#WeightLoss: 5 Powerfully Natural Methods to Instantly Lose Weight Almost Overnight

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  • Contributing Editor
    • May 2014
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    #WeightLoss: 5 Powerfully Natural Methods to Instantly Lose Weight Almost Overnight

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    losing weight using a combination of Apple cider vinegar, lemons, cucumbers, treadmill cardio, and healthy thinking for long-term weight loss transformation success

    Facts: As your body ages, it’s harder as a daily uphill battle to lose weight in the same manner as someone in their 20s and early 30s. Everyone struggles with weight loss sooner or later. The reason why most people struggle with their weight loss is because they never shunned away from their eating habits that they had in their early parts of life. Another reason why people struggle with weight loss is because they lack adequate sleep. Did you know sleep is a contributing factor toward managing your weight? Getting better sleep and sleeping longer can actually help you lose weight. If you find yourself stuck in certain eating habits or a lifestyle pattern that you had in the early parts of your life and still living now, it’s never too late to change and adapt to new healthy habits.

    Adapting to new healthy habits helps you achieve more than long-term weight loss and getting back in your lean body. It takes roughly 6 weeks for you to adapt to a new healthy habit and stay consistent with. It’s going to be quite challenging in the beginning getting out of your old habits and practicing new healthy ones. While you may struggle with shedding the old habits and getting back on track by adapting to new healthy habits and staying on point with new healthy habits, you’ll discover a new positive outlook on life, and increase in self-confidence. Weight loss is more than just looking good on the outside and fitting into slimmer clothing. It’s about having a “transformational mindset for life.”

    Check out these five naturally powerful methods to increase your weight loss potential:

    1. Do small stints of cardio before bed on your home treadmill - Many people don’t think about this. Why? For starters, most people don’t think about owning a treadmill and putting it in their bedroom to do small stints of cardio before going to bed. It’s a good idea to do cardio before going to bed, simply because doing cardio before going to bed will help burn stored body fat in as little as six weeks. If you feel you have the muscle for the hustle and can stick it out on the treadmill for one hour, by any and all means go for the gusto. This is only advice and if you’re unsure how doing one hour of cardio on the treadmill will affect you before going to bed, don’t do it. Yet, consult with your doctor or alternative health care professional before going forward. If you own a home treadmill and have it in your bedroom and decide to do a small round of cardio before bedtime, you can try experimenting with 10 to 20 min. Of cardiovascular activity before calling it a night. You may be at times to tired to do cardio before going to bed after coming home from a long day at work. That’s fine. You’re human. On days you feel that your energy levels are up to snuff, give it a try and do a combination of light running and walking on your treadmill at a speed you’re comfortable with for 10 to 20 min. After you’re done doing cardio, hop in the shower and scrub your face with a good facial scrubbing solution. After hopping out the shower, white yourself off with a towel and call it a night. Don’t eat anything before going to bed. Doing small rounds of cardio before going to bed on your home treadmill for six weeks consistently will help you to feel lighter, healthier and happier upon awakening in the morning. After morning prayer upon awakening, hop back on the treadmill as your second priority and if possible, it would hours cardio on an empty stomach before going to work. If you able to do an hour of cardio in the morning on an empty stomach before going to work, you increase the probability of burning fat while on the job potentially up to six hours. You want to keep your body in a fat incinerating mode around the clock so you can achieve your weight loss transformational goals.

    2. Cut food off 3 hours before bedtime - Cutting food off at least three hours before bedtime will help your body lighten the workload one digesting food while sleeping. The reason why most people across the world gaining weight while sleeping is because they ate something unhealthy loaded with unhealthy calories before calling it a night. Eating before bedtime will slowly but surely add inches to your waistline. And for men, eating before bedtime in excess over a certain amount of years slowly but surely contributes to visceral fat on the abdomen and possible retention of gynecomastia. “Gyno” is a form of “man boobs,” whereas the man starts forming soft tissue around his chest pec area. Cutting off food three hours before bedtime reduces water retention, stored body fat, increases metabolic output, increases a more positive outlook on life and greater respect for life, shrinks the waistline, improves lean muscle toning, etc. If you cut for all three hours before bedtime as six weeks, it’ll also help you to get in a mindset of slowly transitioning into “intermittent fasting.” Fasting is good to do because not only does it help your body rid itself of unhealthy things such as the reduction of uric acid build up and removal of other bad things in your digestive system, but fasting may also contribute to the potential increase of natural human growth hormone output. Growth hormone regulates lean muscle tissue, regulates weight loss, immune system strength, etc. Cutting off food three hours before bedtime also helps build mental strength to not just succeed in your weight loss transformation efforts, but also helps you to be more productive in your business and builds “spiritual strength.” It’s never too late to get started adapting to new healthy habits and trying your hand at cutting off food at least three hours before going to bed. It’ll help you reduce belly fat in a shorter time span.

    3. Mix Apple Cider Vinegar by Bragg.com with the Mother in water and drink daily and before bed - Did you know ACV “with the mother” mixed in water helps burn fat? Vinegar has been used for centuries as a means of losing weight naturally. Drinking Apple cider vinegar mixed in water “always following directions on the bottle” after taking for six weeks consistently. If you take Apple cider vinegar with the mother mixed in water and perform a few minutes of cardio on your home treadmill before going to bed, you’ll notice a slow and steady increase in fat loss and visible fat weight loss in as little as six weeks after stepping on the scale. ACV with the mother is not a miracle weight-loss solution. You can drink vinegar with water for a little while and experience some weight-loss results. However, you must do the transformation work out of inspiration or desperation in order for the vinegar to be 100% effective. You will not lose weight overnight after starting your Apple cider vinegar intake. A great thing about taking vinegar mixed in water before going to bed is not just losing weight, but vinegar water will also help you reduce belly fat. Belly fat reduction does more good than having a decreased waistline. Reduction of belly fat while drinking Apple cider vinegar water helps you to stay on track with your workout and goals, thus helping you to increase self-confidence and set new health goals.

    4. Try mixing Vinegar water with lots of sliced lemon and cucumber - This sounds like an unlikely combination for losing weight, right? Believe it or not, it works. Whether you take this solution in the morning on an empty stomach before starting a one hour treadmill cardio stent, or take before going to bed, ACV with cucumber and lemon is the transformation solution for losing unhealthy body fat, belly fat reduction, and possibly contributing to helping you increase the quality of your sleep.

    5. Try drinking Lemon and cucumber water alone without ACV before going to bed (good for losing belly fat) - believe it or not, lemon and cucumber water alone without Apple cider vinegar is strong enough to help you lose weight. You have to be consistent with the drinking lemon and cucumber water on an empty stomach before going to bed and here’s why. When you drink cucumber and lemon water before bedtime on an empty gut, the lemon and cucumber doesn’t have to compete with food or other things in your stomach for absorption, thus making it easier for the acidic properties in lemon and cucumber to do it’s wonderful work in your digestive system by breaking down unhealthy stored body fat.

    These five helpful recommendations and hints will hopefully help you lose weight naturally without resorting to unhealthy weight loss surgery or depending on fat loss pills. It’s good to take a natural approach to weight loss because you’ll have a greater respect for life, and your weight loss transformation. Always consult a healthcare professional if you’re unsure about anything. By reading this content, you agree not to hold this site responsible for anything if you decide to try one or a few or all of the recommended health solutions for your weight loss transformation.

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