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Contributing Editor started a blog post #Cheapskate: What Would You Do if You're Rich and Looking to Pinch Pennies?in News#Cheapskate: What Would You Do if You're Rich and Looking to Pinch Pennies?
4 tips for traveling cheap from a penny-pincher from CNBC. Is this lady in the video thinking wisely about saving money while traveling? Or is she being an al...
Contributing Editor started a blog post #Earthquake: and News Networks Issue #Tsunami Alertin News#Earthquake: and News Networks Issue #Tsunami Alert
Alaska's recent earthquake might open the door for a potential Tsunami to hit the entire west coast. According to and media outlets such...
Contributing Editor started a blog post #SelfImprovement: Overcoming Your Lowest Level Habitsin News#SelfImprovement: Overcoming Your Lowest Level Habits
Struggling with a specific flaw? Guess what? We're all born with flaws from birth. It doesn't mean we're destined for failure throughout our lifetim...
Contributing Editor started a blog post #BloggingFromParadise: Special Thanks to Ryan Biddulph for Mentioning DNN on HuffingtonPost.comin News#BloggingFromParadise: Special Thanks to Ryan Biddulph for Mentioning DNN on
Ryan Biddulph. Who is he? A blogger out of New Jersey. He made the successful transformation from day jobber to blogger. It wasn't an easy transition. Someway, somehow, Biddulph no...
#Data: Content Archiving
Webmasters, bloggers, and online publishers create unique content from scratch everyday to engage with people on the world wide web. Content creati...
Contributing Editor started a blog post #PersonalDebt: Dave Ramsey Speaks on 'Hope and Money'in News#PersonalDebt: Dave Ramsey Speaks on 'Hope and Money'
When it comes to taking financial advice who's a successful business CEO, it's best to make sure you used every part of the Q-tip to clean out thy ears. Accomplished entrepreneur D...
Contributing Editor started a blog post #ParanormalActivity: Sam Thrower Warns Against Use of #Ouija Board and Contacting the #SpiritWorldin News#ParanormalActivity: Sam Thrower Warns Against Use of #Ouija Board and Contacting the #SpiritWorld
Ever wondered if paranormal activity is really real? You betcha. In real life, it happens in a way none of us can prove. Additionally, when it happens most times, it's done behin...
Contributing Editor started a blog post God is shamelessly and gladly acknowledged before the world on this sitein NewsGod is shamelessly and gladly acknowledged before the world on this site
The Lord Jesus Christ is shamelessly acknowledged on this site as GOD and GOD alone i say with honest conviction in my heart and of free will that: ...
#ExoticCreatures: Would You Own This as a Pet?
These boneless creatures have a biblical history dating back thousands of years.What's your feeling towards owning these reptile creatures? Are they wor...