Key Points:

Ever wonder why you gain weight over the years? It’s not just because you're aging. But also possibly because of an array of habits that affect your body weight.
A few reasons why you’re possibly experiencing weight gain:
You work too many hours for an unthankful employer: People who are committed to their jobs have a tendency to go above and beyond for their employer. Their employer might be paying them a pretty good salary. However, they start the job eagerly before their scheduled shift, offer to work overtime during the week excessively, come to work burned out and tired from the day before working long hours, and have absolutely 0% energy to do cardio. And these types of people are likely the ones to eat food and drink carbonated beverages before going to bed. Because of their work life imbalance, they fail to lose weight. But this doesn't mean that there isn't hope for the overworked working class person. Investing in a home treadmill is a great way to get yourself back on track with your cardiovascular goals, and virtually fourth feed yourself too start losing weight slowly but surely. Getting in the healthy mindset of making an investment in a home treadmill is more than just buying a piece of equipment to occupy space in your home residence. It's an investment that will help you lose weight for life.or Lancaster
You're gaining weight from smoking excessive marijuana: Did you know smoking weed can get you out of a lean body and make you obese in the next 5 to 10 years? This is because smoking marijuana increases estrogen levels in men. Not only does it increase unhealthy estrogen levels in men, but it also makes them gain weight because the estrogen levels are increased. And thus, so is a man's appetite. Smoking marijuana also increases sexual desire. Marijuana smoking has a tendency to increase intimacy desires, have increased munchies, sleep more, and lowered energy levels. When your energy levels are low, regardless if you're male or female, you don't have that ambitious drive like you used to to hit the gym and do some cardio on the treadmill or stationary bike. This is why you will gain weight and very little time. Most people who smoke marijuana gain more than 10 lb of unhealthy weight in the next two to three years after getting consistent with marijuana ingestion. The good news is, when you come up with the determination to double slip-switch your mindset and leave pot alone and make up in your mind that you're going to quit smoking marijuana once and for all, it is a bad habit that you must die out daily. Not only is it a bad habit that you have to die out daily, but you can start hitting the treadmill for 20 minutes to 1 hour in the morning on an empty stomach with semi-fasted cardio on the treadmill. When your body starts losing weight and you stay away from smoking marijuana, you'll start to feel healthier and better about yourself in gaining more humility and self-confidence.
You don't purchase healthy food from the supermarket and resort to eating fast food: Truth is this. Eating fast food will lead to a potential future heart attack. Regular fast food consumption will lead to guaranteed weight gain. Eating fast food everyday will lead to rapid weight gain and lower testosterone levels in men. Fast food consumption on a consistent basis will also lead to lower self-esteem. Eating fast food will also raise your unhealthy cholesterol levels, contributing to lower libido, migraine headaches, trouble sleeping at night, and making it harder for you to lose weight. Fast food has little to no nutritional value. If fast food restaurants really cared about your body and wanted you to ingest good solid nutrition from their foodie products, why would they make fast food prices so cheap? Why would they fry fast food if they truly cared about your physical well-being? Truth is, fast food restaurants only care about your money. The only thing on their mind is the cash. This is why it's important to get used to eating healthy by investing in purchasing healthy food from the supermarket. Your work life may be stressful - overwhelming at the time being. But you are in control of your destiny. Getting in the healthy mindset of purchasing healthy groceries often from your local supermarket or health food store will help you reduce unhealthy hunger cravings. Moreover eating nutritional food by preparing your own healthy home cooked meals will instill new found weight loss discipline. You'll learn to gauge meals 3 hours apart. You'll stay away from eating fast food. You'll refrain from smoking marijuana. You'll also refrain from fornication. This is why it's healthy to be willing to change the way you think and get in the mindset of eating right and investing in a home treadmill for year-round weight loss.
