#Marriage is a Sacred Vow: No Such Thing as Divorcing and Remarrying

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    • May 2014
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    #Marriage is a Sacred Vow: No Such Thing as Divorcing and Remarrying

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    Getting married is a sacred ritual and a vow you take before The LORD Jesus Christ.

    Many people from the world today believe that it's okay to divorce and remarry from your first husband or first wife. This concept of thinking is absolutely false. Did you know as long as your first husband or wife is still in the land of the living that you're married to them no matter what? Yes, it's absolutely true. A man was made for a woman and a woman made for a man. A man was not made to lay with another man nor marry another man. A woman was not made to lay with a woman nor marry another woman.

    Many people fail to acknowledge or have no knowledge that marriage is supposed to be between two individuals who are equally yoked spiritually. Divorcing and remarrying someone else is against Biblical law. Additionally, it's not a good idea to search online for singles to potentially marry because the way of Holiness strictly states that man and woman should be spiritually yoked equally, as previously mentioned as well as knowing what they're getting themselves into. When you get married, you are in marriage prison with that person until you or them are no longer in the land of the living. This is a lifetime binding contract between man and woman who has never been previously married.

    If you've never been previously married and you marry someone who divorced, you're not married to that person. In fact, the person you thought you married who divorced their first husband or wife is still married to them legally. In other words, scriptural law does not allow people to divorce and remarry. So the person who divorced and remarried you as their spouse is breaking scriptural law. It also means for you that you're not legally and spiritually contracted to that person because they were previously married and their first spouse is still in the land of the living.

    Related: Visit TruthofGod.com to learn the truth about divorce, marriage, the law against remarriage, and how to live a clean life.

    Truth: When you marry, you're "not allowed" to divorce your spouse and marry someone else. That's called adultery. Another truth is when your eyes glance upon another person in lust while you're married, though you haven't performed the physical act, because your eyes lusted upon that individual. That's still classified as adultery. Want to know the third truth? The third truth is you can separate from your wife or husband, but you're still married to them even if you're not having physical relations. You're still married to them while separated and can’t divorce and remarry another. That's Scriptural violation, if you divorce and remarry, whether you separate or not.

    Fourth truth is while you're separated from your husband or wife, scriptural law prohibits you from being with another individual in any sort of way. Whether it's through casual conversation on the telephone, internet messaging, texting on the telephone cell phone, video chat, or physical relations. In other words, while you're married to the person and separated, you may not go out and have sex with someone else just because your urges overwhelm you. Being married is a lot of work. And there's nothing wrong getting up in age and still being single if you're unsure about marriage or how to go about planning and having a successful marriage. If you're unsure about getting married or who to marry, stay single. You may be lonely, but it's worth it.

    Take a listen to the videos above on YouTube.com by Pastor Gino Jennings of Philadelphia delivering a clear and concise sermon discussing divorce and remarriage; what's allowed and what's not. The video is to help you have a deeper biblical understanding about the obligations of marriage and what your duties are as a wife or husband. It's important to check your feelings and emotions before you say "I do." After saying I do and kissing, you're in "marriage prison," and can't get out until you or your spouse is no more of this world. No exceptions!

    Food for thought: If you divorce and remarry while your first spouse is still in the land of the living, you're actually committing an act of "adultery." Facts!