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#DonaldTrump Losing Big Time on Border Wall Funding
What do you think will happen if Donald Trump never gets money for his border wall financing from Democrats? Will the courts stop Trump in his tracks? ...
Contributing Editor started a blog post #POTUS: #Trump Refusing to End #GovernmentShutdown - Virtually Holds #FederalWorkers and Country 'Hostage'in News#POTUS: #Trump Refusing to End #GovernmentShutdown - Virtually Holds #FederalWorkers and Country 'Hostage'
Over half 1 million America's federal workers dedicated to working for the federal government are furloughed. Most of the set home at the mercies of their landlords or mortgage creditors pleading f...
Contributing Editor started a blog post #Brianna From #CNN Said #DonaldTrump is 'Pushing Lies'in News#Brianna From #CNN Said #DonaldTrump is 'Pushing Lies'
it sounds like somebody is trying to spill the beans and allegedly exposed Donald Trump from who he potentially is. President of the United States Donald John Trump has continually been under fire for ...
Contributing Editor started a blog post #MagicJohnson: #NBAMagic is Possibly Doing Something He Has No Business Doing at Allin News#MagicJohnson: #NBAMagic is Possibly Doing Something He Has No Business Doing at All
Real preachers are called by The LORD Jesus Christ to preach. ...
Contributing Editor started a blog post How Will #DonaldTrump React If and When #POTUS is Possibly Impeached?in NewsHow Will #DonaldTrump React If and When #POTUS is Possibly Impeached?
Will financial markets plunder? Will America's unemployment rate rise? Will the Democrats have the victory? Or will there be another Republican preside...
Contributing Editor started a blog post #GovernmentShutdown: #AndersonCooper Speaks on Actions of #DonaldTrump Affecting #FederalWorkersin News#GovernmentShutdown: #AndersonCooper Speaks on Actions of #DonaldTrump Affecting #FederalWorkers
Anderson Cooper of speaks on Mr. Trump. Who in their right mind is ok with a government shutdown and being at the mercy of their creditors and ...
Contributing Editor started a blog post #POTUS: #DonaldTrump Backs Out of Campaign Promise to Virtually Force #Mexico to Pay for Wall?in News#POTUS: #DonaldTrump Backs Out of Campaign Promise to Virtually Force #Mexico to Pay for Wall?
Many Americans believed in their hearts Donald Trump was not forthcoming in his campaign pledge to have Mexico pay border wall costs. Now that the gove...
Contributing Editor started a blog post #RealDonaldTrump: Is #Mexico Really Paying for the Wall? Or the #AmericanTaxpayers?in News#RealDonaldTrump: Is #Mexico Really Paying for the Wall? Or the #AmericanTaxpayers?
Mexico is paying for the Wall through the new USMCA Trade Deal. Much of the Wall has already been fully renovated or built. We have done a lot of work....
Contributing Editor started a blog post #DonaldTrump: #POTUS Will Allegedly Resign Before End of #2019in News#DonaldTrump: #POTUS Will Allegedly Resign Before End of #2019
Bloggers are blogging. Computers are puting. People are talking. Donald Trump's presidency is in serious jeopardy. Nancy Pelosi will be initiated toda...
Contributing Editor started a blog post #KitchenNightmares: What Are They #Cooking and Doing in This #Kitchen?in News#KitchenNightmares: What Are They #Cooking and Doing in This #Kitchen?
Just what kind of entree are they preparing on this cooking reality TV show known as Kitchen Nightmares starring Gordon Ramsay? And would you trust a ...
Contributing Editor started a blog post Absolutely Pathetic: #USGovernment Furloughs Workers and Then Tweets Out 'Sample Letter for Begging and Panhandling Creditors and Landlords'in NewsAbsolutely Pathetic: #USGovernment Furloughs Workers and Then Tweets Out 'Sample Letter for Begging and Panhandling Creditors and Landlords'
Feds, here are sample letters you may use as a guide when working with your creditors during this furlough. If you need legal advice please consult w...
Contributing Editor started a blog post #DonaldTrump: Do You Think #POTUS is a "Temper Tantrum President?"in News#DonaldTrump: Do You Think #POTUS is a "Temper Tantrum President?"
Who can work for free during a government shutdown and still find a way to pay their bills and move forward with your life successfully? To most people in Am...
#America Still in #Iraq
Watch the latest video at Saddam Hussein has been dead for many years now. Why are U.S. troops still in Iraq? Video by - the "favorite ...
Contributing Editor started a blog post No Such Thing as #SantaClaus or #Christmas - Quit Lying to Kids!in NewsNo Such Thing as #SantaClaus or #Christmas - Quit Lying to Kids!
You heathens who tell people Santa Claus is alive and delivers presents are nothing more than HEATHENS!
Christmas is of Satan!!!