Eat too much beef, pork, and chicken: Did you know that eating excessive meat is not good for your digestive system? This is because meat potentially takes allegedly up to two or three weeks to completely digest and get out of your system. Every time you eat meat, beef, pork or chicken, you gain weight. Now there's nothing wrong with eating meat. Just eat it in moderation. And be prepared to increase your cardiovascular output so that you can burn off that weight that you gain from eating it. To put your body in a fat incinerating State before consuming a large plate consisting of one of the aforementioned meats, it's a wise choice if you already own a home treadmill to perform 10 to 20 minutes of cardio before eating food. Doing so before having a large meal with a large portion of meat will help your digestive system have a lighter workload on digesting any of the meats you consume. Furthermore, it's a good move to also do 10 to 20 minutes of cardio after eating the large plate with meat. You help your schools move out quicker when you do cardio before and after eating. This is a practice that will help you potentially lose weight year-round and something most everyday people don't do. If you believe you can get in this mindset and stay consistent for at least six weeks of doing cardio before and after eating, you'll notice that after a while, eating meat really won't make you feel as if you're gaining weight every time you eat it. This may all sound like nonsense for now. But trust, this actually works.
You have an addiction to eating pizza and heavy pasta with cheese: Pizza and pasta have one thing in common. It's loaded with excessive amounts of cheese and oil. Virtually guarantee for you to gain weight literally overnight. Maybe you're someone who grew up in the big city with a special type of love for eating pizza and it stayed with you until adulthood. Pizza and pasta have excessive cheese and oil, carbohydrates. And don't even mention the amount of sodium in the pizza dough. The sodium in pizza dough is virtually guaranteed to put layers of fat on those hard-earned apples. And cheese is guaranteed to clog up your arteries in due time along with that unhealthy oil. If you must have pizza and pasta, get in the healthy mindset of reducing it to a minimum or cut it out of your diet altogether. Pasta and pizza are not completely your enemy. But overindulgence in it will require you to regularly ingest a saline solution to smoothing things out internally, meaning you'll need to drink a laxative soda to clean out your colon. If you must have pizza, make sure that you at least do 20 minutes of cardio at your local gym or on your home treadmill in the evening before going to bed. If you eat pizza or pasta before going to bed, chances are you potentially gain anywhere between a quarter pound to half a pound the next day because while you're sleeping, your digestive system is working during nocturnal hours to digest that food.
‘What You Can Do to Reverse Weight Gain’
Set realistic goals for reversing weight gain by composing a small goal list of things you hope to achieve in the new year. For example, if you have a goal to lose 100 pounds in a year and quit eating cheesesteaks, how will you take the first initial action step toward getting the weight loss process started by working toward losing 100 pounds and quitting cheesesteak hoagies? Well, the first initial action step you need to take is to write down your goals. Writing down your goals helps you realize them and work slowly but surely to achieve them on a daily basis.
To get the weight loss process started, you need to get a healthy mindset of doing cardio in the morning semi fasted on an almost empty stomach. It’s okay to have water and vitamins prior to your morning treadmill activity. But eating food before hitting the treadmill in the morning at the gym or on your home treadmill is an absolute no-no. Eating food before getting on the treadmill in the morning will take away from your energy levels. Moreover, eating food before getting on the treadmill in the morning will certainly make you gain weight. It’s a wise choice to eat food one hour after you’ve completed morning treadmill activity because this way, your body is not only in fat incineration mode, but it’s now burning stored body fat. Notice how this article mentioned eating food one hour after completing morning treadmill cardio. If you complete an hour of treadmill cardio in the morning and wait for one hour after hopping off the treadmill to eat food, you force your body literally to burn stored body fat. This will potentially go on beyond the six hour window of fat burning throughout the day. This is how you can keep your body in a fat incineration-weight loss state.
Secondly, if you feel you must have some type of liquid and vitamins before hitting the treadmill in the morning, it’s a wise choice to have a small glass of lemon juice, honey, and maybe 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar with the mother by Barak. Bragg apple cider vinegar with the mother is ideal for losing weight. The vinegar solution with the mother mixed in water with lemon and honey will make it a delicious drink, as you will start to notice after drinking it consistently over a six. Time and staying consistent with treadmill cardio helps your body slowly start to lose weight. Your clothing will start to feel looser. Your mind will start feeling lighter. You’ll start feeling healthier. This is because you’re making physical effort by doing cardio and drinking apple cider vinegar water plus eating a healthier diet.
