#HowTo: Achieve #SideHustleMillionaire Status in #AffiliateMarketing

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  • Contributing Editor
    • May 2014
    • 2714

    #HowTo: Achieve #SideHustleMillionaire Status in #AffiliateMarketing

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    #Ready to be a #sidehustlemillionaire #affiliatemarketer & #blogger?

    Affiliate Summit East 2014 in New York City gave people much to think about. For newbie affiliates who attended the events for the very 1st time, it gave them hope about the possibility of starting a business online and earning healthy income with a few years of hard work invested. Existing and seasoned affiliates who've been to past Affiliate Summit events gained priceless information as they always do at AffiliateSummit.com meetups.

    Earning Affiliate Commissions

    Everyone involved in affiliate marketing loves earning huge affiliate commissions. Making big money in affiliate marketing takes time. Anywhere from one year to three years. That's the basic truth. If you're looking to become a millionaire in the affiliate marketing industry with earning huge affiliate commissions, here's steps you need to take toward possibly achieving that goal:

    1. Don't focus on the money
    2. Focus on creating quality content for your blog or website
    3. Concentrate on building quality relationships with advertisers and site viewers
    4. Stop thinking about only making money online
    5. Create quality content that'll entice site viewers to share on social networks
    6. Join different affiliate networks to diversify your online income strategy
    7. Diversify your online marketing strategy by owning more than one site if applicable
    8. Involve yourself more with forming deep relationships
    9. Attend AffiliateSummit.com events to gain valuable education in affiliate marketing
    10. Create a blog or website around a niche topic you have best knowledge of

    Also, be sure not to put too many advertisements on your site. That has the ability to drive site viewers away and annoy them. You want to concentrate on keeping all site content unique as this will greatly benefit your long-term search engine rankings. Additionally, if you're looking to become an affiliate marketing millionaire your mind has to be calibrated to be in this game long-term because it will be a very good while before you earn a penny from affiliate programs. Don't give up if you create content and work hard on days you don't earn anything from affiliate advertisements on your site. This is the trial and tribulation point of your Internet career as an affiliate to see what you're truly made of. In the meantime, hang in there keep on trucking!

    It can't be emphasized enough about the importance of building relationships online. This will be your bread-and-butter in the long run. If you're looking to just become a millionaire without having personal relationships with advertisers and site viewers, this line of work is not for you. People want to know the personal side of you as an affiliate marketer before giving you their money. Take time to create personal profiles about yourself on social networks such as Google +, LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and elsewhere. Include a link to your blog or website so people can get familiar with who you are. Making money online as an affiliate marketer after while will become a full-time career potentially. It's nice to have a website but people want to see a face with it sooner or later. You'll be surprised how your affiliate commissions will potentially increase after people get to know you personally online and see your face at online marketing tradeshow events.

    Becoming an Internet millionaire is possible for anyone who puts their mind to it. It's a humbling process. It's not just about making money. Yet, the awesome growth associated with being a mature affiliate and appreciating the process of growing your business online from scratch. Relationships, relationships, relationships. This is foundation affiliate marketing is built on. You will hear relationships building being preached times over at many elite marketing tradeshow events like Affiliate Summit, AdTech, LeadsCon, TechCrunch, and Commission Junction "CJ Conversant" in Santa Barbara, California.

    If you have a mind to succeed and willing to do the transformation entrepreneurial work any and all awesome life challenges continually building your affiliate business from scratch, you can and will achieve "affiliate marketing millionaire" status. Just know it'll be years down the road and when least expected. As mentioned previously, keep moving forward with your content and relationship building. Nevermind who doesn't believe in you and walks away. They'll be back later. Use that as motivation and positive energy keep going the extra mile in your business ventures. Be encouraged and never quit in the uncertain game called life.