overlook any free and legitimate social media automation sharing option when you are looking to expand your online presence and make more money.
Get active on, and add a link to your YouTube channel “NOT Go Fund Me page link”: When you’re regularly posting to, be mindful to have the URL link to your YouTube channel in the links section of your Pinterest profile. This entices viewers who view your YouTube Pinterest pins to watch more of your videos on your channel. You definitely want to share your YouTube videos on Pinterest. When doing so, be mindful to add a natural description to your Pinterest pin. Pinterest pins are indexable by,,, and As your Pinterest pins become indexed by search engines every time you post to your pain board, this opens you to increased probability of getting more traffic to your YouTube videos from search engines and Pinterest combined. This is why it’s highly emphasized to add a link to your GoFundMe donation profile in the header YouTube story description of every video before publishing to your YouTube channel. Moreover, if you decide to add a natural title to your Pinterest pin, it’s okay to turn one or two keywords in your title description into a hash tag i.e. “My New #YouTube video on #Pinterest.” That’s a classic example of how to add hashtags to keywords in Pinterest title descriptions. The goodness of doing that is increasing the probability of your pins becoming more searchable-visible in Pinterest search results. Remember now, Pinterest is not a social network. It’s an image based search engine. The more you post YouTube video links to your Pinterest profile, the more you become searchable in image search results for years and decades to come.
Setup Pinterest pins by adding natural content to every Pinterest description using a speech recognition program or your phone to create content: To expedite process in a speedily fashion of posting pins faster to your Pinterest account from your YouTube channel, it’s a wise choice to use a speech recognition program when writing natural descriptions for your pins. Using a speech recognition program on your laptop, desktop home computer, or even the speech recognition on your phone using SIRI is a great way to use your voice to create content on-the-fly without manually typing on the keyboard. Over the years, manual typing on the keyboard can potentially contribute to carpal tunnel syndrome. And if you use manual typing as a means of creating content, you might be out of business of making money online from affiliate marketing and blogging years to come. Content creation for Pinterest pins using a dictation speech recognition program doesn’t take long to achieve. Using speech recognition to write an actual description for a Pinterest pin takes less than 4 min. The more natural content you produce often in Pinterest descriptions with links pointing back to your YouTube videos with donation links in your YouTube video descriptions, the more you increase the probability of getting more money to your donation profile.
After adding natural content to your Pinterest descriptions, schedule 1 pin per day to be automatically posted at any time of the day: Pinterest has a scheduling function that allows you to autopost your scheduled pin almost any time of the day in allegedly 30 min. Intervals. If you start off with the positive habit of scheduling a Pinterest pin to post once a day, it’s a good choice to post it automatically after 10 AM but before noon Eastern Standard Time. Test that out and see how well it works in terms of getting more views to your YouTube videos with your donation links in the YouTube header description. If auto posting at 2 PM works for you in terms of getting more views to your YouTube channel, then make the necessary adjustments to your scheduled pains and auto set it for posting at two o’clock in the afternoon. If you notice people are all more responsive once your pins auto post itself at 2:00 PM Eastern standard Time, set all future Pinterest pins to auto post at 2 PM either five days a week or seven days. Once you see steady viable results, up your production to auto posting twice daily for increased probability of getting more YouTube subscribers, likes on your YouTube videos, and more exposure to your donation profile so people can contribute to your Go Fund Me.
Tag family and friends on Facebook so their inner circle of FB friends can see your tagged GoFundMe post: If you’re not yet a YouTube partner with Google ads showing in your YouTube videos, it’s okay to post videos from your channel to your Facebook profile and tag your Facebook friends. Tagging your Facebook friends on Facebook after you’ve posted a link to your YouTube video will increase exposure to your new video content. You don’t have to ask them to do anything. Simply tag the people who you think will take time to watch your YouTube video from their Facebook page, sit back and relax. Let your videos do the selling and talking for you. One unspoken rule is if you want people to contribute money to your donation profile, never ask people to do anything. Let people do whatever they want to do. You just do your part of creating the YouTube video, uploading the video to your YouTube channel, sharing your YouTube videos on Facebook, and tagging your Facebook friends. But don’t do too much tagging on Facebook because they might think you’re spamming. Moderate your YouTube video tagging on Facebook and you’ll be A + okay.
