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#CrefloDollar: Are His #Finances 'Questionable?'
How does one get arrested for assaulting their child, then turns around and gets financial assistance from a loyal congregation without questioning hos motives for acquiring ...
Contributing Editor started a blog post #SonicBoom: Is This Really the Largest Sound System in the #World?in News#SonicBoom: Is This Really the Largest Sound System in the #World?
Who has every heard of a sound system so loud that it can possibly kill you? According to this video, that's the ability this sound technology has. It's classified as LEAF, o...
Contributing Editor started a blog post #Forbes Gives Ideas on #SideHustles You Can Start Nowin News#Forbes Gives Ideas on #SideHustles You Can Start Now
Dnn is against any side hustle that goes against Biblical scripture. That goes for cosmetics, alcohol, investing-stocks, anything that earns interest, ...
Contributing Editor started a blog post #RickandMorty: #McDonalds Plays a Good Business Card by Bringing Back #SzechuanSaucein News#RickandMorty: #McDonalds Plays a Good Business Card by Bringing Back #SzechuanSauce
Did you know reissued the Rick and Morty sauce? This is one of many ways that McD’s continues to evolve with the times. So...
Contributing Editor started a blog post #AppleComputers: Is There Really Such a Place as a Phony #AppleStore?in News#AppleComputers: Is There Really Such a Place as a Phony #AppleStore?
A Steve Jobs bobble head doll sits in the glass showcase of what seems to be an ...
Contributing Editor started a blog post #CounterfeitMerchandise: Merchant in #China Virtually Begging for Best Price?in News#CounterfeitMerchandise: Merchant in #China Virtually Begging for Best Price?
The merchandise this store merchant is selling is allegedly fake. They allegedly sell counterfeit Adidas, Fila, Nike, and other brands. As you can see in the video, the store...
Contributing Editor started a blog post #FakeSneakers: Merchant in #BeijingChina Pressing Customer to Give 'Best Price'in News#FakeSneakers: Merchant in #BeijingChina Pressing Customer to Give 'Best Price'
If the merchandise was real, the merchant seen in this video in Beijing, China would have no need to emphasize hi top Nike Michael Jordan sneaker...
Contributing Editor started a blog post Warning to ALL Spammers, Site Content Scrapers and Content Rehashersin NewsWarning to ALL Spammers, Site Content Scrapers and Content Rehashers
If you post SPAMMY links, create link farms in your forum signature, post copyrighted content and or duplicate content, YOU WILL BE BANNED from Drewry...
Contributing Editor started a blog post #RussianSpam: Guard Your Free EMail Accounts and Change Your Passwordsin News#RussianSpam: Guard Your Free EMail Accounts and Change Your Passwords
Russians are highly suspected of sending nonsense spam e-mails to Americans' free email accounts. Since the beginning of the Donald Trump presidency, ...
#Politics: You're Fired - Get Out Now!
Guess who might allegedly get fired in the near future? Ben Carson Betsy DeVos A majority of trump employees are on pins and needles worried about the...
Contributing Editor started a blog post #SideHustle: How to Tap into #Amazon, #Facebook, and #Google's Profitsin News#SideHustle: How to Tap into #Amazon, #Facebook, and #Google's Profits
Information technology has afforded everyone the opportunity to work remotely from anywhere as a part-time or full-time side hustle. Side hustling is nothing more than a coin...
#GungHo: Energy Bar Helps Boost Memory Retention?
A new energy bar that graced the health and nutrition market is getting lots of buzz on the world's most popular video site. While surfing on YouTube this mo...