8 Dead Simple Ways to Kickstart Weight Loss on a Budget

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  • Contributing Editor
    • May 2014
    • 2715

    8 Dead Simple Ways to Kickstart Weight Loss on a Budget

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    Key Facts:
    • Not everyone wants to shell out big bucks in the beginning of their weight loss transformations to start losing weight.
    • Just because a person spends money on an expensive treadmill doesn’t mean they’ll lose weight faster.
    • Always remember that slow and steady wins the race, in terms of sticking to a cardiovascular and diet plan for long-term weight loss.
    • Losing weight requires dedication and a visionary mindset where you see yourself in the next 5 to 10 years in the quest to keep unhealthy weight off and build a lean body.

    To kickstart weight loss on a budget or heavily investing in a home gym or treadmill, you must first be determined to do the transformation work out of inspiration or desperation. While some people feel they have to shell out thousands of dollars to get their weight loss journey started, others lose weight and continue losing weight on a budget. Investing in an expensive treadmill is A + okay. Perhaps it might help you stay focused losing weight at home by having the treadmill in your bedroom, living room, or basement. Fact is, losing weight doesn’t require you to deplete your entire checking or savings account in order to keep up with the Joneses in rebuilding your body with lean muscle and a faster metabolism. Anybody, anywhere in the world with a determined mindset can get healthy with basic approaches to kick starting weight loss on a budget.

    Perform cardio in the morning on an almost empty stomach walking at your local park: This activity of doing cardio in the morning on an almost empty stomach will build discipline in you long-term. It’ll be hard in the beginning mentally to do cardio in the morning on an empty stomach because the truth is, waking up in the morning will likely make you feel hungry and thirsty. Always remember that weight loss is a disciplined mindset and requires you as an unwritten rule to get out of your comfort zone. If you want to lose weight and keep the unhealthy weight off, you must keep your cardiovascular activity up to snuff. Of course, your weight will fluctuate as you gracefully season “the aging process.” Doing cardio in the morning on an almost empty stomach at your local park will allow you to intake fresh air while slowly but surely burning off unhealthy bodyweight. Moreover, as you do cardio in the morning on an almost empty stomach walking at your local park, be mindful to pace yourself. In other words, don’t worry about jogging or running fast just because people are looking at you. Move at your own pace even if you’re doing cardio at your local park in the morning at virtually 2 miles an hour. If you perform this action twice weekly and mix it up with treadmill cardio, you’ll keep your body and metabolism, as well as your mind guessing and on the right path to long-term weight loss. When doing cardio at your local park in the morning, set a healthy goal of no less than one hour of walking and light jogging. Your body will thank you in the long run for doing this if you stay consistent with cardio in the morning walking at your local park.

    Perform slow poke cardio in the wee hours of the morning on your home treadmill in your bedroom, living room or basement: something a lot of people don’t think about or notice is the air you breathe during the day is different versus the air you breathe during the night. Really? Have you ever noticed how difficult it is to sleep eight hours straight during the day after working third shift on a full-time job? It’s difficult to sleep during the day because the daytime air keeps you awake, even if you feel a drag on your energy levels. If you’re a night owl, you’ll notice how the night air has an unspoken tendency to make you move your bowels often, and feel sleepy despite the fact that you’re wide awake. It’s a good idea to perform cardio in the wee hours of the morning on your home treadmill because once you’ve completed your cardio before the sun rises, your body will feel sleepy after achieving one hour off home treadmill cardio. Additionally, you don’t have to secretly feel that you have to keep up with others on the treadmill as if you were on one at your local gym. Some people have a tendency to move faster on the treadmill at the gym because they think others are looking at them. And if they’re moving too slow, they feel left behind and make quietly hoard feelings of others poking fun at them. The beauty of having your home treadmill is you’re able to do your cardio in the privacy of your home residence, half dressed or naked. Doing cardio in the wee hours of the morning on your home treadmill will not only help you lose weight faster, but will also help you sleep better. After you achieve one hour of home treadmill cardio, you’re then able to take a quick shower and go to bed on an empty stomach. Going to bed on an empty stomach after cardio is one of many great ways to lose weight on a budget or with no budget. And if you don’t already own a home treadmill, it’s never too late to make a healthy investment and purchase one today to help you kickstart-restart your weight loss transformation on a budget.