Use LinkedIn to promote your Go Fund Me profile, but be professional about it: Follow the steps mentioned above in combining RSS feeds with IFTTT to auto post your YouTube videos using automation to your LinkedIn profile. LinkedIn is a more professional business network. Be mindful how you deliver your YouTube video content, and never ask people directly for Go Fund Me donations. Most importantly, focus on your content in being your natural self on LinkedIn. Even if you’re participating in a conversation completely different from your topic, focus on that conversation and don’t ask anyone for a dollar, dying, or one red cent. People will naturally contribute to your donation profile when they acknowledge your consistency in showing up on LinkedIn. Your consistent presence alone will speak volumes without uttering one word.
Get used to taking your 4k digital camera with you almost everywhere you go: If you own an iPhone or a Hero 9 or Hero 10 GoPro, get in the consistent habit of making videos on the fly. Even if it’s something completely off topic, create a video about it and speak your feelings. Even if you feel it doesn’t make sense and you just want to ramble off-topic, make a quick video and upload it to your YouTube channel. People are quietly looking forward to you showing up consistently. Consistency equals increased profit potential. Not just donations to your GFM page, but if you’re a YouTube partner, it means more ad revenue from ads showing up by Google in your YouTube videos. People love to see what others are doing on video. And if you’re using an Apple iPhone or a Go Pro Hero camera. They both come with forte video compatibility. It’s rumored dead forte video allegedly ranks better than DSLR videos in YouTube search results. While that can’t be verified, forte video definitely gets more eyeballs versus using traditional cameras to shoot video.
Take time to answer people’s questions in YouTube video responses and add your GoFundMe link at the header of every YouTube description for instant exposure to the search engines and YouTube channel viewers: When you answer a person’s question in a YouTube video response, personalize the video response. Include your GFM in the header YouTube story description. Taking time to personally answer someone’s feedback or question left in your YouTube comments section is not just good for business, but it also shows you’re paying close attention to your audience.
Add a GoFundMe link to your YouTube channel homepage: Add a GFM link to your YouTube homepage. You want your Go Fund Me links to be seen as much as possible on your YouTube channel. Remember, the more your GFM donation link gets exposure, the more you’re likely to get increased donations.
Hopefully, this post will help you take a more creative approach in your Go Fund Me profile marketing. Share this content if you or someone you know is seeking alternative ways to creatively promote their profile.
- Thinking outside the norm creatively to promote your profile will help you get more GFM donations.
- Video marketing with links in the header description of every YouTube video with your Go Fund Me URL is the transformation business solution to increasing your donation page's online visibility.
Comment on a high ranking blogs where you already have an established blog commenting relationship between you and the blogger with a direct link to your new YouTube video with your GoFundMe link in the YouTube header description: If you already have an established relationship with a blog you regularly comment on and the blogger is familiar with your links that you leave in the website section of the blog URL comments, all you have to simply do is continue commenting on the blog with a wink to your Go-Fund-Me profile. Be mindful not to leave one or two sentence blog comments when commenting with your GFM link. In other words, you want your blog comment to be meaningful because not only do you want the blogger to know that you have read partial or all of his hard written blog post, but you also want to add meaningful insight relevant to the topic of the blog post. Moreover, you want to continually show the blogger through leaving your blog comments that you’re genuinely interested in keeping an ongoing relationship between you and the blogger. When you leave thin blog comments, it sends a quiet message to the blogger that you’re only interested in getting SEO backlinks. Or using their blog comments section to leave URLs to affiliate links to generate sales. This is not the impression you want to leave. Leaving meaningful blog comments also opens the door to you leaving future blog comments without any hassles. And the more blog comments that you leave with your profile link, the more you diversify your potential to get more quiet donations from strangers. When you leave links to your profile in the blog comments section, never write in the blog comments asking people to donate money to your profile. Just simply leave the meaningful blog comment “preferably 200 words or more,” insert a link in the website URL section of the blog comments to your Go Fund Me profile, and move on.
