#Employment: 5 Jobs to Instantly Apply for in #NewCastleCountyDelaware

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    • May 2014
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    #Employment: 5 Jobs to Instantly Apply for in #NewCastleCountyDelaware

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    #Apply for #employment in #Delaware in #NewCastle #county for these #jobs #today

    It’s sometimes an uphill battle to find a good paying job throughout Delaware. Maybe you're one of many people looking for work and unemployed. Or maybe you’re employed and looking for better paying job. Or maybe you just moved to Delaware in the New Castle County section and looking for anything. Good news is, there's jobs available throughout Delaware, weather be in New Castle County or in Kent County, better known as slow lower Delaware. Sometimes you need someone close to you to give you a heads up on who's hiring instead of going to a job site at looking for a specific type of employment.

    DNN strives to bring you quality job listings, with the intention of helping you find a good paying job and establish yourself in your dream career. if you're not looking for work right now and happened to stumble upon this thread from a listing you saw in a search engine from Bing, Google or YaHoO!, you're more than welcome to share it with everyone you know that's looking for a job in New Castle County Delaware. You’re more than welcome to share this post with everyone on Pinterest.com, Twitter.com, Facebook.com, LinkedIn.com, and elsewhere.

    This quick short list of employers hiring in New Castle County will hopefully help you with chief your goals and your current job search:

    1. ATSSA - This flag re-certification course is provided by the Delaware safety Council and helps people get certified as flaggers so they can get good paying jobs working in highway work sites. This requires know previous experience nor a college degree. Basically in a nutshell, certification provided by them is required so you can get it job as a part-time or full-time flagger working in Delaware, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania.

    The good thing about being a certified flagger is most companies don't care about your previous employment experience. Once you register and complete the course as in inspiring flagger, you're certificate is good for 4 years. This means you can work in for mention States with no problem. The Delaware Safety Council is quoted saying that they don't assist with job placement. But that's okay because after getting your certification, there's a virtual short list of agencies that do recruit and hire flagger, according to the flyer.

    The flagger certification course is not free. If you really want to succeed as a certified flagger and have the flexibility of working in any three states mentioned, you have to take the course and pay money. There's no way around the $65 per person for the national exam, according to the flyer. The $65 includes the cost for covering the exam and the student materials and certification card, according to the description on the flyer. And you have to pay this money up front. That means if you don't have the money right now, go borrow the money from a family member, a friend, or take it out of your 401k account if you have one from a previous job.

    In addition to the short list provided below for finding work with a flagging employer, it's also a good idea to perform a search in your favorite search engine for more information. Don't just rely on the information below for a flagger job. Do they extra leg work and perform searches in search engines for terms like flagger jobs in Delaware, part-time flagger jobs in Delaware, full time flagger jobs in Delaware, part-time flagger jobs in Delaware paying more than $20 hourly, part-time and full-time flagger jobs in New Jersey and Pennsylvania paying 25 dollars to start. Or somewhere along those lines. you'll be surprised what information make come up in a search engine listing you find useful beyond what's offered here.

    If you happen to change your mind for any reason and no longer want to be a flagger nor go forward with the flagger training course, you'll unfortunately have to eat the $65 registration fee.

    You can easily register for the flagger training course ahead of time by calling 302-276-0660. no take your name and information over the phone and any credit card information you provide from Visa, MasterCard, American Express, or Discover. you can get a special offer if you bundle your package by often to take the Maryland and national exam for an extra $30 for a total cost of $95. But you'll have to contact the number above from more information on that as that offer might be invalid now.

    After you register through the Delaware Safety Council for the flag re-certification course, classes will be held according to the flyer at the Delaware safety Council training center located:

    527 Stanton - Christiana Road
    Newark, Delaware 19713

    Refer to Google Maps for exact location:

    Flaggers can inquire at the following agencies below from more information for potential employment for part-time and full-time flagging jobs:
    • Ariel wide protective 302-455-1900
    • American flag 302-743-6146
    • BLJ & D flagging LLC 302-272-0574
    • Direct & Correct 302-697-7117
    • Flagger Force 610-265-3682
    • Right Way Flagging 302-698-5229
    • Traffic plan traffic control services 844-875-2644
    • Universal construction Group 410-287-8800

