Using #SocialMedia and #OnlinePublicRelations is a Must for Business

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  • Contributing Editor
    • May 2014
    • 2714

    Using #SocialMedia and #OnlinePublicRelations is a Must for Business

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    #socialmediamarketing helps your #onlinebusiness #makemoney #online #24hours a day & achieve #sidehustlemillionaire #status

    Content creators spontaneously seek unique avenues to effectively target and engage their audience using social media and other natural PR measures. You can have a great website, blog, or affiliate landing squeeze page. Without traffic, you're virtually a sitting duck on the World Wide Web. Traffic is what drives the money and keeps content creators motivated, continuously creating meaningful content for the target audience. While striving to stay successful in consistent content publishing, content creators of all niches must have a humble mindset, be willing to learn new things despite age, and work virtually at all hours of the day, sometimes including working the midnight online graveyard shift.

    Your profit margin is measured numerous ways. First, it's the information within the body of your content that makes or breaks your site. If you're launching a new product or service, a great way to create meaningful content and drive traffic is by way of writing and submitting press releases to press release directories. One PR directory is Another is On the flip side, you can write an article and submit to an article directory about your new product or service you've just launched submitting ot or When you submit a press release or an article to a directory, that's one effective strategy of driving traffic to your site or blog. Additionally, every time you submit a press release or article to a directory, you increase your probability of not only generating new leads toward your affiliate squeeze landing pages or blog-website, but you naturally build your visibility on the Internet in terms of effectively building your business.

    Related: Creative methods to use social media for business -

    The Internet rewards those who are persistent in their content creation efforts. And, a sneaky but legitimate tactic in leveraging more traffic to your site is by way of sharing your newly published articles or press releases on social networks. Social networking automation works best for sharing content on multiple platforms at once. Search your preferred search engine for more information concerning "social automation for online businesses."

    'Full Strength Blogging'

    Self-hosted blogging with your own dedicated server is a great way to build your online reputation and get your name out there to the world online to build your web based business. If you have your own small business web hosting plan and have not yet installed a blog or CMS content management system, install WordPress with no delay on your Web server. Make the necessary adjustments optimizing your blog for search engines by adding relevant keywords to your META tag descriptions and your soon to be published blog posts. This is where the awesome power of Yoast SEO WordPress plugin comes handy. The more you blog quality content daily, the more search engines like,, and feel enticed to increase the frequency of search crawler bot visits to index your blog posts in their search engine results pages.

    Blogging allows you to creatively express yourself while building your business and giving your blog affiliated advertisers more exposure to your dedicated blog readers. Once your content is published on your blog, you can share your blog posts on multiple social networks using the awesome power of sophisticated online technology like Sharing your blog posts on dozens of social networking services helps bloggers to have a piece of mind, while focusing solely on keeping their blog content fresh, so that search engines will consistently index the blog content and send free search engine traffic to your newly published blog posts.

    'YouTube for Business is a Must'

    Using the awesome power of YouTube in driving traffic to your site should never be overlooked. With YouTube, you can add a link to deep pages within your blog or website to every newly uploaded video you upload to your channel. After you've placed a link to any deep page within your blog, website or newly published press release or article, be mindful to write a 1 to 2 paragraph description of what your video is about.

    Use keyword rich words and phrases with in the video description of your new YouTube video. After that's complete, simply add necessary video search tags below the video description in the tag section, which are relevant to the YouTube video content you just uploaded to your channel. After all is complete, simply select the correct category of your YouTube video, click save, sit back and potentially experience an increase in traffic to any link you've placed in your YouTube video description. Increased traffic from links placed in your video description will not occur overnight. It's a patient process which requires daily persistence. As with any business or joint venture, success will not happen overnight.

    Forming Joint Ventures with Other Marketers

    What does JV mean? It simply means "joint venture." A joint venture is when a blogger or Internet marketer builds a meaningful business relationship online with people in their online career field. They work together to keep each other successful in anything that they're working towards accomplishing. JV or "joint venture," is a topic often discussed in the field of affiliate marketing among internet marketers.

    If you have an open mindset in forming joint ventures with other bloggers, affiliate marketers and webmasters, forming JV's with others will help accelerate your success potential, increase traffic to your site and leverage free social network traffic. Your success in business is mainly based upon how well you get along with others.

    'Guest Blogging'

    Guest blogging is by far an effective traffic building strategy. To guest blog or guest post on someone else's site will give you the necessary and targeted exposure of increasing your business and build a positive online business reputation among the Internet masses. Guest posting only requires your energy and patience. Guest posting does not require you to pay money for PPC online advertising, nor submitting any kind of credit card or debit card information.

    If you have knowledge in a particular niche and looking to build your business through someone else's site, all you have to do is send that site owner a personalized e-mail introducing yourself, what you're trying to achieve, and simply ask their permission to guest post on their site. Most likely, they'll feel more than happy and thrilled potentially to let you guest post on their site. Why? Simply because it's more content for their site and less work for them. The good thing about it is business coming to you free of charge. How beautiful is that? Very, if you're ambitious and driven to succeed in your web based business endeavors.

    Stay Humble and Inspired to Succeed

    Hopefully this post will inspire you to start your own business online. Many people are jobless in America . Your unemployed or financially distressed status can be a blessing in disguise. Why? It inspires you to put that idea you've been putting off for the longest in action. Unemployment gives you time to work on your business plan and first action steps in complete concentration. Your downtime allows you to creatively to strategize how to go about launching and operating your online business.

    Hopefully you'll put these positive ideas to use to get your feet wet and start your own business. Putting the awesome power of social media to work for you is possible if you believe and do the transformation work. As with any business, you're not only taking a risk, but can earn more or less depending upon your determination and effort. Be inspired and always remember to give back in helping others when you have reached the top of the mountain running your own business online, while potentially and quietly amassing millions of dollars on the World Wide Web.

    Food for thought - Social media marketing of your site content across multiple social platforms gives you an extra edge over competitors vs. not using mass content syndication techniques to give their blog or website additional exposure. Social media marketing is good because it puts your site front-and-center before the eyeballs of thousands or millions of people on,,, and, putting you front and center additionally to a possibility of making money online 24 hours a day and a cheating side hustle millionaire status faster. Most importantly, if you want to get an extra extra edge on social media marketing and leverage in the search engines, it's also that I did a kick out the extra bucks too or website.

    This will instantly improve your search engine optimization, inbound links, and people referencing your published press release on famous news sites like,,,, and other well-known sites, thus giving you tons of free traffic from the press release years to come. Social media marketing is not to be ignored for your online business because content is not good enough in today's age of Information Technology. In other words, if you just publish content and don't share it across social networks, very few people will see what you've published on your blog or website. This is why it's important to share your content across social networks and include links to specific pages to your blogs or web pages in the body of paid press releases. Lastly, the more online visibility your site has, the more your online revenue potential increases.