#AffiliatePrograms: New Advertisers Joining the #AffiliateMarketing Industry

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  • Contributing Editor
    • May 2014
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    #AffiliatePrograms: New Advertisers Joining the #AffiliateMarketing Industry

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    #sidehustlemillionaire status is possible with #affiliatemarketing, #blogging & #partnering with the #right #advertisers to #promote their #affiliateprograms on #blogs & #websites. #Affiliate #marketing is #replacing #traditional #employment & #helping #people take their #sidehustle to #earning a #fulltime #online #income by #workingfromhome

    Are you currently an employee working a full-time day job or part-time seasonal job looking for something new and exciting to help you increase your profit potential? Guess what? The answer to that question is not getting another job. “Job” means “just over broke.” But a job is something that everyone needs before starting something new and exciting such as a side hustle, because you need a job and a legitimate source of income to build your side hustle from the ground floor up. And besides, you also need a job realistically because you have immediate needs that need to be met such as paying rent or mortgage, putting food in your refrigerator and keeping food in there often, money for gas, and making sure the mouths of your children are fed. Affiliate marketing and promoting affiliate programs either through paid search advertising services or promoting affiliate programs on a blog or website will definitely help you increase your profit potential and turn your affiliate marketing side hustle possibly into your full-time gig and quit your day job. But quitting your day job right now is a far cry.

    If you’re new to affiliate marketing and don’t have a clue what it is, affiliate marketing is a process of promoting online marketing programs for an advertiser either through a blog or website or discussion forum, or promoting affiliate programs-affiliate links through paid search advertising services. Two of the most famous paid search advertising services are Bing.com by Microsoft.com, and AdWords.Google.com. These reliable paid search advertising services help billion-dollar corporations and small businesses increase their profit potential through paid search advertising services and effectively targeting their niche market for the purpose of converting affiliate links and products into repeat sales.

    Affiliate marketing, once again, is the process of promoting affiliate links on blogs and websites and on paid search ad services for the intent of her moaning in online advertiser and earning an “affiliate commission.” Any product or service promoted and sold through your affiliate link is considered an “affiliate sale,” as it puts you in the position to earn recurring “affiliate commissions.”

    Earning affiliate commissions is the process of affiliate marketing which you can do from the comfort of your home with or without a day job. And the beauty of affiliate marketing is, hundreds of thousands of new advertisers are always joining the online affiliate marketing industry. For you, this means unlimited $ gUaP $ potential to take any advertiser you want to work with and promote them in hopes of earning lots of [affiliate commissions].

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    If you have no clue what affiliate marketing is and want to learn more on your own, it’s recommended to perform a search or multiple searches in your favorite search engine for more information on the topic of “side hustle affiliate marketing,” or another search term such as “how to make money from affiliate marketing side hustles.” Your preferred search engine should return fruitful results on the topic of “affiliate marketing side hustles from home.” A good thing to know about getting in affiliate marketing is you never have to worry about age discrimination, asking for payraise, getting dressed and going to a regular job clocking in and performing manual labor, nor do you have to worry about anyone standing over your shoulders pressuring you to meet any kind of sales quotas. Affiliate marketing is a freelance industry you can work in your spare time and at your leisure. Though there’s no guarantees of financial success in the field of affiliate marketing as a “freelance affiliate marketer,” if you use your creativity and personal ambition by doing the transformation business work out of inspiration or desperation, you can achieve “side hustle millionaire” status in possibly five years or less after starting your “work from home affiliate marketing side hustle.” But it’s going to take a good while before you get rich because affiliate marketing is a “get rich slow affiliate marketing side hustle.” It’s a good idea to start your affiliate marketing side hustle with a domain name and hosting your self hosted WordPress blog on a dedicated web server. The reason why you want your self hosted WordPress blog on a dedicated Web server is because you want complete administrative control over the look and feel of your blog, and the ability to add new advertisers to your blog as you’re creating content for your blog as a means of driving traffic and sales to your affiliate links on your blog.

    If you already have a self hosted WordPress blog on a dedicated server and looking to partner with new advertisers for your blogging niche, take a closer look at the advertisers below and search for them in your preferred search engine for more information how you can join their affiliate program.

    Five recommended advertisers you should join as a new affiliate:

    1. NerdWallet.com affiliate program-blogger Tim Chen started his finance blog in the late 2000 after getting furloughed from his job. According to an article on CNBC, Chen came up with the idea for the blog while “twiddling his thumbs.” NerdWallet was started on a leap of faith and possibly started up with only $800 to his life savings. He allegedly didn’t have his own place at the time to call home, but he did the transformation business work out of inspiration or desperation and prosper. Tim Chen today is possibly worth over half $1 billion thanks to affiliate marketing and tons of informative content on his personal-finance blog Nerd Wallet.

    Tim Chen was fired from his job and went from "terminated to millionaire," using affiliate marketing and blogging to achieve "side hustle millionaire" status. This can be you too!

    Today, Mr. Chen recently launched an affiliate program. The NerdWallet affiliate program aims to help customers who seek financial guidance from NerdWallet make better financial decisions through “student loan refinancing.” they help customers get a personalized refinance rate that’s friendly on their pockets and gives students a peace of mind knowing they won’t have to possibly fork over half of their paycheck after graduating from college to “repay student loans.”

