6 Reasons to Change Your Thinking for Weight Loss and Self-Betterment

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  • Contributing Editor
    • May 2014
    • 2711

    6 Reasons to Change Your Thinking for Weight Loss and Self-Betterment

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    changing the way you think can help you lose weight, stay on track with cardiovascular treadmill and marathon preparation, and motivate others to get healthy

    1. You have a bright future to look forward to: Your past experiences were meant to impact your life in a certain way for a reason. No one can get through this life without experiencing trials and tribulations. In the infancy of your youth, certain adversities can derail your spirit, mind, body, and sometimes, your career. It’s okay to openly admit to people that you fell off. All humans error and get derailed somewhere in their life. Having a willing mind to change the way you think in terms of your Outlook one life, and a willingness to embrace a new way of thinking opens your mind, spirit and body to infinite possibilities. One thing to be thankful for is that you’re here another day in the land of the living. That being said, you will have a bright future to look forward to because regardless of your past faults, you have a chance to begin again by starting fresh today from scratch. This means changing the way you think, the way you look physically, as well as changing your spirit. When you commit yourself to getting back on track with your spiritual workout and goals, not only do you have a greater respect for life, but you’ll begin to experience spiritual, mental, emotional and physical changes that’ll help you have a greater respect for life, additionally to having a new way of thinking and using that new way of thinking to move forward in the uncertain game called life. Don’t allow what anyone thinks of you or says about you behind your back to knock you off track from achieving greatness in life. As long as you’re waking up and showing up daily, you’ll always have a bright future to look forward to. It’s not what’s thrown at you; it’s how you deal with it and spiritually profit from it that makes you a better person, in addition to profiting from your adversities and naysayers “financially.”

    2. Profit from people’s naysaying about you: Did you know you can use the power of positive thinking to take what someone negatively says about you and turn it into a spiritually profitable experience? If you feel you’ve been negatively affected by someone’s mouth saying something out of turn by you, don’t you feel in your heart and mind that you need to go out of your way to prove yourself the better person? This could mean going to the gym and making a healthy determination to lose weight before the new year begins. This could mean turning from old habits and forming new spiritual, physical and entrepreneurial habits. Be thankful someone thinks enough of you to stay on their mind to the point of having something negative to say about you. You can take what they say and turn it into a profitable business. How do you think someone would feel after trashing you with their mouth and slandering you, if they found out in secrecy you took what they said and did to you and became a millionaire? They probably would feel like the biggest full in the world, don’t you think? Taking what people say about you adversely and turning it into a profitable business is very possible. All you have to do is believe, put faith into works, stay the course and achieve.

    3. Adversity allows you to openly reinvent yourself: Don’t be afraid to reinvent yourself in front of people. Don’t be afraid to reinvent yourself in front of your supporters and haters. It makes you vulnerable in a sense to do a public makeover in front of people. But on the other hand, it also subliminally keeps you accountable if you do it out in the open for everyone to see. If you allow people to document your progress by being onlookers online or off-line, it’ll keep you looking to the future in terms of achieving progress day by day. Be thankful for adversity because it tests you to see what you made of, additionally to bringing out the good things in you you never knew you had. Adversity opens the door of spontaneous opportunity. Agree?

    4. Taking the alternative route in life teaches you to creatively think outside the box: From childhood to adulthood, we're taught to go to school, go straight to college from high school, get a job, and work your way to the top of the company. Most people are taught this way of life because that’s the environment they were in. One thing school doesn’t teach you is how to be your own boss from childhood and master entrepreneurship during adulthood. School teaches you to work through the system and to keep the system going. School teaches you that this is the only way of life and the only way that this is considered “work.” Taking the alternative route in life also means that you may lose friends and support from family members along the way. That’s okay, because they won’t understand your way of thinking, as they’ll now see you as a “peculiar” person. A peculiar person that takes the alternative route in life is subliminally forced to be accountable to themselves and to unleash every ounce of their ambition. Reason being is because taking the alternative route subjects you to being alone and misunderstood. Taking the alternative route in life motivates you to think creatively outside the box, which is a good thing. If you’re not the type that sees yourself working for 20 to 40 years for someone else, settling in working paycheck to paycheck without a healthy financial future insight, taking the alternative route also means relying on creative thinking and entrepreneurship. If you envision yourself being your own boss and in control of your financial destiny, always know that regardless of your education, age or past experience, as long as you’re waking up in showing up in the world daily, you have a chance to succeed in entrepreneurship by taking the alternative route. And most importantly, believing in yourself enough to go the extra mile and earn your way to the future status of “side hustle millionaire.” This is why it’s important to watch the way you think and always believe in yourself. People will always challenge your thinking by putting you down and trying to instill thoughts of doubt in your mind, so they can feel that they have “one up” on you. Never allow naysayers whether it’s phony family members, friends, your employer or coworkers, or even some church folks who are your phony family members-hypocrites to cast not even 1% of doubt in your mind that you’re incapable of prospering in entrepreneurship by taking the alternative route in life. It’s never too late to get started and use “creative, positive, and alternative thinking” to start your business and become a future [side hustle millionaire].

    5. Improving your cardiovascular output clears “brain fog”: Have you noticed impaired memory retention, weight gain, increased feelings of anger, and feelings of self-doubt when your metabolic output is not up to snuff? Brain fog also occurs spiritually when you’re doing things you’re not supposed to be doing. Clearing out spiritual and physical brain fog starts with turning your thoughts and determination into fruition by doing the transformation work, out of inspiration or desperation. This means getting started while you’re in the most uncomfortable stage of your life, making the determination to either purchase a home treadmill, or get a gym membership and start your morning cardio activity preferably on an empty stomach. Improving your cardiovascular output will not be easy in the beginning. Why? You have to get over feelings of defeating “cardiovascular laziness,” which is a phase of your life whereas you’re not doing anything to lose weight or improve the physical quality of your life. Improving cardiovascular output is so much more than running on the treadmill or putting in hours of work on the stationary bike. It’s a mindset that requires consistency as an unwritten rule. If you can commit yourself to gaining and staying consistent with doing cardio and staying on track with doing the transformation work in and out of the gym, you’ll achieve more than reaching your health and fitness goals by year’s end. But it all starts with you making the healthy determination to lose weight, be the change, motivate others to get in shape with your spiritual, mental and physical health progress, and stay on track with your spiritual and physical workout and goals. If you can commit yourself to doing cardio second thing in the morning after achieving the first thing in the morning which is “prayer,” and stay committed to doing cardio in the morning on an empty stomach for six weeks, you’ll notice your mind and body will adapt and get comfortable to the new healthy pattern of committing yourself to morning cardiovascular activity. Once you see those health results in the mirror, you’ll notice your mind, spirit, heart and body will start to feel lighter, thus promoting positive energy and motivating others to follow your healthy lead.

    6. Lose weight and use your haters to start a business: The more weight you lose, the more energy you have. The more phony, 2-faced family member worry about "their word and their bond; their rep and image" and turn on you in being a spiritual HYPOCRITE, use that negativity from family members, former employers and former friends who switched up on you to lose weight and start a business doing what you love to do. The last thing they want to know in secret is you used their hatred and envy-jealousy and became a millionaire off of them. It starts with changing the way you think and using their negative energy and attention towards you and having your name scandalized by them to fuel your spiritual and entrepreneurial ambition.

    ‘Stay Inspired’

    Regardless how long it takes for you to get back on track with your spiritual, mental and physical cardio, always believe in yourself regardless who doubts your potential and ability to achieve greatness!