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Contributing Editor started a blog post #StimulusFunding: Donald Trump Now Has No Choice But to Finance Michiganin News#StimulusFunding: Donald Trump Now Has No Choice But to Finance Michigan
Some people think Donald John Trump is politically out of his mind by proclaiming before the news media that he's considering witholding monies from N...
Contributing Editor started a blog post #MailChimp: Company Closing Inactive Accounts - Have You Logged In Recently?in News#MailChimp: Company Closing Inactive Accounts - Have You Logged In Recently?, an e-Mail permission based online marketing company sent out an eMail blast today to account holders that havn't logged into their Ma...
Contributing Editor started a blog post Opinion: This is 'Absolute Nonsense' What This Colorado Restaurant is Doing During #Coronavirusin NewsOpinion: This is 'Absolute Nonsense' What This Colorado Restaurant is Doing During #Coronavirus
With some states slowly reopening for business, it leaves Americans to wonder how many potential coronavirus to come in the summer of 2020. As you can...
Contributing Editor started a blog post #Coronavirus: Amazon Allegedly Forcing Employees to Keep Quiet to Protect the Fortune of #JeffBezos?in News#Coronavirus: Amazon Allegedly Forcing Employees to Keep Quiet to Protect the Fortune of #JeffBezos?
Is Jeff Bezos of allegedly running scared that his fortune will slowly but surely diminish because of the current coronavirus epidemic? M...
Contributing Editor started a blog post #Fox10Phoenix Makes Big Time 'Typo' in YouTube Video With #Trumpin News#Fox10Phoenix Makes Big Time 'Typo' in YouTube Video With #Trump
When you play this video by FOX 10 Phoenix and stop it @ 0;48, you'll notice the immediate typographical error in the video, while Mr. T...
Contributing Editor started a blog post Launches Online Tool for Non-Filers to Receive #Coronavirus #StimulusChecksin Launches Online Tool for Non-Filers to Receive #Coronavirus #StimulusChecks
The IRS: U.S. government website just launched the new tool aimed at helping non tax filers possibly receive stimulus checks via direct deposit. If you ea...
#QueenElizabeth Speaks on #Coronavirus Epidemic
Since when does Queen Elizabeth get on television to address anything directly? This is proof in the pudding that the is delivering a...
Contributing Editor started a blog post Financial #Coronavirus Relief Provided by #UnitedWay?in NewsFinancial #Coronavirus Relief Provided by #UnitedWay?
A user posted this information for people currently suffering financially from the COVID-19 epidemic. If you're one of thousands of Americ...
Contributing Editor started a blog post #Disney Allegedly Losing Millions in $ gUaP $ Over #Coronavirusin News#Disney Allegedly Losing Millions in $ gUaP $ Over #Coronavirus
Since the Coronavirus struck America,, stores, outlet stores, and millions of other businesses have all closed th...
Contributing Editor started a blog post #Coronavirus to Have #California Virtually Walking on Eggshells?in News#Coronavirus to Have #California Virtually Walking on Eggshells?
California is being blitzed with the Coronavirus like Germans sought to blitz Coney Island Broolyn, Far Rockaway, Long Island sound, and Manhattan's...
Contributing Editor started a blog post Dr. Fauci May Possibly Have His #WhiteHouse #EmploymentTerminated Soon by Mr. #Trumpin NewsDr. Fauci May Possibly Have His #WhiteHouse #EmploymentTerminated Soon by Mr. #Trump
After telling the truth to Americans and openly disagreeing with Mr. Donald Trump on the COVID-19 Coronavirus topic, have you noticed Dr. Fauci hasn'...
Contributing Editor started a blog post #CNN Says Boris Johnson Confirmed Positive #COVID19 Statusin News#CNN Says Boris Johnson Confirmed Positive #COVID19 Status just reported on that Boris Johnson of the European Union - UK Prime Minister just confirmed to CNN news he officially tested posit...
Contributing Editor started a blog post #SpeakerPelosi Talks Up 2 Trillion Stimulus for Americans Dealing With #COVID19in News#SpeakerPelosi Talks Up 2 Trillion Stimulus for Americans Dealing With #COVID19
Democratic house speaker is seen in a political YouTube video by discussing a natonwide $2 trillion economic stimulus pl...
Contributing Editor started a blog post Did #Bloomberg Just Get His Head Virtually 'Knocked Off' by #ElizabethWarren?in NewsDid #Bloomberg Just Get His Head Virtually 'Knocked Off' by #ElizabethWarren?
Warren just scalped Bloomberg in front of the entire country.Wow.— Benny (@bennyjohnson) February 20, 2020 Your thoughts on this? and philanthropic fo...