    You have to be serious about wanting to be a flagger if you really want to succeed in this line of work. It's your money you're kicking out. Nobody kicks out money for course they don't plan on completing. Don't be a slacker. There's good money to be made as a flagger. Some job start over $20 an hour with no previous experience and no relevant past employment. That's a pretty good deal, isn't it? if you end up getting the job, don't get in there being a slacker. That's plenty of people out here looking for work and really need a job that starts over 20 dollars hourly with no previous experience. Consider yourself blessed if you end up getting a job as a flagger paying between $20 to $25 hourly as base starting pay. last but not least, as you get those weekly or bi-weekly flagger checks and see the nice numbers in your pee, don't go out and spend your money on stupid things. Think about your retirement and putting money away to retire comfortably in Delaware, so this way you won't have to continue working a part-time or another full-time job in your 60s and 70s.

    2. Exact Staff is a temporary Employment Agency located in Maryland. This temp agency is good for people to get jobs in Maryland that live near the Delaware state line, or for college students at the University of Delaware or people who live near UD looking for work in MD. Exact staff Maryland recently had a job fair on May 25 2018 in Newark, Delaware. At the time, they were looking for qualified job candidates to hire and work in positions ranging from:
    • Production workers in Havre de Grace, Maryland starting at $12 hourly
    • Warehouse Pickers to work in Perryville, Maryland starting at $13.75 hourly
    • Industrial maintenance mechanics to work in Elkton, Maryland starting at $18 hourly
    • Administrative Assistant positions in Cecil County starting between $14 to $16 hourly
    These are some of many positions available through exact staff temporary agency of Maryland.

    If you’re looking for immediate work related or unrelated to your field of interest, it's a good idea to diversify your employment strategy by registering today with exact staff Maryland. Even if you don't get a position through them, your registration details are still on file which opens you to the possibility of potential part-time or full-time employment with exact staff Maryland in the future. You never know what position may open up on the fly and possibly paying the hourly money you're looking for.

    When registering for any temporary agency whether it's in Maryland, Pennsylvania, New Jersey or Delaware or anywhere throughout the United States, it's always a good idea to bring along proper documentation with you prior to temporary employment registration. these items include a driver's license, passport if needed, Social Security card, non-driver ID if you don't have a driver's license, and updated employment resume, dress for success, and have an upbeat attitude. You might be going through something in the moment but don't show them what and how life is getting to you with a negative look on your face. Walking there with an upbeat positive attitude, a smile, and look to the Future hoping that you'll find your ideal employment with exact staff Maryland.

    Contact them for more information and register online at ExactStaff.com.

    3. Pennsylvania Avenue is hiring. Not the White House in Washington, D.C., but Pennsylvania Avenue's Delaware Cadillac in Wilmington. This is a potential ideal fit for you that you don't want to pass up. Delaware Cadillac in Wilmington, Delaware also owns other dealerships with one across the street. The dealership across the street Delaware Cadillac owns is Wilmington Kia. They also own Delaware Subaru according to the flyer. According to additional description on the flyer verbatim, Delaware Cadillac is part of a group of Automotive dealerships known as a whole auto team of Delaware.

    Delaware Cadillac of Wilmington is currently looking to hire a car lot attendant. In your position as a Cadillac car lot attendant, you'll be responsible for taking inventory count of new vehicles that come in and charged with the additional responsibility of making sure the serial numbers on the sheets match with incoming vehicle records. So there's a lot more to this job then washing cars and looking at pretty Cadillacs. You'll also have to move vehicles around the parking lot and perform spontaneous inspections for anything wrong with the vehicles such as dents or dings, any potential scratches, fingerprints in suspected places, gaps in parked car lanes, and making sure that anything else additionally is intact.

    For this job, you'll need to have a clean driver's license with no accidents, be over 18, and pass a Delaware criminal background check. They currently have full and part-time positions and they open at 7: 15 a.m. part-time hours are 29 hours a week. The job starts at 10 bucks an hour.

    if this sounds like something you're interested in or know someone that might need a part time job as a car lot attendant or just a piece of a job so they can keep few dollars in their pocket while you look for another job, pass this information on to them and have them apply either in person at Delaware Cadillac located

    1606 Pennsylvania Avenue
    Wilmington, Delaware 19806

    They can pick up an employment application at the receptionist desk if they desire to fill out an application and submit on the spot. If the Delaware Cadillac car lot job applicant chooses to submit the application on the spot, please be mindful to either have your resume with you or let the person know who's filling out the application to have two copies of their resume on quick draw for submission.

