#Pinterest: Build a Loyal Following With #ContentMarketing and Making the Best of #PinterestforBusiness

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  • Contributing Editor
    • May 2014
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    #Pinterest: Build a Loyal Following With #ContentMarketing and Making the Best of #PinterestforBusiness

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    #Pinterestmarketing for #beginners and #experts - using #Pinterest for #business should never be ignored if you want to be a #sidehustlemillionaire

    Companies in the United States and offshore use Pinterest for business. Some of them are million dollar companies. Others worth billions. Though most million and billion dollar companies use Pinterest to get more followers and business, they haven't yet achieved 10,000 Pinterest followers.

    There's many creative and unique ways for companies to effectively increase their Pinterest following. It requires intense creativity in the social PR area. A dedicated person to promote your company via social media is needed. This way, they can solely concentrate with no delay on getting your Pinterest corporate marketing organized and keeping your company relevant by using Pinterest for business.

    Here's how the companies mentioned can potentially increase their Pinterest followers:

    1. Hire a dedicated social media admin. This person is hired just to promote the company on social networks and monitor social interactions. If applicable, this person can be the head social media PR person with a small team managed of around 5 to 10 individuals. The head social media admin would be responsible or making the brand more appealing on Pinterest and other social networks, with a concentration on staying deeply engaged with people and responding to consumer feedback. Interaction with people on social networks and leaving comments on Pinterest pins of is also a great way for corporations build followers back their Pinterest profiles.

    2. Install Wordpress on your site if you haven't already done so. Anyone can be assigned from the PR team as mentioned in step number one to be the "corporate blogger." The corporate blogger would be responsible for blogging daily on any and everything the companies doing. Blogging drives instant traffic from search engines and social networks. A good thing about having WordPress installed on the company website is not only having the ability to instantly update your blog, but, also install and activate useful WordPress plug-ins that will help bloggers extend their reach. Having such content extending WP plugins on your blog will result in increasing the probability of getting more traffic from social networks your new blog posts are shared on, and increasing SEO backlinks, which results in a better position in search engine listings and increased Google page rank. You can configure the WordPress plug-in to auto post to any Pinterest board "as mentioned." You may want to be a little careful about configuring the plug-in to pain to someone else's board they invited you to cause you don't want to irritate anyone, depending on the frequency of your blog posts throughout the day.

    3. Upload videos to YouTube and include a link in every new YouTube video description back to your Pinterest profile. This is a wonderful way of companies in the United States and offshore using free methods to promote their Pinterest profile in getting more followers. As mentioned in step number one, if you have a dedicated social media PR person, be sure they are uploading videos daily to you to and writing unique video descriptions. Do not do a copy and paste job in every new YouTube video and paste the same content from the last video description in the new video description.

    Search engines will list you as duplicate content and your channel may possibly suffer in search engine listings by being ranked lower. Have your dedicated social media PR person uses special program such as speech recognition to use the power of their voice to write content such as YouTube video descriptions and blog posts. It'll make their job easier. Most importantly, include a link in the header and footer of every new YouTube video. Once that's done, and figured your YouTube account to automatically share every new video on Facebook and Twitter. This way, your dedicated social media PR person does not have to worry about manually logging into Twitter and Facebook every time to post a link from a new video. Your YouTube account settings can be configured to do this automatically for you.

    4. Include a link to your Pinterest profile in e-Newsletters and ask your e-Subscribers to follow you on Pinterest. E-mail marketing is one of the most effective free methods of virally getting the word out there about anything mentioned in it. E-mails are shared by people and word-of-mouth goes very far on the World Wide Web. If you ask they just may do so. You may want to test the waters with asking your e-mail readers in the header of the message and footer and change the wording.

    Something like that. You can get creative and write anything as you please but something that would be catchy and entice people to follow you. By including a link to your Pinterest profile in the header and footer of every e-mail message you send to your subscribers, you increase the probability of getting anywhere from a few handful to perhaps 100 to 250 followers a day. If your company sends out all e-mail to millions at a time, the followers will start trickling in daily to your Pinterest page.

    5. Include a Pinterest widget on your blog or website. If you don't refer to promoting your profile through new YouTube videos or e-mail marketing, having a Pinterest widget on your site will greatly help increase exposure and followers.

    This gives corporate bloggers and content creators the ability to concentrate on creating great content for their blog or website while simultaneously increasing Pinterest followers.

    6. Use quality images when pinning to your pin board. Be mindful your photo has good lighting on it. People are attracted to images that not only have good lighting but images of food. Additionally, people are also attracted to photos about fashion and shoes. They also like to see images of food consumed at restaurants on Pinterest. These are images Pinterest users are highly likely to repin to their boards. When a user repins to their pinboard, they pretty much give you free advertising and more exposure to an audience you did reach your self. The end result can be more followers or perhaps a sale if you're selling something on your blog or website. There's unlimited potential when uploading images to new Pinterest pins to get more business. You can search for royalty and copyright free photos on image sites such as Stockvault.com.

    The six ways mentioned or only some of many methods to increase Pinterest followers. There's a virtual goldmine to be earned using that social network to get more followers to your company's products and services. It's about staying innovative and building solid sustainable relationships with your Pinterest followers. You never know how Pinterest may greatly benefit your business if you keep things interesting and frequently pin to your pin boards.