Lastly, if you feel you can stay consistent year-round by doing treadmill cardio at least three days a week on a semi-empty stomach with only vinegar water and vitamins and perform cardio on the treadmill for one hour, you will definitely notice your weight gain being reversed. But always remember you have to stick to a consistent pattern with dieting, consistent cardio, taking your vitamins, and cutting off food and drink at least three hours before going to bed. Not eating food before going to bed allows the digestive system some leeway in relaxing from the food you ate earlier. And because your digestive system is at ease at night because you’re not eating food before going to bed, your body will start shedding off those unhealthy pounds while you’re sleeping. How will you know? When you wake up in the morning and hit the bathroom and notice your releasing heavier stools.
When you start losing weight, you also command people to look at you in a different light without uttering one word. But don’t do your weight loss because you’re worried about what people think. Do it because you want to better yourself spiritually and physically. When you start losing weight and regaining newfound energy, you’ll notice that building a business with the newfound energy you work hard to achieve will end up profiting you years to come. You can use this newfound energy to start a future million-dollar online business by working from home. And by using the newfound energy by working from home, you can capitalize threefold by making YouTube weight loss videos and telling people how you feel one year after starting your weight loss transformation journey. This way, not only are you making money by building an online business and keeping yourself accountable to your weight loss transformation by telling others how you feel in your YouTube videos about your weight loss journey, but you’re also building up thousands of free YouTube subscribers which also turns into another steady stream of passive income. All off of the strength of getting in the healthy and determined mindset to lose 100 pounds of unhealthy weight in one years time.
How do you think jealous family members and other jealous people would feel when they find out in secret that you used your 100 pound weight loss transformation not just to lose weight, but to build a million-dollar online business and earn yourself thousands of YouTube subscribers along the way? It’s pretty certain they’ll want to come “running back trying to speak.” And want to befriend you again.
- It’s human slackness and lazy thinking that most times contributes to weight gain.
- Smoking marijuana was never meant for human consumption. Marijuana is not to be used in that method.
- Regardless of age, it’s never too late to change your way of thinking and get out of yesteryear's lazy mindset.

Ever wonder why you gain weight over the years? It’s not just because you're aging. But also possibly because of an array of habits that affect your body weight.
A few reasons why you’re possibly experiencing weight gain:
You work too many hours for an unthankful employer: People who are committed to their jobs have a tendency to go above and beyond for their employer. Their employer might be paying them a pretty good salary. However, they start the job eagerly before their scheduled shift, offer to work overtime during the week excessively, come to work burned out and tired from the day before working long hours, and have absolutely 0% energy to do cardio. And these types of people are likely the ones to eat food and drink carbonated beverages before going to bed. Because of their work life imbalance, they fail to lose weight. But this doesn't mean that there isn't hope for the overworked working class person. Investing in a home treadmill is a great way to get yourself back on track with your cardiovascular goals, and virtually fourth feed yourself too start losing weight slowly but surely. Getting in the healthy mindset of making an investment in a home treadmill is more than just buying a piece of equipment to occupy space in your home residence. It's an investment that will help you lose weight for life.or Lancaster
You're gaining weight from smoking excessive marijuana: Did you know smoking weed can get you out of a lean body and make you obese in the next 5 to 10 years? This is because smoking marijuana increases estrogen levels in men. Not only does it increase unhealthy estrogen levels in men, but it also makes them gain weight because the estrogen levels are increased. And thus, so is a man's appetite. Smoking marijuana also increases sexual desire. Marijuana smoking has a tendency to increase intimacy desires, have increased munchies, sleep more, and lowered energy levels. When your energy levels are low, regardless if you're male or female, you don't have that ambitious drive like you used to to hit the gym and do some cardio on the treadmill or stationary bike. This is why you will gain weight and very little time. Most people who smoke marijuana gain more than 10 lb of unhealthy weight in the next two to three years after getting consistent with marijuana ingestion. The good news is, when you come up with the determination to double slip-switch your mindset and leave pot alone and make up in your mind that you're going to quit smoking marijuana once and for all, it is a bad habit that you must die out daily. Not only is it a bad habit that you have to die out daily, but you can start hitting the treadmill for 20 minutes to 1 hour in the morning on an empty stomach with semi-fasted cardio on the treadmill. When your body starts losing weight and you stay away from smoking marijuana, you'll start to feel healthier and better about yourself in gaining more humility and self-confidence.
