"He has lots and lots of content".......
Mastering the art of quality content marketing is a virtual uphill battle. If you start out online or from time to time write like a dog in your blogs and web pages, no need to fret. Becoming a good content marketer takes time. And, so does getting good SEO. Making mistakes on the way up is a given for every unique content marketer. It allows you to see flaws in your writing or marketing mistakes and allows you to strive harder to be better.
Most bloggers today either getting into affiliate marketing or starting out with this online business stuff have not a clue what they're doing. Some are doing whatever they want to do in hopes of getting traffic and good rankings. Others are using automated programs to republish what's called duplicate content from other sites without producing original content of their own and giving proper attribution to republished content on their blog or website. Truth of the matter is, if you want to get good results from your content marketing efforts and benefit from long lasting positive SEO search engine optimization, you have to produce quality content of your own. Quality content of your own thoughts and words without plagiarizing. And yes, even if you write like a dog daily on the web and publish it to your blog or website.
'Social Sharing is a Must'
Social media plays a huge role in the success of your online business. There is an audience silently waiting for you to let them know your web business exists. Take time to create individual social media accounts and add natural content to every profile. Do NOT copy and paste the same content from a previous social profile onto another. Doing so will possibly get you penalized by search engines, but not de-listed. That'll be discussed possibly in a future thread.
When using social media for content marketing, do not spam followers and just ask them to buy something. Always be sure to check your passwords to ensure your social media accounts are virtually bulletproof from hackers. Make it a habit to change them every 60 to 90 days, if applicable.
Things to consider in content marketing:
- Plagiarizing is a no-no.
- Create engaging and meaningful content with your readers in mind.
- Avoid excessive use of words to rank for a specific keyword or search term.
- Don't engage in keyword stuffing (Bing.com, Google.com, and YaHoO.com will know).
- Strive daily to build and sustain relationships and reply to feedback.
- Don't write short content in hopes of just being seen doesn't benefit readers nor SEO
- If you quote anything from a blog or website, quote the source as a direct link for reading.
- Have patience in the process of creating content ranking good on Alexa in the U.S. takes time
- Publish original content daily to your blog or website.
- Use social media such as Facebook.com, Pinterest.com, LinkedIn.com, and social bookmarking to exponentially have your content go viral.
- Don't feel dismayed when Google algorithmic updates such as Google Panda and Penguin take place and you see your SEO not doing well in the moment. Keep publishing content anyway and stay faithful. Search engine rankings always fluctuate.
- Create content with the intention of empowering readers fore-mentioned in #2, and keep the thought of content marketing just to make money from affiliate programs in the back of your mind. Put people first and goodness will follow.
- When creating content for your blog or website, even if it's one page a day, make a mental note and keep in mind that search engines love lots of lots of content. Quality written content, that is. If you write and publish only once a day, make it a habit to write at least or close to one thousand words.
- When creating and publishing content to your site on a daily basis, engage readers on a deeper level by incorporating image + video. Yup. Image and video immediately engages people faster than blog posts and web pages that have no images or videos.
- When adding rich images to your blog posts, forum threads or web-pages, take time to add an "alt=" tag to your image description. In your alt tag, once again, add original content and relevant hashtags. The reason for doing this is when your content is shared on Twitter.com and Pinterest.com, the hashtags are automatically added to your tweets and Pinterest pins.
- Add the Pinterest pin it javascript code to your HTML template, so when people hover their desktop PC or laptop computer mouse over the image, they'll see the "pin it button" appear and feel enticed to repin your image to Pinterest. In turn, this gives your site free advertising from the energy of other people, a free backlink which is good for long-term SEO, and possibly more referral traffic from Pinterest.
- Never resort to any kind of black hat SEO methods to artificially inflate your SEO. In the beginning, you will possibly rank to the top of the search engines, get lots of traffic, and make tons of money from affiliate programs. Search engines will catch on, your site will virtually burn and crash, you'll get de-indexed, your IP address blacklisted, and gain a bad online reputation.
- White hat SEO is the best and most effective way of succeeding in content marketing. You'll have to learn the game of patience if you don't have any. Create content daily and promote yourself effectively using social media. Best way to market yourself is with uploading videos to YouTube.com, and adding a link to every new blog post or webpage in your video description.
- Consider article marketing or press releases as a means of white hat SEO strategies to instantly gain a viral buzz about your blog or website. This is a completely legitimate tactic to gaining back links, increasing Google page rank, earning referral traffic from article directories and press release sites, and having people republish your content on their blogs, e-zines, and websites.
- Comment on relevant blogs, discussion forums, and websites with meaningful comments or feedback about content they've published to their site. Before sharing your feedback on blogs and sites of others, be mindful to include a link back to your blog, forum, or website. Doing this will give you a back link from the site you left feedback on which is good for natural SEO, possibly pick up referral traffic from the site you left a comment on, and increase your positive online business reputation. When leaving feedback on other sites, take time to write a short paragraph or two. Search engine crawlers will quietly notice this and potentially rank you higher in search engine results pages of Bing, Google and YaHoO!.
If you govern yourself according with the positive intention of creating content to empower and keep your readers engaged, your business on the web will be successful. Take note that when building an internet business from scratch with just content, it'll take a good 1ยฝ to 2 years before you start to get steady traffic and revenues flowing in from affiliate programs. Take it firsthand from DrewryNewsNetwork that it's all worth doing the transformation work building your online business from scratch with lots and lots of content.
'Keep Hope Alive'
Stay faithful and keep building with creating rich content with your readers in mind 1st, you'll succeed further in earning good money online from affiliate programs and ranking well on Alexa.com in the United States. In the meantime, keep that long-term vision at bay, write content daily, and never give up. When your site is thriving years later because you never gave up, it'll be like a natural euphoric feeling of virtually crossing a 26.2 mile marathon finish line.
Food for thought - Consistent content marketing and building meaningful relationships with your target audience and fellow bloggers and internet marketers can put you in the privileged position to be a future side hustle millionaire. Content marketing is not for the faint-hearted because making money online 24 hours a day is not a get-rich-quick overnight process. This has to be something you want to do a free will because the money will not come right away. In other words, this has to be in you to do even on days when you don't learn a die. You won't make money full-time and content marketing if this is what your heart desires to do as a full-time internet career at least for the first 18 months.
In that 18-month time, content marketing must be deployed at full strength by doing the transformation business work of writing lots and lots of content out of inspiration or desperation. Content is responsible for your blog or website getting better, Google and Yahoo, thus increasing inbound links, improved SEO - search engine optimization, and the increased probability of getting more affiliate revenue from ads on your site, putting you closer and closer to achieving side hustle millionaire status. This is why you must always be on your content marketing grind.