Instantly Improving Cardiovascular Output for 26.2 Marathons: How?

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  • Contributing Editor
    • May 2014
    • 2715

    Instantly Improving Cardiovascular Output for 26.2 Marathons: How?

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    Key Points:
    • Eating right is a must as an unwritten rule if you want your body to feel light while on the 26.2 mile marathon trail.
    • Losing excessive unhealthy weight is required prior to completing a 26.2 mile marathon.
    • Training for a full marathon is serious work and requires long term jogging commitment.

    creative marathon preparation for 26.2 miles - the real marathon transformation

    Some people think running a marathon is a piece of cake. It's more than a hop, skip, and a jump to the finish line. Whether you're running a 5K marathon, 13.1 half marathon, or a full 26.2 mile marathon, either way you look at it, you must prepare to run successfully in advance. No if's, ands, or buts about it. For overweight people looking to make a lifetime achievement and accomplish transformation excellence, losing weight and running a 26.2 mile marathon is possible for anyone who has faith that the transformation works at full strength. Success in running any kind of marathon starts in the mind by believing in yourself, no matter how awesome your life challenge may be.

    First things first. Doesn't matter how skinny or fat you are. You're going to have to make some health changes. If your diet is off track right now, get in a healthy mindset of eating right. There's no shortcuts you can take towards marathon preparation. Your eating habits will affect your cognitive process, metabolism, and speed in which your body moves while on the marathon trail. Try steaming vegetables and cutting down on meat consumption if possible. Instead of eating beef and pork, it's a wise choice to resort to chicken, turkey and fish, as these lean meats provide adequate amounts of protein for lean muscle building and lighten the burden of digestion on the metabolism. When you eat right and also cut off food and drink by no later than 7 PM, you allow your body to work off calories consumed earlier in the day, which will benefit your weight loss potential and marathon running ability. You cannot eat pizza, Chinese food, fried chicken, cheese steaks, all you can eat buffet, or hamburgers loaded with grease and expect to lose weight, transform your body, and successfully complete marathons. You must change your eating habits altogether.

    The next thing you need to do in order to prepare successfully to run a 26.2 mile marathon is get accustomed to doing cardio first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. Doing cardio first thing in the morning on an empty stomach 2 to 3 times weekly will force stored levels of body fat to incinerate itself slowly but surely. Everyone has body fat stored. When you do cardio on an empty stomach, it may be a little challenging to feel at first. This is said because most people are not accustomed to doing cardio first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. Now, after you've completed cardio first thing in the morning on an empty stomach, rest for one hour. Then, rest for the following hour without eating food or drinking any carbohydrate beverages. When you rest for the following hour after doing cardio and only drink water and if you have to take vitamins, you allow your body to continue the fat incineration process, accelerating unhealthy calorie burning. Did you know after completing one hour of cardio on an empty stomach, your body potentially burns fat calories for up to possibly six more hours throughout the day? Did you also know 3,500 calories equals 1 pound of body fat? If you do your cardio and eat right, you'll be surprised you can potentially lose 2 to 3 pounds a week which results between 10 to 15 pounds a month lost. Are you seeing the bigger picture now about successfully preparing to run a 26.2 mile marathon? Doing one hour of cardio first thing in the morning on an empty stomach is a gruesome feeling at first. It'll definitely help you prepare for a full marathon if you do it 2 to 3 times weekly for at least 6 to 10 months, prior to running the 26.2 mile marathon. It's not going to be easy staying on track. It can be done.


    The next thing you want to do in preparation for the 26.2 mile marathon is to do at least 5 to 7 hours one day a week of a combination of walking, jogging and running. This is a day that's also good for you to achieve what's called "fasting." Fasting will help strengthen you spiritually, accelerate the weight-loss process, and also help you prepare for a 26.2 mile marathon. If you must have anything in your body on the day of fasting, let it only be water. It's highly recommended you don't take in anything. Water is the only exception if you must have something that day. If you walk, jog, and lightly run between this five and seven hour period anytime of the day, it may potentially help you burn up to possibly 2,000 calories in that time, depending on how fast you move. Let's say for example if you do a seven hour stint combined with jogging, running, and walking, and you only burn 200 cal. in an hour, that's 200 calories times seven hours, which equals 1,400 calories. The 200 calories is mentioned only because you may be possibly moving as slow as a Turtle. However, you can possibly burn more calories in one hour than that, but it's used as an example number. When you complete your seven hour stint, go to sleep without eating food. Something possibly in your body will stimulate you to sleep potentially between 10 to 12 hours in deep REM sleep mode. While sleeping, you are losing weight. After you wake up, if you have a home gym or home treadmill, get on your treadmill and jog on an empty stomach for 10 and 20 minutes. This is a secret legitimate trick in successfully preparing for a 26.2 mile marathon.

    Last but not least, leave alcohol and carbohydrate beverages alone. If you must have alcohol, drink wine only. Leave the liquor such as vodka, gin, and 140 proof by itself. Other words, treat it like an ex-girlfriend and just ignore! Liquor has empty fat calories which will contribute to abdominal girth and excessive weight gain. Liquor also brings out the hyena in anyone. Liquor also slows down the metabolism and contributes toward erectile dysfunction. Drink water as much as possible throughout the day. Drinking 1 gallon of water will keep the liver and kidneys flushed, as well as aiding food to be broken down possibly at a faster pace in your stomach. Water also helps to balance electrolytes in your body. Water is recommended to drink before, during, and after running a 26.2 mile marathon. However, it's not recommended to drink water before going to bed, because you'll possibly be up every night running to and from the bathroom urinating. It's good to cut off water by no later than 7 PM. Have faith in yourself before running a 26.2 mile marathon. The author of this article is a successful 26.2 mile marathon runner and is telling you firsthand "running 26.2 miles is not a game." It is a very serious test of mental strength, and to see what you are made of as a person. Crossing the finish line successfully makes anyone feel like a "transformation champion for life." You can succeed if you do the work and get out of your comfort zone. Now that you have a rough idea how to prepare for a 26.2 mile marathon successfully, try your hand and see if you can successfully achieve it. And, if you really want to put your body to the test, though the author of this article strongly does not recommend doing so, try running a 26.2 mile marathon on an empty stomach. You'll really show everyone by then who has the "mental muscle for the hustle." Wishing you the best in your 26.2 mile marathon preparation. Go hard at full strength on the marathon trail, and show them what you're made of.

    Never give up. That's the real transformation when you keep going out of "Inspiration of desperation."