Living a 100% vegetarian life is not easy for anyone. Even if you've never been a carnivorous being, there comes times in everyone's lives where they eat food outside of their rules. Living a 100% vegan life requires much discipline.
One reason why many people today avoid trying to live a 100% vegan life is because of not possibly getting enough protein in their daily diets. Another reason is because some people would arguably agreeing it's just too difficult to accomplish and maintain. Truth is, the human mind can achieve anything positive it focuses on.
One beneficial thing about living a completely vegan life or trying to live one is managing your weight. Vegetarians by default or more energetic than people who eat meat. To some, that may be a debatable statement but it's actually not. Another beneficial thing about living a completely vegan life is maintaining energy levels while transitioning into senior citizen years. Even vegans who are senior citizens would attest to the fact of having a more positive outlook on life with lots of energy, due to the fact of eating healthier food improves their mood, outlook and how well they relate to others.
Do you feel you have what it takes to accomplish and maintain a 100% vegan life? Wall Street Journal