Always give The LORD Jesus Christ the praise due untoHIM daily, because HE is God and GOD alone!

So you have an idea or a plan to lose weight in the new year. Great! Putting together a plan to renew your health and get back in your lean body should excite you to change your thinking patterns. It should excite you because with every health and weight loss transformation, there’s untapped infinite possibilities. If you hang in there with your New Year’s health and weight loss goals and do the transformation work out of inspiration or desperation and stay the course, you’ll achieve more than getting your workout and goals back on track.
Are you one of the many people struggling to reignite your metabolism and put yourself in a potential position to possibly lose weight 24 hours a day?
Follow these five recommendations or your New Year’s transformation weight loss so you can put your body in a fact incinerating state:
1. Purchase a home gym. Doing so will help you reduce “cardiovascular procrastination.” Almost everyone, including the founder of the site, is guilty of not keeping their cardiovascular activity up to snuff. Purchasing a home gym will help you reduce [cardiovascular procrastination], and inspire you to do more cardio so you can burn stored body fat, and use fat as fuel.
2. After purchasing the home gym, make it a habit to pray first in the morning and give The LORD Jesus Christ the praise due toHIM for waking you up to see this new day. After praying and giving God thanks, get in a positive and healthy mindset of doing cardiovascular activity in the morning on an empty stomach before starting your workday. Depending on your work schedule, if you’re one of those people that work an irregular shift, make it a habit of doing at least 10 to 20 min. of cardio on your home treadmill before going to sleep. Be mindful not to eat any whole food before getting on the treadmill. In fact, be mindful to cut food and drink off at least three hours before going to sleep. If you must eat something before getting on the treadmill to do cardio before going to bed, it’s a wise choice to have a banana or two. Why a banana? Bananas are loaded with the sensual B vitamins, the bromelain enzyme, in addition to the amino acid tryptophan. Tryptophan is an essential component to helping the body calm itself down and get into deep "rem sleep mode." If you get in the positive habit of doing at least 20 min. of cardio 3 to 4 times weekly for six weeks for going to sleep, you’ll probably notice a difference in your physique when you look in the mirror, how much looser your close feel, and noticing your also a few pounds lighter when stepping on the scale. It pays in unimaginable ways to think outside of the box and adapt to new habits. It benefits you in longevity as a great health investment.
3. Consider drinking Apple cider vinegar with the mother by Bragg nutrition. Apple cider vinegar by Bragg is a great supplement to add to your gallon of water and consume on a daily basis. Always follow the directions on the bottle before ingestion. If you decide to use Apple cider vinegar with the mother, it’s a good idea to take a little bit of it before doing cardio. Why? The mother solution works wonders in releasing stored body fat and quenching hunger. The end result is losing weight naturally, losing weight faster, feeling fuller off of last food consumed, increased metabolic output, and an overall better feeling about yourself during your weight loss health transformation. It’s a good idea to do your own research on “benefits of Apple cider vinegar by Bragg nutrition,” before purchasing from your local,,,,, or Apple cider vinegar with the mother can be consumed every day throughout the day. It puts your body in a fat incineration mode to fire up your metabolism to release unhealthy body fat. This is a simple and natural way to lose weight because all that’s required is drinking the solution and lots and lots of consistency. You’ll know that the Apple cider vinegar is working once you start making frequent trips to the restroom.
