Key Points:

Quora questions from Quora users seeking insight on what to do in workplace related situations, starting part-time work from home businesses, and getting a better understanding what affiliate marketing is:
1. Can I start my own business in the future?
Answer: Look at it like this: you can start your own side hustle now while going through workplace challenges. Just be mindful after you pay your tithes and offerings "10% tithe out of the gross of every paycheck" to set aside some money to start up your online business. Every time you stay on the job and keep working check to check, you’re keeping yourself in bondage with the employer. You can start your own side hustle now instead of waiting for the future. Moreover, you don't need validation from anyone to start your own business. You're in a good place right now if you're currently working and generating a steady paycheck. If you have bad spending habits and like to engage in impulse shopping, it's never too late to change your mindset and get out of that stinking thinking.
Impulse spending will leave you broke and far ahead in debt. You want to leave that impulse spending far behind if that's dominating your life right now. Transitioning into a frugal mindset and shifting focus into investing in starting an online side hustle and taking it further into paid online advertising should get you out of the employee mindset, and thinking like a future Internet millionaire.
2. How does a narcissist handle a breakup?
Answer: The narcissist who dumped you in the relationship actually did you a spiritual and entrepreneurial favor by letting you go. Especially, if the narcissist took you out to dinner, paid for dinner, and dumped you at dinner while eating your food telling you “I’m in love with someone else; I’m going back to the past.” Narcissists are abnormal attention seekers who allegedly get off dumping you to allegedly bring you under their control, by you allegedly begging them to be in your life. If you’ve been dumped by a narcissist, look at it like this: you now have time to heal from the broken relationship. The person letting you go did you a spiritual favor. You get to examine the contents of your heart and mind and make healthy spiritual changes. Furthermore, the narcissist who dumped you helped you save a lot of money.
They helped you save money because you no longer entertain thoughts of purchasing gifts to keep a smile on their face. The money you’re saving now by the narcissist dumping you can be used to improve the quality of your life, whether it’s going back to school and getting your MBA Masters degree, starting an online business and becoming in near future online millionaire, moving into a better neighborhood, and using the money you would’ve been spending on the person you formerly dated to improve the overall quality of your life. Life is a daily fight in your mind in achieving supremacy over adversity. How do you expect to grow spiritually and personally if you don’t experience-endorsed some form of rejection, whether it’s in the workplace or in personal relationships? You never get to know your true self until you experience something that tests your way of thinking. It’s a good thing you’ve been dumped because now, you’re probably looking for closure. And how your current train of thought can improve spiritually, financially and entrepreneurially to improve your life across the board.
The narcissist is not looking at the fact that how their thinking and their actions in the moment is motivating you to use the positive power of reverse psychology to have a spiritual and financial competitive advantage over them. All they are thinking about is themselves and living in bondage through “tunnel vision narcissism.” How do you think that narcissist would feel if you bump into them years later, thanked them for dumping you, and letting her or him know that because of their actions, they helped you improve spiritually, educationally, entrepreneurially, and financially? How do you think the narcissist would feel if you told them straight blank to their face that they helped you become an online millionaire doing what you love and no longer have to go to a day job, thanks to them? So when the narcissist wants you to feel down and out after dumping you, that’s when you have to dig deep in yourself and “do the transformation work out of [inspiration or desperation].” Making healthy changes is more than losing weight and starting a business.
3. How can I start a small online business with $10k?
Answer: Having that kind of money to start an online business is more than enough. Honestly, it doesn’t take much to start an online business. For anything that you do online and off-line, you need a blog to keep your target audience updated on what you’re doing in the real world. In order to keep your target audience updated online and off-line with anything you’re doing in your business, it’s a wise choice to fork out the money to reserve a domain name and paid web hosting. Paid web hosting allows you to install a self hosted version of WordPress (a semantic content management system).
