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#BrettKavanaugh is 'Confirmed' to the #SCOTUS
It was already known in advance this would happen when Harvard announced Brett Kavanaugh would not be teaching at the university next year. That alone was a he...
Contributing Editor started a blog post #BrettKavanaugh: Did He Allegedly Text #ChristineFord and Told Her 'Not to Tell People?'in News#BrettKavanaugh: Did He Allegedly Text #ChristineFord and Told Her 'Not to Tell People?'
Despite Donald Trump pushing the envelope for the Senate confirmation for Brett Kavanaugh to be confirmed to the Supreme Court of the United States of America, this moment in time will never be forgotten. ...
Susan Just Voted for Good Boy Brett
Watch the latest video at Brett Kavanaugh will, as many oppose, be confirmed today. How do you feel about that despite the harsh allegat...
Contributing Editor started a blog post Is #DonaldTrump Allegedly Poking Fun at #DrChristineFord?in NewsIs #DonaldTrump Allegedly Poking Fun at #DrChristineFord?
What do you think? The video subliminally speaks for itself....
Contributing Editor started a blog post #WashingtonPolitics: Is The Game Rigged for #Kavanaugh Confirmation?in News#WashingtonPolitics: Is The Game Rigged for #Kavanaugh Confirmation?
Now that a former class mate came forward with some information from the past to the FBI and allegedly hasn't received a response, it looks as if the Supreme Court of the Un...
Is The #Kavanaugh Investigation Rigged?
Many, many people assume, allege and think the FBI investigation into the suspected past events of judicial nominee Brett Kavanaugh is allegedly rigged to d...
Things Not Looking Good for #BrettKavanaugh
Mark Judge fled to Delaware as if he allegedly has something to hide and possibly scared. Dr. Ford testified. Some college former friends allege that Brett drank heavily and...
Contributing Editor started a blog post #SideHustleMillionaire: Stop Thinking Job and Start a #SideHustle Todayin News#SideHustleMillionaire: Stop Thinking Job and Start a #SideHustle Today
Get your mind out of the stone age way of working. The traditional 9 to 5 corporate rat race is still in full effect at full strength. Most people go to their day jobs scared...
Contributing Editor started a blog post #KavanaughIsExposed: Former Classmate Allegedly Said #BrettKavanaugh Lied ?in News#KavanaughIsExposed: Former Classmate Allegedly Said #BrettKavanaugh Lied ?
It sounds as if in so many words judicial SCOTUS nominee Brett Kavanaugh allegedly got called out by a former classmate and labeled a "liar." It also looks as if Brett can kiss the Supreme Cour...
Contributing Editor started a blog post #BrettKavanaugh is Finished: #MarkJudge is Cowering out in #Delaware and Hints Already Showing Kavanaugh Will Lose Outin News#BrettKavanaugh is Finished: #MarkJudge is Cowering out in #Delaware and Hints Already Showing Kavanaugh Will Lose Out
If you listened closely today to the words coming from Kavanaugh and his body language, you heard him talking over officials numerous occasions. Then ...
Contributing Editor started a blog post September 27, 2018 - Thursday's News From Around The Webin NewsSeptember 27, 2018 - Thursday's News From Around The Web
Kavanaugh seems very nervous. At one point, he allegedly looked as if he was about to cry. He wiped one of his eyes and what looked like made slight facial...
Contributing Editor started a blog post If #Kavanaugh Did Nothing Wrong, Then Why Did #MarkJudge Run to #BethanyBeachDelaware?in NewsIf #Kavanaugh Did Nothing Wrong, Then Why Did #MarkJudge Run to #BethanyBeachDelaware?
An article from newspaper is quoted saying "In a powerful, composed response she describes the “uproarious laughter” of Kavanaugh and his friend Mark Judg...
Things Not Looking Good for #Kavanaugh
Brett Kavanaugh is really going through the trenches....
Contributing Editor started a blog post #BloombergForPresident ? Former #NewYorkCity Mayor #MikeBloomberg Considering A #Presidential Takeover to Possibly #OverthrowTrumpin News#BloombergForPresident ? Former #NewYorkCity Mayor #MikeBloomberg Considering A #Presidential Takeover to Possibly #OverthrowTrump
The White House may possibly see a new president in 2020. Mike Bloomberg, the richest man in New York City, sits down in a 20 plus minute interview and discusses the...
Contributing Editor started a blog post #OnlineSale: #Macys is Having a #Sale Toward the End of September 2018!in News#OnlineSale: #Macys is Having a #Sale Toward the End of September 2018!
Did you hear the good news? is having a special sale. It's going to be a home sale on home appliances and sales on your favorite brand-nam...