You don't purchase healthy food from the supermarket and resort to eating fast food: Truth is this. Eating fast food will lead to a potential future heart attack. Regular fast food consumption will lead to guaranteed weight gain. Eating fast food everyday will lead to rapid weight gain and lower testosterone levels in men. Fast food consumption on a consistent basis will also lead to lower self-esteem. Eating fast food will also raise your unhealthy cholesterol levels, contributing to lower libido, migraine headaches, trouble sleeping at night, and making it harder for you to lose weight. Fast food has little to no nutritional value. If fast food restaurants really cared about your body and wanted you to ingest good solid nutrition from their foodie products, why would they make fast food prices so cheap? Why would they fry fast food if they truly cared about your physical well-being? Truth is, fast food restaurants only care about your money. The only thing on their mind is the cash. This is why it's important to get used to eating healthy by investing in purchasing healthy food from the supermarket. Your work life may be stressful - overwhelming at the time being. But you are in control of your destiny. Getting in the healthy mindset of purchasing healthy groceries often from your local supermarket or health food store will help you reduce unhealthy hunger cravings. Moreover eating nutritional food by preparing your own healthy home cooked meals will instill new found weight loss discipline. You'll learn to gauge meals 3 hours apart. You'll stay away from eating fast food. You'll refrain from smoking marijuana. You'll also refrain from fornication. This is why it's healthy to be willing to change the way you think and get in the mindset of eating right and investing in a home treadmill for year-round weight loss.
Eat too much beef, pork, and chicken: Did you know that eating excessive meat is not good for your digestive system? This is because meat potentially takes allegedly up to two or three weeks to completely digest and get out of your system. Every time you eat meat, beef, pork or chicken, you gain weight. Now there's nothing wrong with eating meat. Just eat it in moderation. And be prepared to increase your cardiovascular output so that you can burn off that weight that you gain from eating it. To put your body in a fat incinerating State before consuming a large plate consisting of one of the aforementioned meats, it's a wise choice if you already own a home treadmill to perform 10 to 20 minutes of cardio before eating food. Doing so before having a large meal with a large portion of meat will help your digestive system have a lighter workload on digesting any of the meats you consume. Furthermore, it's a good move to also do 10 to 20 minutes of cardio after eating the large plate with meat. You help your schools move out quicker when you do cardio before and after eating. This is a practice that will help you potentially lose weight year-round and something most everyday people don't do. If you believe you can get in this mindset and stay consistent for at least six weeks of doing cardio before and after eating, you'll notice that after a while, eating meat really won't make you feel as if you're gaining weight every time you eat it. This may all sound like nonsense for now. But trust, this actually works.
You have an addiction to eating pizza and heavy pasta with cheese: Pizza and pasta have one thing in common. It's loaded with excessive amounts of cheese and oil. Virtually guarantee for you to gain weight literally overnight. Maybe you're someone who grew up in the big city with a special type of love for eating pizza and it stayed with you until adulthood. Pizza and pasta have excessive cheese and oil, carbohydrates. And don't even mention the amount of sodium in the pizza dough. The sodium in pizza dough is virtually guaranteed to put layers of fat on those hard-earned apples. And cheese is guaranteed to clog up your arteries in due time along with that unhealthy oil. If you must have pizza and pasta, get in the healthy mindset of reducing it to a minimum or cut it out of your diet altogether. Pasta and pizza are not completely your enemy. But overindulgence in it will require you to regularly ingest a saline solution to smoothing things out internally, meaning you'll need to drink a laxative soda to clean out your colon. If you must have pizza, make sure that you at least do 20 minutes of cardio at your local gym or on your home treadmill in the evening before going to bed. If you eat pizza or pasta before going to bed, chances are you potentially gain anywhere between a quarter pound to half a pound the next day because while you're sleeping, your digestive system is working during nocturnal hours to digest that food.