A self hosted version of WordPress your small business dedicated server gives you the complete administrative function over the look and feel of your block. With a blog, you can monetize it with advertisements from Google AdSense and affiliate networks. Blogging on a paid small business dedicated web hosting solution is a great way to start an online business using your creativity, effort, and persistence in creating lots of content for your blog. Whatever you have extensive knowledge of, that’s what the topic of your blog should be. You don’t need $10,000 to start up online. It costs less than a thousand dollars to start up online. $1,000.00 dollars should cover the annual cost of your small business dedicated server, your domain name, and other things you may need for your server. The $9000 can be reserved in your bank account for other uses, such as learning about using pay per click online advertising to promote your blog or promote affiliate links to make more money online, or invest in starting up and promoting a YouTube channel through paid advertising.
Moreover, you can use another $1000 to start a consistent promotion of your YouTube channel to gain subscribers faster. Using a unique combination of blogging and YouTube video marketing will help you save tons of money, while setting yourself up in the process of earning consistent passive income from blogging and ads on your blog in the near future. If you don’t mind creating content for your blog and can’t afford two hours a day, five days a week to sit at your computer and create content meaningfully to satisfy and empower your target blog reading audience on a particular niche topic you have extensive knowledge of and can stay consistent for 2 to 3 years blogging, you can position yourself to potentially earn more than $10,000 monthly and quit your day job. For more information on starting an online business and using affiliate marketing to your advantage to earn a full-time 100% online income, search this site for more information on the topic of [affiliate marketing], “side hustles,” and the “digital nomad lifestyle.” Starting an online business is today’s new norm for bulletproofing yourself for wrongful terminations. Employers are getting away with wrongfully terminating employees for all sorts of reasons. Starting an online business is the transformation business solution to protecting yourself financially from a narcissist employer. And using blogging plus affiliate marketing to set yourself up to earn future streams of “healthy passive income.”
4. What is better: WordPress or Medium? Why?
Answer: Medium is a great place to get started as an experienced or inexperienced rider. There’s no upfront cost to have a medium profile. The beauty of writing and publishing on medium is the grand ability to write and and on Orthodox style to your standalone voice in the real world. Medium also allows you to place affiliate links tirelessly throughout the body of your writing. Yes, you can make money alone from writing and publishing articles on medium even if you don’t own a domain name or a dedicated server to host your WordPress blog on. Fact of the matter is, while medium is a great place to write and publish various forms of content and use the site in terms of making money and to improve your search engine optimization by including links in the body of the article pointing back to your blog, discussion forum, website or YouTube channel, once your content is published to Medium, they can allegedly delete your content at will. Deleting your content at will means they don’t need a reason to remove your content from the site. So if you have some haters in the form of family members, coworkers, or people you see during your week that you don’t talk to often and they notice your published works online and start hating on your content, they can consistently report, which puts you at risk of being deleted on medium. That may not happen but it’s truly something to think about.
A self hosted WordPress blog hosted on a small business dedicated server is a transformation business solution. No healthy passive income business can continually earn steady streams of passive income without forking out some kind of money upfront. Even if you shun away from blogging and use YouTube as a means of making money, the investment you have to make is in purchasing a durable cell phone with 4K video recording capability. And, you also have to invest in setting aside certain times throughout each day to create “lots and lots of video content” for your YouTube channel. Investing in a small business dedicated server and domain name is a great way to build up your online real estate. Did you know that blogging with your own domain name on a self hosted WordPress blog is considered your personal online real estate? When people see that you have your own domain name and blogging on your own WordPress blog and not using to build up your online visibility, blog readers take you more seriously. Additionally, you can put as many ads in your blog as you want which puts you in the grand position to potentially make money online while you’re sleeping. And, you can also have a peace of mind knowing that your WordPress blog is not going to be deleted because you paid out the money for a dedicated server that gives you 100% administrative control over everything. In other words, you’re not at anyone’s mercy online to have your content deleted for any reason or no reason. Paid web hosting with your own domain name and self hosted WordPress installation allows you to have a peace of mind while building up the rich content of your blog, putting you in the driver's seat to be a near future “side hustle blogging millionaire.”
5. If you want to promote affiliate links on Facebook, should you first make a page related to the product?
Answer: It’s a good idea to create a Facebook group or Facebook fan page promoting a particular affiliate link. It’s a better idea to create a Facebook fan page that allows people to like and follow the Facebook fan page without pre approval. The goal of having a Facebook fan page is not only to promote the affiliate link, but to encourage Facebook users who are not on your friends list to freely join the Facebook fan page that syndicates content from the affiliate link you aggregate as Facebook fan page posts.