    Perform cardio in the wee hours of the morning before the sun rises at your local gym for one hour: if you feel you need subliminal motivation to stay on track with losing weight and already own a home treadmill which is a good paying for keeping your cardio up to snuff year-round, doing cardio in the wee hours of the morning at your local gym “if they’re open 24-hour was a day” around people may inspire you to stay on the treadmill longer. Some people have a peace of mind doing cardio at their local gym on the treadmill with very few people around before the sun rises. If you’re the type of person that needs to be around people in order to stay focused with losing weight and keeping your cardiovascular activity up to par, doing cardio in the morning before the gym gets packed will be a great idea. Doing cardio at the gym is a great way to stay on a budget while losing weight. A gym membership should cost no more than $30 monthly. Moreover, look at the price of a gym membership as a healthcare investment in yourself. A gym membership is weight loss on a budget and gives you no more excuses to be a glutton. Getting in the healthy mindset of “cardiovascular consistency” takes time to get used to. If you’re striving for excellence to get consistent with losing weight and keeping your cardio up to par, it’s a good idea to open up a Google docs or Microsoft Word document and scheduled days where you a lot yourself to get your cardio done. If you don’t want to keep track of your cardiovascular activity that way, you can always plan out your days for cardio on an easel board and keep it in your bedroom or home office as a healthy reminder. Setting small healthy goals for yourself will help you lose weight, stay on track for weight loss on a budget, and be an Hon. example of transformation to others.

    Re-up on Bragg Apple cider vinegar with the mother from Walmart under $6: Bragg nutrition continues to be a popular brand among fitness professionals and everyday regular weight loss hopefuls. Bragg Nutrition has a popular product known as “Apple cider vinegar with the mother.” Apple cider vinegar with the mother by Bragg has been around for decades, helping people lose unhealthy weight and increase feelings of well-being. Apple cider vinegar with the mother is no ordinary vinegar. “The mother” inside the Bragg vinegar has a unique molecule that helps the body lower unhealthy body fat. To have this vinegar work for you, simply need to follow the directions on the bottle. Or, take two capsules of Apple cider vinegar with the mother and add in 1 gallon of water. Drinking Apple cider vinegar with the mother mixed in water consistently can and will help people lose weight, in combination with consistent cardio and a healthy diet. Walmart regularly stocks Bragg Apple cider vinegar with the mother (ACV) at under six dollars per bottle. It’s a good idea to stock up on Apple cider vinegar with the mother because this way, you can stay on track with weight loss and measure how many pounds weekly you lose, while regularly ingesting vinegar with the mother by Bragg. While some people lose one to 2 pounds weekly while drinking vinegar water, others potentially lose between 2 to 4 pounds weekly. Apple cider vinegar with the mother is no miracle weight loss solution. It truly works. But in order for it to work for you, you must dedicate yourself to sticking to the script with a weight loss plan. Moreover, Bragg vinegar helps you lose weight on a budget because it doesn’t change your pockets. Bragg Apple cider vinegar is well worth the investment in making it for losing weight. It’s a good idea when purchasing vinegar with the mother by Bragg from Walmart to stock up on at least four bottles monthly, which averages out to a little over $20 per month.

    Stock up on gallons of water from your local Walmart.com store: Walmart sells gallons of water for under a dollar. Sometimes the gallons of water of Walmart brand range from $.60-$.90. The price of the gallon of water may have risen recently due to the covert 19 pandemic and economical inflation. Stocking up on gallons of water will allow you to add your Apple cider vinegar with the mother by Bragg in your water, making the weight loss process simpler while staying motivated to lose weight on the budget. Stocking up on water is a great way to budget yourself as to how much you’ll spend on weight loss necessities weekly or monthly. It’s no secret that drinking water consistently with or without Apple cider vinegar will kickstart weight loss. Your body needs water to digest food and assist in other bodily functions. Stocking up on 30 gallons of water for the month will cost you possibly less than $30 monthly. And if you stock up at the same time at Walmart purchasing one month supply of rack Apple cider vinegar which is roughly 4 bottles, you’ll have immediate stock on hand of up to one months supply of water and Apple cider vinegar with the mother. This will give you no more reasons to slack in your weight loss journey. You can keep a gallon of water near your home treadmill or perhaps bring it along with you to the gym and drink some before hopping on the treadmill. Please note that if you choose to drink water before hopping on the treadmill interviews with Apple cider vinegar with the mother, be mindful of drinking small amounts of water. Reason being is because while performing one hour of cardio on the treadmill at the gym, you may slowly start to feel a water build up. And if the water build up gets too great while doing cardio on the treadmill, you will break your one hour goal, turn the treadmill off, and head straight to the restroom. Then, that leads you to restarting your one hour of treadmill cardio fresh from scratch. If you bring your gallon of water infused with the vinegar with you to the gym, it’s a good idea to drink as much as you can “after doing one hour of treadmill cardio.”