    If they choose to submit their application online, they can email their resume to gritter@autoteamdelaware.com. Delaware Cadillac job applicants can also fax their resume to 302-652-5459. Be mindful to be descriptive in the fax cover sheet when faxing your resume over for potential consideration of employment at Delaware Cadillac.

    4. AECOM is hiring now for
    • Senior surveyor
    • Environmental engineering Co-op intern
    • Entry-level staff geologist
    • Water and Sewer engineer and modeler
    • Mid-level water engineer
    • Survey technician

    For the senior surveyor position, you'll need a bachelor's degree and the related field and 10 years of experience according to the flyer.

    The environmental engineering position requires that you be currently enrolled according to the flyer as a junior or senior at an accredited University with a science or engineering - civil, environmental, chemical, or mechanical major. You must also be capable of working with standard spreadsheet, word processing, and office software according to the flyer.

    The water sewer engineer and modeler position only requires a bachelor's degree in environmental engineering with an emphasis in water/Wastewater required. You need five years of experience and the ability to present and manipulate data in Microsoft Excel. That's pretty much it for that position.

    The mid-level water engineer position requires a bachelor's degree in civil and water engineering with 5 years of experience working as a civil water engineer. EIT designation required... Whatever that means!

    Lastly, the minimum requirements for the survey technician position only requires you to have a GED or high school diploma. It seems like a pretty easy job to get for any Joe Schmo off the street with a tidbit of working experience. moving forward... You need to have the ability and willingness to travel weeks at a time. That said, this is a pretty good job for someone who is single, unmarried with no children who's able to get up and go as they please. If that's you, this might be your calling to get a job with this company. moreover, you need to be an obedient servant to qualify for this position. Why? Because you have to possess the ability to follow directions as this job requires. If you're not obedient and used to doing whatever you want whenever you want, go look for a job elsewhere or go flip burgers at mcdonalds.com.

    You need to have the ability to withstand working outdoors year-round and lift up the 50 lb. That means you need to stay in the gym and work out, eat right and do cardio often either on a stationary bike, treadmill, or jogging at your local park, in addition to potentially considering taking calcium supplements. If you're going to be working Outdoors after getting hired for this job and lifting boxes or whatever they require, you need to have some type of muscle and strength. So that means you have to get your health together if you're a flab-wad right now and get on that treadmill and get down the pounds and start lifting weights so you can build up your strength and qualified for this job. That's plain!

    You can apply for potential employment with this company by going to AECOM.com and following the simple directions for submitting your resume.

    5. Harbor Freight Tools has a location in New Castle, Delaware by Burlington Coat Factory off of Route 273. Then they have a new store coming momentarily in Middletown, Delaware. Harbor Freight Tools basically has every type of tool a man needs to complete his construction projects. The good news about Harbor Freight is they close every night at 8 p. M. According to the flyer. They're also closed on Thanksgiving. you have an opportunity to advance in the company in addition to paid time off for all positions.

    As a Harbor Freight Tools employee, you also have the potential to earn bonuses and have flexible schedules. if you have a day job and plan on working a part-time position with Harbor Freight Tools in New Castle County Delaware, this job may be an ideal fit for you as a second job or side Hustle. You also receive associate discounts and as for mention, full and part-time opportunities. With any position you work whether it's a full-time or part-time job, you get medical, dental and vision insurance.

    The new Harbor Freight Tool Store in Middletown Delaware is looking to hire for the following positions:
    • Associate sales
    • Associate Logistics
    • Supervisor sales
    • Supervisor Logistics

    Harbor Freight Tools recently had a wonderful hiring event at the Pencader One-Stop Career Center at 225 Corporate Boulevard off of Route 896 in route to Elkton, Maryland.

    Interested in this job? You can instantly apply online for potential consideration for employment with Harbor Freight Tools at HarborFreightJobs.com.

    Hopefully these jobs will help you or someone you know find employment in New Castle County. Not everyone knows the exact job sites to go to to look for specific employment opportunities. DNN will continue bringing you relevant job postings.

    Don't be a cheapskate and horde this information. Sharing is caring. Share on Pinterest, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and discuss on YouTube with no delay. This way, you help someone find a good-paying job today!