    NerdWallet affiliate program provides ample opportunity to education based bloggers and other financial bloggers that offer relevant information on the topic of money. This affiliate program helps bloggers make money by starting out paying one dollar per student refinance loan lead. And if the student refinance loan lead possibly gets approved, the affiliate “allegedly” is paid $289 per “student refinance loan approval.” When you find this affiliate program in your preferred search engine and decide to apply for it, being mindful to read over the “affiliate financial compensation” section, so you have a clear and concise understanding how much you’ll be paid as a “NerdWallet.com affiliate” if you decide to join this affiliate program to make money. Your contact person to go to for more information is Jessica Rovanpera. You can e-mail her for more information on the affiliate program at jrovanpera@nerdwallet.com. FYI...Nerd Wallet joined the affiliate marketing industry in April 2019. This personal-finance blog company continues to grow and shows steady earnings. If you’re serious about making money online and being a future side hustle millionaire in affiliate marketing, you may want to consider looking into this program for more information and contacting the go to person.

    2. GUCCI.com - Yes. That’s right. Your favorite fragrance manufacturer and fashion designer has officially joined the affiliate marketing industry. Gucci continues to be a successful and fashionable brand and a leader in the fashion industry. Their clothing and fragrance success speaks volumes. The Gucci affiliate program is open to dedicated and ambitious affiliate marketers and bloggers looking to maximize their online income potential as dedicated affiliate program promoters.

    The Gucci affiliate program is monitored and managed by Claudia Wünsch Communications. Once approved as a Gucci affiliate, the affiliate cookie from your Gucci affiliate link is good up to 45 days “unless the person chooses to clear all cookies off of their computer.” The Gucci affiliate program starts out with a healthy 8% affiliate commission. This is pretty good because it helps keep “Gucci affiliate marketers” energized for promoting the “Gucci affiliate program.” And the good news about this affiliate program is Gucci is paying up to 10% affiliate commission for those affiliates who build a steady track record of bringing in steady “Gucci affiliate sales.”

    Perform a search in your favorite search engine for more information on how to join the affiliate program of Gucci and inquire with the affiliate manager and company for more information on “Gucci affiliate commissions” and “Gucci affiliate program promotion methods.”

    3. SouthwestVacations.com - This affiliate program pays potentially up to 3% affiliate commissions. The travel industry is booming and provides golden opportunities to “travel affiliate marketing bloggers” to earn healthy “travel blogging affiliate commissions.” Southwest vacations, possibly part of Southwest airlines, has a wonderful affiliate program offering vacation perks to travel customers who bought their vacations online through Southwest vacations. This affiliate program launched April 22, 2019. Under this program,customers can customize their travel vacations with a piece of mind knowing their money is well spent. “Southwest vacation affiliate marketers” can promote this program on blogs and websites with travel related content, knowing this affiliate program will convert well because it’s travel related and anything travel related online converts to “instant affiliate travel commissions.”they could not only booked their Southwest vacations and customize them, but also book their hotel, car rental or SUV truck rental, and attraction passes. Visit the website for more information or perform a search in your favorite search engine to discover how to be a part of this amazing and well paying “travel related affiliate program.”

    4. Bloomingdales.com - Who doesn’t shop at Bloomingdale’s? The “Bloomingdales affiliate program” is an ideal fashion related affiliate program for fashion bloggers and personal finance content publishers looking to instantly increase their affiliate revenue potential and improve site credibility. Partnering with Bloomingdale’s as an affiliate instantly adds credibility to your blog or website, putting you in the driver’s seat to have your affiliate commission percentages potentially increased upon bringing in repeat affiliate sales.

    Bloomingdale’s sells top fashion brands such as Tommy Hilfiger, Polo Ralph Lauren, Nautica.com, Nike, Timberland, and more. Bloomingdale’s is paying a starting healthy affiliate commission of 4% to new affiliates. Once approved as a “Bloomingdale’s affiliate,” adding “Bloomingdale’s affiliate links” to blogs and websites is this easy as one, two, three.

    Bloomingdale’s affiliate links are a virtual easy sell and encourages affiliates to create more content with the intention of possibly making money 24 hours a day from promoting the Bloomingdale’s affiliate program on blogs and websites. This is one affiliate program you definitely don’t want to overlook if you’re seeking to increase your affiliate marketing revenue potential and achieve the future status of “side hustle millionaire.”

    5. Staples.com - Who doesn’t shop for office supplies online looking to save money? The Staples affiliate program is the ideal online marketing program for finance related content developers and business bloggers looking to maximize their affiliate income potential. Content marketing is a serious business. And no one wants to create content without the intention of making money from it. Good news is, when you focus on creating quality content for your audience, they reward you by sharing your content on social networks and in e-mails with people they know, increasing your potential to earn money from affiliate advertisements on your blog or website without spending one dime on paid online advertising services. And partnering with the Staples affiliate program not only adds credibility to your site, but also encourages sales without putting forth much effort. That’s virtual music to your ears, isn’t it?

    Staples affiliate program is paying affiliates a starting affiliate percentage at the time of this postup to potentially 8% affiliate commission. You can scour the Staples website or perform a search in your favorite search engine for more information on “how to join Staples affiliate program.”

    Truth: Everyday people like yourself are quietly turning to affiliate marketing as their “new new of employment.” Traditional employment is slowly but surely becoming obsolete because people want to supplement their existing forms of income. MLM known as multilevel marketing used to be the dominant side hustle back in the day. The downside to MLM is when people in your down line get lazy and don’t do the work, your monthly residual income checks are greatly affected. And they’re not affected for the better.

    No need to worry about that with affiliate marketing because you make money from the ads off of your blog or website. No down-line needed and no people to deal with face-to-face. No customer service phone calls either. No product to hoard in your house and nothing to buy. Affiliate marketing is quietly making some everyday people like yourself a “side hustle millionaire.” This can be you if you’re willing to change your way of thinking now and get on board with “affiliate marketing as your side hustle to financial freedom.” It’s never too late to get started and you’re never too old to begin. All you need is a willing mind to change your way of thinking and ambition to prosper in this freelance line of work.

    Stay tuned for content coming soon discussing affiliate programs and “everything affiliate marketing.”