4. Perform one hour of cardio preferably on an empty stomach or with very little food in your gut before going to work. It’s a good idea to do cardio before going to your job. Why? Have you ever taken the time to notice the quality of air in your place of employment is different than the air outside? You’re working in a closed environment around computers, machines, people from all walks of life, etc. You need to do cardio before starting your job because it’ll help you to lose weight while performing job-related functions. And you really need to do cardio before going to work, simply because you sometimes have a tendency of getting tired on-the-job and mildly sleepy. Doing cardio before going to work will help you reduce headaches, reduce feelings of hunger, help you increase work related productivity, smile more when conversing with coworkers and shift managers, think positive often, and lose weight even on-the-job. People are starting to notice you’re a peculiar person. People on-the-job are starting to notice you dressing better. People on your job are starting to notice you have a different thinking pattern. People notice quietly your peculiar in a class all by itself. Why not get in the healthy state of mind and start doing cardio on the treadmill at your gym or your home treadmill at least three times a week before going to work? You’ll be glad you did so when you see those visible results in the mirror six weeks later and start feeling better about yourself. It’s never too late regardless of age to change your way of thinking. Doing so is one of the best health investments you can make in yourself.
5. Shorten your food sizes. In other words, stead of having binge meals and gulping down so much at once, have yourself a medium to small sized portioned meal. The proteins should be the size of clenched fist no more than 6 ounces or 8 ounces of protein, and lots of vegetables. If you’re looking to increase your vegetable consumption, consider stocking up on green peas and lima beans. Green peas and lima beans are good because they help lower unhealthy estrogen levels in man, increase fiber consumption, and good for helping you feel fuller. For men that consume large amounts of green peas, lima beans, and cruciferous vegetables, they’ll notice their weight loss goals achieved in a shorter time span. Be mindful to include green peas or lima beans or a mixture of both along with your portion of protein in your next meal. Stick with this plan for six weeks and you’ll notice a nice unhealthy weight reduction.
Related: How one woman used intermittent fasting to lose 80 pounds in a year -
It’s not as hard as you think to set a New Year’s weight loss health goal and stick to the script. The only thing that’s hard is keeping up with the positive habit. You’ll sometimes get bogged down with your work, whereas you’re coming home from your job feeling too drained to do anything. If you feel you missed a day of doing cardio or exercise or eating healthy, don’t beat yourself up too much. Remember, were all human and we fall off track. Pick yourself up quickly and do the transformation work out of inspiration or desperation, by eating right, doing your cardio, staying committed and always believing in you, regardless who thinks what of you. You are what you think.

So you have an idea or a plan to lose weight in the new year. Great! Putting together a plan to renew your health and get back in your lean body should excite you to change your thinking patterns. It should excite you because with every health and weight loss transformation, there’s untapped infinite possibilities. If you hang in there with your New Year’s health and weight loss goals and do the transformation work out of inspiration or desperation and stay the course, you’ll achieve more than getting your workout and goals back on track.
Are you one of the many people struggling to reignite your metabolism and put yourself in a potential position to possibly lose weight 24 hours a day?
Follow these five recommendations or your New Year’s transformation weight loss so you can put your body in a fact incinerating state:
1. Purchase a home gym. Doing so will help you reduce “cardiovascular procrastination.” Almost everyone, including the founder of the site, is guilty of not keeping their cardiovascular activity up to snuff. Purchasing a home gym will help you reduce [cardiovascular procrastination], and inspire you to do more cardio so you can burn stored body fat, and use fat as fuel.
2. After purchasing the home gym, make it a habit to pray first in the morning and give The LORD Jesus Christ the praise due toHIM for waking you up to see this new day. After praying and giving God thanks, get in a positive and healthy mindset of doing cardiovascular activity in the morning on an empty stomach before starting your workday. Depending on your work schedule, if you’re one of those people that work an irregular shift, make it a habit of doing at least 10 to 20 min. of cardio on your home treadmill before going to sleep. Be mindful not to eat any whole food before getting on the treadmill. In fact, be mindful to cut food and drink off at least three hours before going to sleep. If you must eat something before getting on the treadmill to do cardio before going to bed, it’s a wise choice to have a banana or two. Why a banana? Bananas are loaded with the sensual B vitamins, the bromelain enzyme, in addition to the amino acid tryptophan. Tryptophan is an essential component to helping the body calm itself down and get into deep "rem sleep mode." If you get in the positive habit of doing at least 20 min. of cardio 3 to 4 times weekly for six weeks for going to sleep, you’ll probably notice a difference in your physique when you look in the mirror, how much looser your close feel, and noticing your also a few pounds lighter when stepping on the scale. It pays in unimaginable ways to think outside of the box and adapt to new habits. It benefits you in longevity as a great health investment.
