Simple Tips to Achieve #WeightLoss and Related Goals

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  • Contributing Editor
    • May 2014
    • 2711

    Simple Tips to Achieve #WeightLoss and Related Goals

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    Making new year's resolution is always a great way to stay on your A-game in life. If losing weight and achieving a physique transformation is on your New Year's resolution agenda to achieve, starting a small business, or, going back to college to complete your degree, it'll never be easy working faithfully to achieve these good things. With determination, humility, and having a long-term vision where you desire to be in life, you can do anything positive you set your mind to. Never let anyone make you believe or think differently, no matter what type of adverse messages she or he may try to convey to you subliminally to bring you down.

    It's always a good thing to make New year's resolutions. Why? It gives you a lot to work and look forward to. A great new years resolution is to set a positive goal to lose weight and get healthy. Achieving a weight loss transformation is worth going the extra mile. Most people who are overweight have sluggish metabolisms and most likely are in an emotional comfort zone. To get started in a weight loss New years resolution towards achieving a weight loss transformation, it first starts by getting into the healthy mindset of free will to eat the right kind of foods. You need to exercise and do cardio year round. The beauty of working towards losing weight and getting healthy in the New year is an increased metabolism, renewed outlook on life, becoming mentally sharper, and people seeing you in a different light. It won't be easy, but worth doing the transformation work towards making healthy changes first thing in the New year.

    The second way to improve yourself in the New year is if you're not already enrolled in college, find an educational institution you are interested in and enroll. Work toward a goal of getting your Bachelor's, Master's or PhD. It may take a very good while possibly before you graduate, but never give up in the process of working towards your degree.

    The third way to improve yourself in making a New Year's resolution is by starting your own business. It doesn't matter if you're unemployed or working a day job. Starting your own business will set you up for future financial success as you are able to slowly work towards achieving freedom as a business owner. If you do have a day job and starting your own business whether it be a traditional one or on the Internet, tried to juggle time between investing in your business venture and maintaining your daytime employment. It may seem like you can't achieve working on your business and keeping a day job at the same time, but always possible to those who believe.

    Losing weight is never easy especially when you make it a New Year's resolution. It requires getting out of your comfort zone and adjusting to new and healthy patterns. By getting out of your comfort zone and making healthy changes, it helps your mind reach greater levels in life never imagined. Going back to school after long periods of time out of the classroom and working on your higher educational goals while multi-tasking on a New Year's weight loss transformation plan may seem like a little too much to accomplish at once. Do the transformation work anyway, because it will help you to grow and become a better person if you're able to do both simultaneously.

    If you're able to work on a weight loss transformation, multitask on completing your bachelors, Masters or PhD in college while building your business online or traditionally, always have a positive mindset and believe you can do all three at the same time. With faith, you can operate at full strength while improving your mental and physical health. Never give up in the uncertain game called life.
  • Guest

    Well a fast way to get skinny sounds easy, but it's hard to do. There are a few things to help you:
    1. Cut out the junk food! A little is fine here and there but don't gorge on it.
    2. Eat plenty of fruits and veggies
    3. Water instead of soda and juice. (put lemon juice/lemon wedges in the water to give it taste)
    4. Exercise. If it's cruddy outside, you can try pilates in your home, and even cleaning the house can burn up some calories.
    5. Here's an important one you should always use: drink a tall glass of water before every meal. It will curb your appetite, and help you know how hungry you really are.
    6. At meals, avoid anything fried or smothered in butter or grease.
    7. Use your imagination, and you can think of different ways. (:


    • Contributing Editor
      • May 2014
      • 2711

      Originally posted by Terfew View Post
      Well a fast way to get skinny sounds easy, but it's hard to do. There are a few things to help you:
      1. Cut out the junk food! A little is fine here and there but don't gorge on it.
      2. Eat plenty of fruits and veggies
      3. Water instead of soda and juice. (put lemon juice/lemon wedges in the water to give it taste)
      4. Exercise. If it's cruddy outside, you can try pilates in your home, and even cleaning the house can burn up some calories.
      5. Here's an important one you should always use: drink a tall glass of water before every meal. It will curb your appetite, and help you know how hungry you really are.
      6. At meals, avoid anything fried or smothered in butter or grease.
      7. Use your imagination, and you can think of different ways. (:
      • Cutting out junkfood is good for the metabolism
      • Fruits and veggies are better when juiced in a juice machine
      • Exercise is always good
      • Water is best when consumed from a Water spring, not purchased in a plastic bottle
      • Butter only adds girth to the abs
      • Transformation of the imagination goes beyond getting in good solid nutrition