Creating a Facebook fan page 4 promoting a specific affiliate link to a particular niche is a wise choice. The reason why you want to do that is to stimulate the Facebook algorithm to rank the Facebook fan page high in Facebook fan page search results, giving you the one up competitive advantage over Facebook fan pages in your affiliate niche in getting your Facebook fan page more traffic, likes and follows. If you plan to promote an affiliate link and consistently aggregate content from that affiliate link in numerous Facebook fan page posts, you may want to check with the affiliate manager to see if an affiliate RSS data feed is available. After contacting your affiliate manager, if they advise you that in affiliate RSS data feed is available that allows you to use the RSS feed with your unique affiliate link already encoded in it, you want to take the URL address or the XML from that affiliate RSS data feed and use a free service like to create a free Facebook fan page action that will allow you to auto aggregate affiliate content from your RSS affiliate data feed direct to your Facebook fan page post. allows you to set up a free account for the purpose of using their service “with limited functions in the free edition” to set up a module for auto posting to Facebook fan pages and Facebook groups. They also allow you to input the RSS feed from a blog, website or the RSS feed from an affiliate data feed into Dlvrit. From there, the service asks you which social networks you want to syndicate the RSS content to. All you need to do is pick Facebook fan pages, and allow the service to access your Facebook fan page through their application. Once the app has been set up and your RSS feed is valid, sit back and relax as the application auto posts affiliate content to the Facebook fan page. And to get more traffic to the Facebook fan page that currently promotes affiliate RSS data feed content through the DlvrIt automation, you can include a link in your YouTube video descriptions to get more Facebook fan page followers from
To find out which affiliate networks have regularly updated “RSS affiliate data feeds,”, and paste into,,,,,,, and
Check back often for answers to or questions. Share this content on,,,,,,,,,, and across the internets.
- This forum strives for excellence to answer questions to users looking for meaningful answers.
- Quora questions range from ways to quit your job, starting a side hustle, learning about affiliate marketing, using failed relationships as subliminal positive motivation, education, weight loss, and more.

Quora questions from Quora users seeking insight on what to do in workplace related situations, starting part-time work from home businesses, and getting a better understanding what affiliate marketing is:
1. Can I start my own business in the future?
Answer: Look at it like this: you can start your own side hustle now while going through workplace challenges. Just be mindful after you pay your tithes and offerings "10% tithe out of the gross of every paycheck" to set aside some money to start up your online business. Every time you stay on the job and keep working check to check, you’re keeping yourself in bondage with the employer. You can start your own side hustle now instead of waiting for the future. Moreover, you don't need validation from anyone to start your own business. You're in a good place right now if you're currently working and generating a steady paycheck. If you have bad spending habits and like to engage in impulse shopping, it's never too late to change your mindset and get out of that stinking thinking.
Impulse spending will leave you broke and far ahead in debt. You want to leave that impulse spending far behind if that's dominating your life right now. Transitioning into a frugal mindset and shifting focus into investing in starting an online side hustle and taking it further into paid online advertising should get you out of the employee mindset, and thinking like a future Internet millionaire.
2. How does a narcissist handle a breakup?
Answer: The narcissist who dumped you in the relationship actually did you a spiritual and entrepreneurial favor by letting you go. Especially, if the narcissist took you out to dinner, paid for dinner, and dumped you at dinner while eating your food telling you “I’m in love with someone else; I’m going back to the past.” Narcissists are abnormal attention seekers who allegedly get off dumping you to allegedly bring you under their control, by you allegedly begging them to be in your life. If you’ve been dumped by a narcissist, look at it like this: you now have time to heal from the broken relationship. The person letting you go did you a spiritual favor. You get to examine the contents of your heart and mind and make healthy spiritual changes. Furthermore, the narcissist who dumped you helped you save a lot of money.