Add a link to your GoFundMe in the header description of every YouTube video before the description of the YouTube video: Exposing your GFM link in the header description of every YouTube video increases the probability of a stranger randomly donating money to your donation profile. The goal is to use YouTube and your donation profile to increase awareness that you’re raising money for a good cause. People’s eyeballs are immediately attracted to YouTube videos. And the longer a person watches you on YouTube, the more they become emotionally connected, whether they know it or not. YouTube viewers become slowly connected to your videos emotionally the more you upload and post to your channel. And when people’s feelings and emotions become involved, actions take place. Actions such as voting for you, supporting you an online polls, donating money to your donation profile, clicking the like button on your YouTube videos so the YouTube algorithm can move you up in YouTube search results, making more money from Google ads in your YouTube videos if you’re a YouTube partner, and the list goes on. Don’t look forward to donations to your GFM profile right away after inserting your donation profile link in the header of every YouTube video. It’s going to take time until your GFM earns steady streams of donations from YouTube video traffic. What you need to focus on is to create compelling YouTube content, stay consistent with your video uploads, and focus on building and retaining the relationship between you and your target audience. The money will come later. If you can get in the mindset and stick to the script of consistently posting videos to your YouTube channel “and this can’t be emphasized enough” for 3 to 6 months, you should probably start to see donations to your GFM slowly trickle in. If you have a GFM and are looking to raise money to pay medical bills or raise money to go to grad school for your Masters degree or Ph.D or Ed.D, using Go Fund Me is ideal for raising money for those purposes.
Upload videos consistently to your YouTube channel: YouTubers who have large amounts of subscribers, views and likes on their YouTube videos have one thing in common; they’re consistent with uploading videos to their channel and keeping their target audience tightly engaged. Uploading videos consistently to your YouTube channel creates a behavior pattern for the YouTube algorithm. If you’ve ever wondered why some YouTubers who have lots of videos on the channels but don’t have the large subscriber follow base, it’s because they haven’t mastered the mindset of consistently uploading to their channel. Some of the things that the YouTube algorithm looks at is consistency in video uploading, the time of the day your uploading videos to your YouTube channel, the amount of likes on your videos, and how often your videos are being shared by others on,,,,, and Consistency is quietly rewarded by the YouTube algorithm, as your YouTube videos are potentially promoted to the homepage, ranked higher in organic YouTube search results, thus resulting in more views and likes on your videos. More views and likes on your YouTube videos equals more YouTube subscribers, ad revenue, and potentially increased donations to your donation profile. If you own a smartphone with 14 video capability or a camera, get in the healthy mindset of consistency by creating videos every day or every other day, updating your YouTube followers on what you’re doing with your day. Don’t get bent on asking people in every YouTube video for a donation. Many people get irritated when you ask them for money online. Talk about something else in your YouTube videos other than hoping to receive increased donations to your GFM profile.
Create and save a 5 to 10 second video and add to every ending of your YouTube videos after you’ve edited the main portion of your video to be uploaded: A really good outro 5 to 10 second video is good to attach at the very end of every YouTube video. An outro video is also a call to action. An outro video-call to action could be anything from asking people to like your YouTube videos, subscribe to your YouTube channel. Or, asking your YouTube viewers in the Paltrow video to visit your Go Fund Me donation profile link in the header description of your YouTube video and consider donating money to your donation profile for helping you pay for grad school or pay medical bills. Your 5 to 10 second outro YouTube video clip can be a general and vague video file you have safe to your laptop or desktop home computer. It can be easily inserted in a video editor at the ending of every video after you finish splicing and editing videos to be published to your channel. If you’re able to squeeze in a 10 second message asking people to subscribe to your YouTube channel, like your YouTube videos, and click the link to your donation profile in the header description of your YouTube videos and consider donating, mash all of that up in the 10 second outro video. This way, you have all of your bases covered in a call to action outro video asking people to like, subscribe, and donate. What more could you ask for? All you have to do is put a 10 second video like that at the very end of your edited YouTube video, and let people make their decision on what they’ll do from there. You move on afterwards and focus on creating the next engaging YouTube video. And before you publish the next YouTube video, don’t forget to write a keyword rich YouTube video description, and add the link to your donation profile at the very top of your YouTube description known as the “YouTube header description section.”
Use to automate the content sharing process of having your blog posts and YouTube videos auto-shared to,,, IFTTT “If This Then That” came into existence by billionaire Mark Cuban. This is a mostly free service and a valuable social media marketing automation tool. Automating your social media marketing processes allows content marketers like affiliate marketers, bloggers, digital e-book sellers, and YouTubers to have a peace of mind knowing that they can set up certain automation processes, and use those social media automation processes to automatically share content to almost any social network. IFTTT allows content creators to use RSS “really simple syndication” feeds to automatically share content to some social networks. The beauty of using IFTTT to share RSS feeds on autopilot and have those feeds aggregated to certain social networks gives content marketers a peace of mind knowing they can focus more on creating quality content for their target audience. If you own a YouTube channel and regularly insert Go Fund Me links in the header description of every YouTube video striving to raise money for a certain cause, you can use IFTTT and RSS combines like Batman and Robin to auto share content to Facebook fan pages, Twitter, ReddIt,, blogs,,,,,,,, and more. When your content is consistently shared across a variety of social media platforms, this increases the probability of your YouTube videos getting more views, likes, subscribers, and donations off of using IFTTT social media sharing automation and RSS feeds combined. IFTTT also has a paid plan, but not mandatory for you to subscribe.
