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22 results in 0.0163 seconds.
#MatureMen: How to Profit Mentally from #RejectionbyWomen
On a social networking site, a female makes a post that says verbatim: "While you're trying to spit your game, learn to swallow my rejection lmao!!...
#Transformation: 5 Inspiring Ways to Overcome Lifes Awesome Challenges
Things happen in everyone's life for a reason whether spontaneous or planned. Everything that's meant to be adverse for challenging in ones life journey...
GOD is Real Whether You Believe or Not
Godspared the driver's life as the driver survived driving off a cliff. The person had no choice to learn a valuable life lesson about texting whi...
How to #GetOrganized in The #NewYear
GOD1st in your life is true transformation of the heart. Striving for excellence to get organized in life is a tough path to walk. You lose friends. Family and fake frien...
How to Use Negativity to Succeed in Life
You already know life has problems. No one can breeze through life without experiencing adversity. It can be loss of a job, unemployment, rejection in relat...
A Thank You Message to People From the Past
After past relationships have ended in your life, don't be surprised if the one who doubted you and secretly put you down behind your back tries to com...