They helped you save money because you no longer entertain thoughts of purchasing gifts to keep a smile on their face. The money you’re saving now by the narcissist dumping you can be used to improve the quality of your life, whether it’s going back to school and getting your MBA Masters degree, starting an online business and becoming in near future online millionaire, moving into a better neighborhood, and using the money you would’ve been spending on the person you formerly dated to improve the overall quality of your life. Life is a daily fight in your mind in achieving supremacy over adversity. How do you expect to grow spiritually and personally if you don’t experience-endorsed some form of rejection, whether it’s in the workplace or in personal relationships? You never get to know your true self until you experience something that tests your way of thinking. It’s a good thing you’ve been dumped because now, you’re probably looking for closure. And how your current train of thought can improve spiritually, financially and entrepreneurially to improve your life across the board.
The narcissist is not looking at the fact that how their thinking and their actions in the moment is motivating you to use the positive power of reverse psychology to have a spiritual and financial competitive advantage over them. All they are thinking about is themselves and living in bondage through “tunnel vision narcissism.” How do you think that narcissist would feel if you bump into them years later, thanked them for dumping you, and letting her or him know that because of their actions, they helped you improve spiritually, educationally, entrepreneurially, and financially? How do you think the narcissist would feel if you told them straight blank to their face that they helped you become an online millionaire doing what you love and no longer have to go to a day job, thanks to them? So when the narcissist wants you to feel down and out after dumping you, that’s when you have to dig deep in yourself and “do the transformation work out of [inspiration or desperation].” Making healthy changes is more than losing weight and starting a business.
3. How can I start a small online business with $10k?
Answer: Having that kind of money to start an online business is more than enough. Honestly, it doesn’t take much to start an online business. For anything that you do online and off-line, you need a blog to keep your target audience updated on what you’re doing in the real world. In order to keep your target audience updated online and off-line with anything you’re doing in your business, it’s a wise choice to fork out the money to reserve a domain name and paid web hosting. Paid web hosting allows you to install a self hosted version of WordPress (a semantic content management system).
A self hosted version of WordPress your small business dedicated server gives you the complete administrative function over the look and feel of your block. With a blog, you can monetize it with advertisements from Google AdSense and affiliate networks. Blogging on a paid small business dedicated web hosting solution is a great way to start an online business using your creativity, effort, and persistence in creating lots of content for your blog. Whatever you have extensive knowledge of, that’s what the topic of your blog should be. You don’t need $10,000 to start up online. It costs less than a thousand dollars to start up online. $1,000.00 dollars should cover the annual cost of your small business dedicated server, your domain name, and other things you may need for your server. The $9000 can be reserved in your bank account for other uses, such as learning about using pay per click online advertising to promote your blog or promote affiliate links to make more money online, or invest in starting up and promoting a YouTube channel through paid advertising.
Moreover, you can use another $1000 to start a consistent promotion of your YouTube channel to gain subscribers faster. Using a unique combination of blogging and YouTube video marketing will help you save tons of money, while setting yourself up in the process of earning consistent passive income from blogging and ads on your blog in the near future. If you don’t mind creating content for your blog and can’t afford two hours a day, five days a week to sit at your computer and create content meaningfully to satisfy and empower your target blog reading audience on a particular niche topic you have extensive knowledge of and can stay consistent for 2 to 3 years blogging, you can position yourself to potentially earn more than $10,000 monthly and quit your day job. For more information on starting an online business and using affiliate marketing to your advantage to earn a full-time 100% online income, search this site for more information on the topic of [affiliate marketing], “side hustles,” and the “digital nomad lifestyle.” Starting an online business is today’s new norm for bulletproofing yourself for wrongful terminations. Employers are getting away with wrongfully terminating employees for all sorts of reasons. Starting an online business is the transformation business solution to protecting yourself financially from a narcissist employer. And using blogging plus affiliate marketing to set yourself up to earn future streams of “healthy passive income.”