Create a free account. Add the RSS feed from your blog and YouTube channel to your Feedburner account and activate the “Ping” tab to auto-ping new content from your YouTube channel and blog posts: Feedburner is a free service provided by Simply a at the RSS feed from your YouTube channel:
Then, head on over to Feedburner to enter your YouTube RSS feed in a section where it says:
[Burn a feed right this instant. Type your blog or feed address here:]
After You’ve placed your YouTube RSS feed in the section mentioned above and replaced the “place your YouTube channel name here” with “your YouTube channel name,”click the next tab with the two arrows pointing to the right. After you clicked the next tab, you’ll see the following page that says:
Welcome! Let us burn a feed for you.
The original blog or feed address you entered has been verified.
Once you take a look at the details at the bottom of the page and feel okay with the Feedburner name they made for your YouTube RSS feed,click the next tab with two small arrows pointing right. Click the next tab again. And one more time after that. Then you’ll come to a screen where it says “Your feed is ready for the world. Now what?” From there,click the “Publicize” tab. This is the tab you definitely want to click on, because you want to activate the “automated pinging function.” On the upper flush left section of the Feedburner page, you’ll see a tab that mentions “PingShot Notify services when you post.” Click the “Pingshot” tab. Then, click the “Activate” tab underneath the statement “Notify interested services when my feed changes.” The Pingshot function will automatically automate the process of notifying painting services that you have a new YouTube video posted to your channel every time you upload and publish new video content. The results of automated pinging is potential increases in YouTube video traffic. And if you have links in every YouTube video description pointing to your Go Fund Me profile, this increases the probability of you getting increased random donations from strangers. Use Feedburner and IFTTT combined to increase your probability of exponentially sharing your content using automation and increasing the probability of getting more YouTube subscribers, donations, likes on your YouTube videos, etc. Don’t ignore or overlook any free and legitimate social media automation sharing option when you are looking to expand your online presence and make more money.
Get active on, and add a link to your YouTube channel “NOT Go Fund Me page link”: When you’re regularly posting to, be mindful to have the URL link to your YouTube channel in the links section of your Pinterest profile. This entices viewers who view your YouTube Pinterest pins to watch more of your videos on your channel. You definitely want to share your YouTube videos on Pinterest. When doing so, be mindful to add a natural description to your Pinterest pin. Pinterest pins are indexable by,,, and As your Pinterest pins become indexed by search engines every time you post to your pain board, this opens you to increased probability of getting more traffic to your YouTube videos from search engines and Pinterest combined. This is why it’s highly emphasized to add a link to your GoFundMe donation profile in the header YouTube story description of every video before publishing to your YouTube channel. Moreover, if you decide to add a natural title to your Pinterest pin, it’s okay to turn one or two keywords in your title description into a hash tag i.e. “My New #YouTube video on #Pinterest.” That’s a classic example of how to add hashtags to keywords in Pinterest title descriptions. The goodness of doing that is increasing the probability of your pins becoming more searchable-visible in Pinterest search results. Remember now, Pinterest is not a social network. It’s an image based search engine. The more you post YouTube video links to your Pinterest profile, the more you become searchable in image search results for years and decades to come.
Setup Pinterest pins by adding natural content to every Pinterest description using a speech recognition program or your phone to create content: To expedite process in a speedily fashion of posting pins faster to your Pinterest account from your YouTube channel, it’s a wise choice to use a speech recognition program when writing natural descriptions for your pins. Using a speech recognition program on your laptop, desktop home computer, or even the speech recognition on your phone using SIRI is a great way to use your voice to create content on-the-fly without manually typing on the keyboard. Over the years, manual typing on the keyboard can potentially contribute to carpal tunnel syndrome. And if you use manual typing as a means of creating content, you might be out of business of making money online from affiliate marketing and blogging years to come. Content creation for Pinterest pins using a dictation speech recognition program doesn’t take long to achieve. Using speech recognition to write an actual description for a Pinterest pin takes less than 4 min. The more natural content you produce often in Pinterest descriptions with links pointing back to your YouTube videos with donation links in your YouTube video descriptions, the more you increase the probability of getting more money to your donation profile.