‘What You Can Do to Reverse Weight Gain’
Set realistic goals for reversing weight gain by composing a small goal list of things you hope to achieve in the new year. For example, if you have a goal to lose 100 pounds in a year and quit eating cheesesteaks, how will you take the first initial action step toward getting the weight loss process started by working toward losing 100 pounds and quitting cheesesteak hoagies? Well, the first initial action step you need to take is to write down your goals. Writing down your goals helps you realize them and work slowly but surely to achieve them on a daily basis.
To get the weight loss process started, you need to get a healthy mindset of doing cardio in the morning semi fasted on an almost empty stomach. It’s okay to have water and vitamins prior to your morning treadmill activity. But eating food before hitting the treadmill in the morning at the gym or on your home treadmill is an absolute no-no. Eating food before getting on the treadmill in the morning will take away from your energy levels. Moreover, eating food before getting on the treadmill in the morning will certainly make you gain weight. It’s a wise choice to eat food one hour after you’ve completed morning treadmill activity because this way, your body is not only in fat incineration mode, but it’s now burning stored body fat. Notice how this article mentioned eating food one hour after completing morning treadmill cardio. If you complete an hour of treadmill cardio in the morning and wait for one hour after hopping off the treadmill to eat food, you force your body literally to burn stored body fat. This will potentially go on beyond the six hour window of fat burning throughout the day. This is how you can keep your body in a fat incineration-weight loss state.
Secondly, if you feel you must have some type of liquid and vitamins before hitting the treadmill in the morning, it’s a wise choice to have a small glass of lemon juice, honey, and maybe 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar with the mother by Barak. Bragg apple cider vinegar with the mother is ideal for losing weight. The vinegar solution with the mother mixed in water with lemon and honey will make it a delicious drink, as you will start to notice after drinking it consistently over a six. Time and staying consistent with treadmill cardio helps your body slowly start to lose weight. Your clothing will start to feel looser. Your mind will start feeling lighter. You’ll start feeling healthier. This is because you’re making physical effort by doing cardio and drinking apple cider vinegar water plus eating a healthier diet.
Lastly, if you feel you can stay consistent year-round by doing treadmill cardio at least three days a week on a semi-empty stomach with only vinegar water and vitamins and perform cardio on the treadmill for one hour, you will definitely notice your weight gain being reversed. But always remember you have to stick to a consistent pattern with dieting, consistent cardio, taking your vitamins, and cutting off food and drink at least three hours before going to bed. Not eating food before going to bed allows the digestive system some leeway in relaxing from the food you ate earlier. And because your digestive system is at ease at night because you’re not eating food before going to bed, your body will start shedding off those unhealthy pounds while you’re sleeping. How will you know? When you wake up in the morning and hit the bathroom and notice your releasing heavier stools.
When you start losing weight, you also command people to look at you in a different light without uttering one word. But don’t do your weight loss because you’re worried about what people think. Do it because you want to better yourself spiritually and physically. When you start losing weight and regaining newfound energy, you’ll notice that building a business with the newfound energy you work hard to achieve will end up profiting you years to come. You can use this newfound energy to start a future million-dollar online business by working from home. And by using the newfound energy by working from home, you can capitalize threefold by making YouTube weight loss videos and telling people how you feel one year after starting your weight loss transformation journey. This way, not only are you making money by building an online business and keeping yourself accountable to your weight loss transformation by telling others how you feel in your YouTube videos about your weight loss journey, but you’re also building up thousands of free YouTube subscribers which also turns into another steady stream of passive income. All off of the strength of getting in the healthy and determined mindset to lose 100 pounds of unhealthy weight in one years time.
How do you think jealous family members and other jealous people would feel when they find out in secret that you used your 100 pound weight loss transformation not just to lose weight, but to build a million-dollar online business and earn yourself thousands of YouTube subscribers along the way? It’s pretty certain they’ll want to come “running back trying to speak.” And want to befriend you again.