Sagging Pants: An Open Sign of Homosexuality or Just to Look Cute in Public?

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  • Contributing Editor
    • May 2014
    • 2711

    Sagging Pants: An Open Sign of Homosexuality or Just to Look Cute in Public?

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    What positive purpose does sagging pants serve? It's not a good look for a male or female to wear their pants sagging below their waistline in public. While most people think sagging their pants is cool and possibly represents a current fashion statement or simply doesn't care about how they look before others, it says a lot about their character and spirit. What employer in their right mind would want to hire someone who dresses like a businessperson in the workplace and sags their pants in public secretly on the side? Sagging pants in public isn't outward statement of ignorance.

    Prison Fashion

    The speculation of sagging pants below the waistline possibly emerged from the jailhouse. Some allege that prisoners started sagging their pants because they had no belts to hold up their jail uniforms. While most people believe that theory is untrue, most people believe not only did sagging pants emerge from prison as a sexual fashion statement, but prisoners suspectedly sagged their pants on purpose as a means of signaling for sex from other prisoners.

    Most people believe sagging pants emerged from prison as a sexual statement to signal sex from dominant prisoners as a form of payment so they can avoid harm from stronger prisoners and hopefully make it out of prison in one piece vs. resisting prison sex from dominant prisoners and risk physical harm or getting killed. Some prisoners allegedly believe sagging their pants and signaling dominant prisoners for sex significantly helped them avoid other hidden dangers, and therefore sagged their pants not only as a quiet advertisement for sex, but also made light of the situation and referred to it as an out word fashion statement for others to follow.

    Home Training

    It's a fact anyone who purposely sags their pants below their waistline looking like a fool in public outwardly shows their parents did not raise them right. Either their parents did not raise the right, or their parents didn't raise them at all. Either way you look at it, people who sag their pants don't have proper home training. Proper home training automatically inspires a person to "do the right thing Spike Lee style," and wear their clothing according to correct standards of living. Are you listening?

    Proper home training also inspires a person to keep their pants above their gluteus maximus at all times even when people are not around. It's unattractive to see a beautiful person in the face yet ugly in the way they wear clothing below the waist. A positive plus negative does not equal positive.

    Employment Failure

    If you're one of those people who purposely sags their pants in public you also send a message to people you're a loser. A loser in terms of maintaining steady and respectable employment. As previously mentioned in the beginning of this post, what employer in their right mind would hire someone who likes to wear their close below public standard?

    Sagging your pants in public though you may not sag your pants on the job will catch up with you sooner or later when going for the next job interview, even if you don't sag your pants before, during, or after the job interview. Have you ever heard of something called "karma?" Karma has a unique way to catch up with those who like to sag their pants and stop them in their tracks from getting good jobs. How can you avoid this? Pull your pants up and stop looking like a fool! Are you listening?

    Quiet Sign of 'Suspected Homosexual'

    Most people believe those who sag their pants in public are suspectedly homosexual. Why would a person in their right mile walk around with the pants hanger below the waist and public advertising their underwear? Is this a quiet signal for sex from strangers? Is the person who sags their pants allegedly homosexual? Would you as a an employer give a job to a person who you see before your very eyes sagging their pants after he bowled the hearing she or he in a conversation "by sheer coincidence" talk about their looking for work in a certain job industry you happen to specialize in? This is something truly think about. Most people believe those who sag their pants are allegedly homosexual, failed to receive proper home training, and possibly demented. The pants saggers are quick to say "no homo," but display an image of visually summoning homosexuals to desire their behind by sagging pants.

    Reprimanded by Strangers in Public

    People who sag their pants easily get angry when someone they don't know from a can of paint has something to say about how their clothing looks hanging below the waistline. When someone confronts them about their sagging pants, they're quick to curse the person out. Common sense should tell the person pants are hanging below their butt cheeks to "pull their pants up and stop looking like a fool in public," because common sense should automatically tell them the way they wear their close not only makes them look suspect of homosexuality, but also shows that there a loser and unable to get employment. It also says much more than that. No one likes to be reprimanded by strangers in public about the way they wear their close. Are you listening?

    If you're one of those people who feel offended after reading this post because now you're feeling some Conaway about the way you wear your pants in public, it's time to turn your life around. Stop sagging your pants in public and looking like a monkey. Stop getting angry because strangers or driving past you in their vehicles and having things to say to you about advertising your underwear in public. Stop allegedly sticking up your middle finger and spewing out curse words after people drive past you in their vehicles slamming you with their mouth about your sagging pants. Clean up your act and "pull your pants up." You'll be surprised when you decide to make the healthy and correct choice about "staying in retirement from sagging your pants." When you "retire from sagging your pants," you'll notice the potential increase in employment opportunities. You'll notice the potential increase in members of the opposite sex potentially interested in you. You'll notice the potential increase in people will want to be around you and have a decent conversation in addition to the new friends you'll possibly make.

    No person in their right mind wants to have a circle of friends who sag their pants and look less than decent. When you sag your pants and put yourself in direct association with like-minded individuals. When you pull your pants up and start dressing decent than decent people will associate with you. That's common sense. Hopefully, if you one of those people who sag their pants and sick of what people have to say about you, you possibly feel offended enough after reading this post to clean up your act and show the world what you're truly made of so you can get a good job and a decent soulmate!