3. Consider drinking Apple cider vinegar with the mother by Bragg nutrition. Apple cider vinegar by Bragg is a great supplement to add to your gallon of water and consume on a daily basis. Always follow the directions on the bottle before ingestion. If you decide to use Apple cider vinegar with the mother, it’s a good idea to take a little bit of it before doing cardio. Why? The mother solution works wonders in releasing stored body fat and quenching hunger. The end result is losing weight naturally, losing weight faster, feeling fuller off of last food consumed, increased metabolic output, and an overall better feeling about yourself during your weight loss health transformation. It’s a good idea to do your own research on “benefits of Apple cider vinegar by Bragg nutrition,” before purchasing from your local,,,,, or Apple cider vinegar with the mother can be consumed every day throughout the day. It puts your body in a fat incineration mode to fire up your metabolism to release unhealthy body fat. This is a simple and natural way to lose weight because all that’s required is drinking the solution and lots and lots of consistency. You’ll know that the Apple cider vinegar is working once you start making frequent trips to the restroom.
4. Perform one hour of cardio preferably on an empty stomach or with very little food in your gut before going to work. It’s a good idea to do cardio before going to your job. Why? Have you ever taken the time to notice the quality of air in your place of employment is different than the air outside? You’re working in a closed environment around computers, machines, people from all walks of life, etc. You need to do cardio before starting your job because it’ll help you to lose weight while performing job-related functions. And you really need to do cardio before going to work, simply because you sometimes have a tendency of getting tired on-the-job and mildly sleepy. Doing cardio before going to work will help you reduce headaches, reduce feelings of hunger, help you increase work related productivity, smile more when conversing with coworkers and shift managers, think positive often, and lose weight even on-the-job. People are starting to notice you’re a peculiar person. People on-the-job are starting to notice you dressing better. People on your job are starting to notice you have a different thinking pattern. People notice quietly your peculiar in a class all by itself. Why not get in the healthy state of mind and start doing cardio on the treadmill at your gym or your home treadmill at least three times a week before going to work? You’ll be glad you did so when you see those visible results in the mirror six weeks later and start feeling better about yourself. It’s never too late regardless of age to change your way of thinking. Doing so is one of the best health investments you can make in yourself.
5. Shorten your food sizes. In other words, stead of having binge meals and gulping down so much at once, have yourself a medium to small sized portioned meal. The proteins should be the size of clenched fist no more than 6 ounces or 8 ounces of protein, and lots of vegetables. If you’re looking to increase your vegetable consumption, consider stocking up on green peas and lima beans. Green peas and lima beans are good because they help lower unhealthy estrogen levels in man, increase fiber consumption, and good for helping you feel fuller. For men that consume large amounts of green peas, lima beans, and cruciferous vegetables, they’ll notice their weight loss goals achieved in a shorter time span. Be mindful to include green peas or lima beans or a mixture of both along with your portion of protein in your next meal. Stick with this plan for six weeks and you’ll notice a nice unhealthy weight reduction.
Related: How one woman used intermittent fasting to lose 80 pounds in a year -
It’s not as hard as you think to set a New Year’s weight loss health goal and stick to the script. The only thing that’s hard is keeping up with the positive habit. You’ll sometimes get bogged down with your work, whereas you’re coming home from your job feeling too drained to do anything. If you feel you missed a day of doing cardio or exercise or eating healthy, don’t beat yourself up too much. Remember, were all human and we fall off track. Pick yourself up quickly and do the transformation work out of inspiration or desperation, by eating right, doing your cardio, staying committed and always believing in you, regardless who thinks what of you. You are what you think.