4. What is better: WordPress or Medium? Why?
Answer: Medium is a great place to get started as an experienced or inexperienced rider. There’s no upfront cost to have a medium profile. The beauty of writing and publishing on medium is the grand ability to write and and on Orthodox style to your standalone voice in the real world. Medium also allows you to place affiliate links tirelessly throughout the body of your writing. Yes, you can make money alone from writing and publishing articles on medium even if you don’t own a domain name or a dedicated server to host your WordPress blog on. Fact of the matter is, while medium is a great place to write and publish various forms of content and use the site in terms of making money and to improve your search engine optimization by including links in the body of the article pointing back to your blog, discussion forum, website or YouTube channel, once your content is published to Medium, they can allegedly delete your content at will. Deleting your content at will means they don’t need a reason to remove your content from the site. So if you have some haters in the form of family members, coworkers, or people you see during your week that you don’t talk to often and they notice your published works online and start hating on your content, they can consistently report, which puts you at risk of being deleted on medium. That may not happen but it’s truly something to think about.
A self hosted WordPress blog hosted on a small business dedicated server is a transformation business solution. No healthy passive income business can continually earn steady streams of passive income without forking out some kind of money upfront. Even if you shun away from blogging and use YouTube as a means of making money, the investment you have to make is in purchasing a durable cell phone with 4K video recording capability. And, you also have to invest in setting aside certain times throughout each day to create “lots and lots of video content” for your YouTube channel. Investing in a small business dedicated server and domain name is a great way to build up your online real estate. Did you know that blogging with your own domain name on a self hosted WordPress blog is considered your personal online real estate? When people see that you have your own domain name and blogging on your own WordPress blog and not using to build up your online visibility, blog readers take you more seriously. Additionally, you can put as many ads in your blog as you want which puts you in the grand position to potentially make money online while you’re sleeping. And, you can also have a peace of mind knowing that your WordPress blog is not going to be deleted because you paid out the money for a dedicated server that gives you 100% administrative control over everything. In other words, you’re not at anyone’s mercy online to have your content deleted for any reason or no reason. Paid web hosting with your own domain name and self hosted WordPress installation allows you to have a peace of mind while building up the rich content of your blog, putting you in the driver's seat to be a near future “side hustle blogging millionaire.”
5. If you want to promote affiliate links on Facebook, should you first make a page related to the product?
Answer: It’s a good idea to create a Facebook group or Facebook fan page promoting a particular affiliate link. It’s a better idea to create a Facebook fan page that allows people to like and follow the Facebook fan page without pre approval. The goal of having a Facebook fan page is not only to promote the affiliate link, but to encourage Facebook users who are not on your friends list to freely join the Facebook fan page that syndicates content from the affiliate link you aggregate as Facebook fan page posts.
Creating a Facebook fan page 4 promoting a specific affiliate link to a particular niche is a wise choice. The reason why you want to do that is to stimulate the Facebook algorithm to rank the Facebook fan page high in Facebook fan page search results, giving you the one up competitive advantage over Facebook fan pages in your affiliate niche in getting your Facebook fan page more traffic, likes and follows. If you plan to promote an affiliate link and consistently aggregate content from that affiliate link in numerous Facebook fan page posts, you may want to check with the affiliate manager to see if an affiliate RSS data feed is available. After contacting your affiliate manager, if they advise you that in affiliate RSS data feed is available that allows you to use the RSS feed with your unique affiliate link already encoded in it, you want to take the URL address or the XML from that affiliate RSS data feed and use a free service like to create a free Facebook fan page action that will allow you to auto aggregate affiliate content from your RSS affiliate data feed direct to your Facebook fan page post. allows you to set up a free account for the purpose of using their service “with limited functions in the free edition” to set up a module for auto posting to Facebook fan pages and Facebook groups. They also allow you to input the RSS feed from a blog, website or the RSS feed from an affiliate data feed into Dlvrit. From there, the service asks you which social networks you want to syndicate the RSS content to. All you need to do is pick Facebook fan pages, and allow the service to access your Facebook fan page through their application. Once the app has been set up and your RSS feed is valid, sit back and relax as the application auto posts affiliate content to the Facebook fan page. And to get more traffic to the Facebook fan page that currently promotes affiliate RSS data feed content through the DlvrIt automation, you can include a link in your YouTube video descriptions to get more Facebook fan page followers from
To find out which affiliate networks have regularly updated “RSS affiliate data feeds,”, and paste into,,,,,,, and
Check back often for answers to or questions. Share this content on,,,,,,,,,, and across the internets.