The Maxim About High-Value Men: They Love to Ignore Undeserving Females

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  • Contributing Editor
    • May 2014
    • 2715

    The Maxim About High-Value Men: They Love to Ignore Undeserving Females

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    Key Points:

    Unveiling Inner Strength:
    • Facing rejection or indifference from a high-value man can act as a catalyst for self-reflection and growth. It may bring to light a female’s independent capabilities and inner strength. Through this experience, she could discover a reservoir of resilience and determination that propels her to channel her energies into building something substantial.
    Fostering Independence and Self-Empowerment:
    • Overcoming the initial disappointment and channeling any negative emotions towards creating a thriving online business fosters a sense of independence and self-empowerment. This journey of transforming personal setbacks into professional milestones not only enhances self-esteem but also reinforces the belief in one’s abilities to shape their destiny.
    Creating a Legacy:
    • Establishing a successful online business from a place of self-assurance and determination creates a legacy that transcends fleeting social validations. It provides a tangible, rewarding manifestation of her capabilities, far removed from the transient nature of romantic interests.
    Financial Independence and Stability:
    • Achieving financial independence through a successful online venture is empowering. It not only provides a sense of security but also broadens the horizon of opportunities and choices available to her, thus replacing the void left by personal disappointments with the robust foundation of financial stability.
    Personal and Professional Fulfillment:
    • The journey from enduring emotional setbacks to achieving professional success brings about a profound sense of fulfillment. It cultivates a mindset of self-efficacy, where the focus shifts from seeking external validation to cherishing personal and professional achievements. This transition contributes to a wholesome sense of self-worth and satisfaction, which is instrumental in fostering a positive self-image and a promising outlook towards the future.


    ​ If she emails you, ignore her. If she indirectly stalks your website, Facebook, profile, handle, or even casually rides your Vegas style but doesn't let it stay there, ignore an undeserving female across the board.

    ​ The female with delusional thinking thinks she can have any man she wants anytime of the day or year. The maxim about that type of thinking is it produces no positive outcomes in terms of a lasting relationship built on solid bonds. Delusional female mindsets leaves delusional females along going into their 40's and 50's, resulting in no marriage, no children, spiritually BROKE "despite your current earthly possessions," leaving her wondering in the long run why no man sees her as potential marriage material.

    ​ In a society that often measures an individual's worth based on superficial metrics, the concept of a "high-value man" has seeped into the collective consciousness. These are the men who, by society's standards, embody success, charm, and desirability. They stand tall amidst a crowd, often leaving a trail of admirers wherever they tread. Yet, what happens when such a man, seemingly a prize to be won, ignores a female who finds herself drawn to him? The whirlwind of thoughts that ensue can be both complex and enlightening, offering a reflection of not only personal insecurities but societal expectations.

    ​ The first brush of neglect can sting, feeling like a cold splash of rejection on a hopeful heart. The immediate reaction is often self-doubt. "Is there something wrong with me?" she might wonder, as she sifts through every interaction, every word exchanged and every gesture made, searching for a misstep. The self-scrutiny can be harsh, often unjust, as she tries to align herself with the perceived perfection of the high-value man.

    ​ Yet, as the dust of disappointment settles, reflection often leads to a broader understanding. It's not just about a personal shortcoming, real or imagined, but the societal constructs that pedestalize certain individuals while undermining others. The idea of a high-value man is rooted in material success, physical allure, and social charm, often sidelining the essence of genuine connection and emotional intelligence. The woman starts to question the very foundation of how he has such power to resist her across the board. He's not spending money on me. He didn't ask me for my phone number. He NEVER asked to come over for xXx weekends xXx. What's wrong with me?

    ​ He figured her out ahead of time across the board and saw the red flags, in additional to visualizing potential attitude issues in her potentially coming down the road. This played a major role in why he held the reigns on handing his power over to her and chooses now to ignore her, after she showed her hand to him when no one else was around to hear her speak to him conveying certain vernacular. It's a beautiful thing for a high value man to ignore a female who deserves "no attention nor validation." Ignore her, walk away, and keep your power, especially when she may potentially and quietly think her over developed chest has the ability to "bring all the boys to the yard," especially men with bald heads. Absolutely NOT. She'll have to find another male to book her restaurant table with!