    Stock up on lemon and honey to add in your water combined with Bragg.com Apple Cider Vinegar with the Mother: A good thing to know about adding lemon and honey to your Apple cider vinegar water is it’s good for your digestive system in breaking down meat and fried foods, and assisting in helping you lose weight faster. If you didn’t know already, lemon helps man naturally boost testosterone levels. When testosterone rises in man, the process of building natural muscle becomes simpler, thus keeping man motivated to lose weight, build muscle, and increasing cardiovascular output. Honey has a unique ingredient in it known as “boron,” a natural testosterone booster. Honey comes from bees as a natural food for humans. Adding honey, lemon, and Apple cider vinegar to 1 gallon of water and drinking daily, preferably on an empty stomach before eating breakfast, will make the process easy of breaking down unhealthy body fat. And working toward helping your body feel lighter everyday. And honey and lemon often to your infused Apple cider vinegar water and watch those pounds drop weekly. This is not a fast weight loss overnight scheme. All good things take time to come into fruition by doing the transformation workout of “inspiration or desperation.” Walmart has an affordable brand of honey that’ll help you stay on track with “weight loss on a budget.” And if Walmart is not your forte, you can always search on Amazon or any health and fitness related website for discounts on “buying lemon juice and honey in bulk.” If you want to avoid drinking soda and other sugary carbonated beverages and lose weight simultaneously, adding lemon plus honey to your Bragg Apple cider vinegar infused 1 gallon of water is the solution for getting you away from drinking things that might make you “gain weight.” One thing soft drink beverage manufacturers don’t tell you is most of their products are infused with refined sugar, sweeteners, and other ingredients that aren’t good for your body, thus resulting in “weight gain.” This is why it’s important to drink 1 gallon of water daily infused with Apple cider vinegar with the mother, add it with lemon and honey. It’s naturally delicious and will keep you away from spending excess money on soft drinks in the moment when you’re thirsty.

    Stock up on cinnamon + stacker B12 vitamins from your local DollarTree.com store: If you’ve never thought about doing the research on the amazing weight loss benefits of cinnamon, you’ll discover that cinnamon actually helps in binding up unhealthy fat in your body and plays a crucial role in the weight loss process. Just like organic versions of colon cleanser which comes in a minced wheat type solution where a teaspoon is placed in a glass of water and mixed thoroughly, cinnamon somewhat acts like colon cleanser. After drinking it in water infused with honey, lemon and apple cider vinegar with the mother, cinnamon potentially binds to under digested foods in your stomach, potentially binds them up, and helps in the process of releasing heavier loads of stools. In addition, stocking up on cinnamon is possible on a weight loss budget by getting it from your local dollar tree store. Dollar tree has many good items for only one dollar that’s potentially worth more. Cinnamon is one of them. The same sentiment you purchase from the Dollar tree store is the same one purchased from local supermarkets. Cinnamon is cinnamon, right? One small bottle of one dollar cinnamon can last you potentially up to two weeks. Losing weight on a budget is possible when you’re shopping in the right places paying the right prices. Alongside stocking up on cinnamon at the local Dollar tree store, they have a red package of stacker B12 vitamins. Stacker B12 is a positively reviewed supplement that helps people in memory retention, going to the bathroom, keeping up a healthy heart rate before and after morning cardio on the treadmill at home or at the gym, and assists in maintaining healthy and energy levels throughout the day. This is not an average fat burner. In fact, it’s not a fat burner. The average fat burner works for a few hours, before you mentally calm down crashing and feeling low on energy. This is not that type of supplement. If you take stacker B12 along with drinking infused water with Apple cider vinegar with the mother with added lemon, honey and cinnamon in longevity, you position yourself to potentially lose anywhere from 2 to 4 pounds weekly, as long as you stay on track with your cardio and eat a healthy diet.

    Cut off food and drink three hours before going to bed: Cutting off food and drink three hours before going to bed has unique health benefits. For starters, when you cut off food and drink before going to bed and stick to the script in this healthy pattern for at least six weeks consistently, you lighten the load on your metabolism to digest food and liquids. Intern, you make it easier for your body to “lose weight while sleeping.” Losing weight while sleeping is possible when you stay on track with eating right, consistent walking at the park and treadmill cardio at home or at the local gym, and not cheating on your diet. In other words, you can’t eat a McDonald’s double quarter pounder hamburger for 2 to 3 hours, or even one hour before going to sleep. You already know the end result of that, right? Over time, if you keep up that type of habit of eating before going to sleep, you’ll end up “gaining weight.” “Gaining excessive weight” can result in a premature heart attack, sleep apnea, erectile dysfunction, mental fogginess, and negative aggression towards others. If you can stay to the weight loss plan of going to bed at least three hours without having a drop of drink or sneaking in having a midnight snack for at least six weeks, you’ll potentially experienced weight loss results that are keep you inspired to continually move forward in your transformation fitness journey to a new lean body. But cutting off food and drink in the beginning of your weight loss journey won’t be easy. You have to be determined in your mind to lose weight and keep the unhealthy weight off by changing the way you think. Shifting your mindset will not only help you lose weight and build a lean body, but shall also achieve a mind and body for life that outweighs the financial benefits of this world. Always remember it’s about mind over matter. Lastly, cutting off food and drink before going to bed will definitely help you save money and lose weight, while shopping for weight loss products on a budget. It deters you from spending extra money on food and drink that you probably need to pay your bills. Start sleeping healthier by not eating or drinking before going to bed. It’ll benefit you beyond just losing weight. You’ll save money in longevity.