The Downside to Longterm #Marijuana Consumption

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  • Contributing Editor
    • May 2014
    • 2709

    The Downside to Longterm #Marijuana Consumption

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    Smoking Marijuana is by far more dangerous for young men than so for women. How so? As young men experiment in their puberty and teenage years and progress with consuming marijuana throughout their 20's, little do they know smoking pot takes a serious toll on hormones and internal organs. The impact marijuana has in the male starts to manifest in the late 30s.

    Some of the adverse effects marijuana has on men range from:
    • Aggression
    • Cortisol increase
    • Estrogen increase
    • Hunger increase
    • Inability to focus
    • Increase in sex drive in the moment and erectile dysfunction years later
    • Lower testosterone levels
    The list goes on. Males smoking marijuana in teenage years and in their early 20s don't think about these things because they have no life experience. They're most likely enjoying the moment of getting high and feeling a temporary sensation for intimate arousal. Though marijuana has adverse effects on men from long-term consumption of smoking pot, reversing the negative past of pot smoking is possible.

    Creative ways for men to balance hormones back to normal after long-term marijuana consumption:
    • Avoid alcohol as much as possible
    • Change your eating habits and avoid cooking with grease
    • Drink 1 gallon or half a gallon of fresh water daily; this helps to flush the liver and toxins out of the body and accelerates weight loss
    • Juice fresh vegetables such as broccoli, kale, and brussels sprouts in a juicing machine and combine with a sweet potato and one granny Smith Apple
    • (Broccoli, brussels sprouts, and kale contain an ingredient known as Diindolylmethane [DIM] that flushes bad estrogen out of a man's system and works to block estrogen, thus helping to restore healthy levels of testosterone)
    • Perform cardiovascular activity by walking at your local Park or jogging on the treadmill no more than three times weekly and wait one hour after completing cardio to consume a protein shake or meal that burn additional stored bodyfat without doing anything
    Hopefully, this post gives young men something to think about when considering giving up the feeling of instant gratification of smoking marijuana. Move forward with your life to improve health whether you do it out of desperation or inspiration, and do the transformation work by eating right, exercising, being a healthy example of a transformation champion, and never give up in your stride to be the change you want to see in today's world.


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