#InternetSideBusiness: Why #Pinterest Will Always be on Their A+ Game

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  • Contributing Editor
    • May 2014
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    #InternetSideBusiness: Why #Pinterest Will Always be on Their A+ Game

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    #PinterestforBusiness - #Use #Pinterest for #free #advertising & more #freeadvertising of your #site & #affiliatelinks

    Pinterest.com will always do good for online businesses. It's a free social platform where anyone can create an account and promote virtually anything as the police. The only cost involved is your creativity, effort, and time.

    Pinterest will always be on their A + game because it's a visually driven business and personal social network. People from all walks of life come together for common causes. Affiliate marketers can freely promote affiliate links without worry and gain valuable marketing experience toward earning a full-time income for themselves or gain valuable marketing experience for the purpose of placing on an employment resume as an acquired skill.

    Pinterest will always be on their A + game because people who hold down day jobs and use the visual business social network as a means of promoting their side hustles will rely on it to drive scores of traffic to their blogs, marketing landing pages, and websites as a means of increasing their probability of generating residual supplemental income.

    Using Pinterest for business is not to be ignored. Using the amazing picture social networking service to effectively build passive website and blog traffic is by far rewarding in the long run. It's a people powered site driven by user generated content and rapid reshares. Using Pinterest can transform a small business to a possible online multimillion dollar company. You are what you think, but stay humble in the process. Staying persistent with pinning to Pinterest frequently will help you gain more than search engine visibility. The same rule applies online as it does in the real world: relationships, relationships, relationships. Build meaningful relationships on Pinterest by pinning quality content and pinning others pins, as it'll benefit your business in unimaginable ways.

    'Building Steady Site Traffic'

    Pinterest is a picture driven social networking community. People online are immediately engaged to streaming video and pictures. Have you ever noticed your website traffic increase when you include a link in your YouTube video description back to a specific page on your blog or website? It''s because the human eye wants to see video and photos, while immediately enticed to give in to the temptation of following a link to know more about what's on your site. The same rule applies to uploading photos and including a link back to your site on your Pinterest profile.

    The key to success in building passive web traffic from this amazing photo sharing social networking community is to pin quality images and content to your profile every day. It's more like of a mind over matter thing when using Pinterest to build large amounts of free traffic to your site. If you feel you are persistent enough to log into your profile every day and pin to your pinboards, you can potentially see a sharp increase in traffic specifically from Pinterest in as little as six months. To measure Pinterest traffic increases, its highly recommended that you use Google analytics to measure your Pinterest web traffic building ability, as the analytics dashboard will show you exactly what specific social networks are delivering specific amounts of site visitors to specific pages on your blog or website. Staying persistent in pinning to Pinterest can't be stressed enough, alongside keeping your site or blog updated with unique content daily.

    User Generated Content

    Want to know the reason why Pinterest will always be successful? They don't create any of their content. It''s a user generated content social networking community as previously mentioned. They'll always be successful because of the energy of others pinning to their pin boards.

    Drewry News Network predicts Pinterest will become a triple threat to Twitter.com, Facebook.com and other social networks, due to creative features on Pinterest.com that quietly inspire encourage people to use the site more. For example, every time a user uploads a photo as a new pin, people have the option of clicking the like button on every new pin posted to their account. Search engines quietly take notice of this and potentially ranks a site higher in search engine results pages.

    Another reason why Pinterest will always be successful is because they receive user generated content from across the world 24 hours a day. Like Facebook, Pinterest allows you to auto post your newly uploaded pins using their proprietary technology to your twitter account. When you auto share your newly uploaded pins to twitter, you're actually inviting your Twitter followers to be nosy in what you're pinning to your pinboards, which can potentially increase online sales and affiliate commissions, if you have advertisements on your blog or website from affiliated merchants. Additionally, using generated content will increase on Pinterest in years ahead which may potentially put themselves ahead of Facebook.com and Twitter.com.

    'SEO Benefits'

    One thing people and businesses of all sizes are not doing when uploading new pins to their Pinterest accounts is taking the time to write a unique description for their pins. As a result, search engines allegedly label people who automatically pin without writing a unique description as "duplicate content." The reason? Every time you upload a new pin with a description to your Pinterest account, search engine crawlers who scour the web 24 hours a day looking for new and fresh content make quiet comparisons and cross check the entire web to see if that content has been published anywhere else. And if so, while pins that don't have unique descriptions may potentially be indexed by search engines, it will possibly be ranked lower in search engine results pages in Bing.com, Google.com, and YaHoO.com. You may not understand all of this lingo for now. You'll understand in due time from experience in online marketing.

    If you truly desire to benefit from good SEO using Pinterest, here's what you should do when posting new pins to your account:
    • Upload an interesting meme, infographic, photo or video that is deemed attractive to the eye
    • Take time to write a unique description by way of typing on your computer keyboard or using a speech recognition program to type your description without physically typing on your keyboard. Voice recognition programs help unique content creators put out content faster versus traditionally typing on the keyboard.
    • Use relevant hashtags in every new Pinterest pin. By using hash tags, you help yourself not only get ranked higher on Pinterest, but it also gets indexed by search engines which can potentially give you the upper hand in possibly getting a better position in search engine results pages in Bing, Dogpile, Google and YaHoO!
    • Don't forget to include a link back to specific blog pages or web pages to your site when uploading new pins to your account. When doing so, search engine spiders will notice this and potentially rank your newly uploaded Pinterest pins higher in search engines for specific search terms.
    • Don't pin the same content on your blog post or webpage to your pin board. You will quietly get duped for duplicate content by search engines.
    • Pin everyday. Not only will search engines reward you, but people will repin your pins everyday without asking them to.


    Take time alongside uploading new pains to your account to pin others content to your pinboards. Thinking of others and re-pinning their content to your account will help you build a meaningful relationship with others on Pinterest. The beauty of doing so is that not only will you possibly benefit from other people pinning your content to their pin boards and increase traffic back to your site, but it can also result in an increase in online sales and affiliate commissions.

    Another beautiful thing about re-pinning content from others to your account is that it builds trust. The longer people see you on Pinterest or any other social network posting content frequently, they begin to take a liking to you. Alongside building traffic to your site from pinning, building positive and long-lasting sustainable relationships with others online should be your first concentration, because this is the foundation in which you will build your Internet business on. Lastly, pin other people's content to your boards as they'll most likely return the love.

    'Staying Faithful'

    The videos above will hopefully inspire you, if you haven't already done so, to create a free account and optimize your Pinterest profile. While you will not build huge amounts of traffic back to your site or generate potential sales right away from pinning to your pinboard, you gain valuable experience by learning the ropes of how to use this amazing social image network to effectively build your online visibility. Also, you will gain priceless experience of how to build a relationship with others and potentially work with others while they pin your content to their accounts. The big picture in all of this is learning to work with people online and creating a positive community in which people or helping people. Don't focus on the sale or building traffic to your site in the moment because that's "vain thinking."

    Focus on quality content, building and sustaining meaningful relationships, and pinning quality content. You'll notice in due time fruits of your labor paying off. Patience is a virtue in this line of work.