After adding natural content to your Pinterest descriptions, schedule 1 pin per day to be automatically posted at any time of the day: Pinterest has a scheduling function that allows you to autopost your scheduled pin almost any time of the day in allegedly 30 min. Intervals. If you start off with the positive habit of scheduling a Pinterest pin to post once a day, it’s a good choice to post it automatically after 10 AM but before noon Eastern Standard Time. Test that out and see how well it works in terms of getting more views to your YouTube videos with your donation links in the YouTube header description. If auto posting at 2 PM works for you in terms of getting more views to your YouTube channel, then make the necessary adjustments to your scheduled pains and auto set it for posting at two o’clock in the afternoon. If you notice people are all more responsive once your pins auto post itself at 2:00 PM Eastern standard Time, set all future Pinterest pins to auto post at 2 PM either five days a week or seven days. Once you see steady viable results, up your production to auto posting twice daily for increased probability of getting more YouTube subscribers, likes on your YouTube videos, and more exposure to your donation profile so people can contribute to your Go Fund Me.
Tag family and friends on Facebook so their inner circle of FB friends can see your tagged GoFundMe post: If you’re not yet a YouTube partner with Google ads showing in your YouTube videos, it’s okay to post videos from your channel to your Facebook profile and tag your Facebook friends. Tagging your Facebook friends on Facebook after you’ve posted a link to your YouTube video will increase exposure to your new video content. You don’t have to ask them to do anything. Simply tag the people who you think will take time to watch your YouTube video from their Facebook page, sit back and relax. Let your videos do the selling and talking for you. One unspoken rule is if you want people to contribute money to your donation profile, never ask people to do anything. Let people do whatever they want to do. You just do your part of creating the YouTube video, uploading the video to your YouTube channel, sharing your YouTube videos on Facebook, and tagging your Facebook friends. But don’t do too much tagging on Facebook because they might think you’re spamming. Moderate your YouTube video tagging on Facebook and you’ll be A + okay.
Use LinkedIn to promote your Go Fund Me profile, but be professional about it: Follow the steps mentioned above in combining RSS feeds with IFTTT to auto post your YouTube videos using automation to your LinkedIn profile. LinkedIn is a more professional business network. Be mindful how you deliver your YouTube video content, and never ask people directly for Go Fund Me donations. Most importantly, focus on your content in being your natural self on LinkedIn. Even if you’re participating in a conversation completely different from your topic, focus on that conversation and don’t ask anyone for a dollar, dying, or one red cent. People will naturally contribute to your donation profile when they acknowledge your consistency in showing up on LinkedIn. Your consistent presence alone will speak volumes without uttering one word.
Get used to taking your 4k digital camera with you almost everywhere you go: If you own an iPhone or a Hero 9 or Hero 10 GoPro, get in the consistent habit of making videos on the fly. Even if it’s something completely off topic, create a video about it and speak your feelings. Even if you feel it doesn’t make sense and you just want to ramble off-topic, make a quick video and upload it to your YouTube channel. People are quietly looking forward to you showing up consistently. Consistency equals increased profit potential. Not just donations to your GFM page, but if you’re a YouTube partner, it means more ad revenue from ads showing up by Google in your YouTube videos. People love to see what others are doing on video. And if you’re using an Apple iPhone or a Go Pro Hero camera. They both come with forte video compatibility. It’s rumored dead forte video allegedly ranks better than DSLR videos in YouTube search results. While that can’t be verified, forte video definitely gets more eyeballs versus using traditional cameras to shoot video.
Take time to answer people’s questions in YouTube video responses and add your GoFundMe link at the header of every YouTube description for instant exposure to the search engines and YouTube channel viewers: When you answer a person’s question in a YouTube video response, personalize the video response. Include your GFM in the header YouTube story description. Taking time to personally answer someone’s feedback or question left in your YouTube comments section is not just good for business, but it also shows you’re paying close attention to your audience.
Add a GoFundMe link to your YouTube channel homepage: Add a GFM link to your YouTube homepage. You want your Go Fund Me links to be seen as much as possible on your YouTube channel. Remember, the more your GFM donation link gets exposure, the more you’re likely to get increased donations.
Hopefully, this post will help you take a more creative approach in your Go Fund Me profile marketing. Share this content if you or someone you know is seeking alternative ways to creatively promote their profile.