If you're still doubting the awesome power of affiliate marketing, blogging, creating lots and lots of content for your blog or website, and using social media to drive traffic to your site in efforts of creating a future potential full-time income, eliminate doubt now. You're delaying your own online marketing success by not striving to get organized and your failure to launch a business on the net. When it comes to blogging, social networking on Facebook, and revenue potential, you should get excited about making that dream a reality and slowly work toward achieving entrepreneurial greatness.
Bloomberg.com discusses using Facebook 15 minutes a day to drive traffic to blogs and websites.
Benefits of syndicating content to Facebook:
- Not paying for advertising of your site unless you utilize Facebook CPC ads
- Having people virally share your content and benefit from energy of others
- Putting a part-time idea into fruition by working in your spare time
- Increasing the probability of getting more RSS subscribers and e-mail subscribers
- Stay relevant in the minds of your target audience
- Using a 3rd party content sharing application to effortlessly login to Facebook
- Focus more on creating lots and lots of content
- Potentially making money from ads on your blog or website
Using Facebook for business and sharing content is a great thing for all online business to do. It also helps build rapport and trust among your Facebook targeted audience.
Food for thought: Syndicating content from your blog or website to your Facebook profile, Facebook fan-page, or Facebook group page increases exposure long-term to your content. The end result is increased shares of your published works by Facebook fans and Facebook friends, thus giving your free advertising, increased likes, and the increased probability of earning more revenue from ads on your blog or website, putting you closer to achieving "side hustle millionaire" status. Don't just get on Facebook and login and post content to your Facebook wall because Family and friends are logged into Facebook and you want them to know that you're logged in too. Share content from your site to Facebook so you can tap into social networking profits and improve SEO.
Did you know every time you post to Facebook without sharing content from your site that you make Facebook richer from ads they sell on your profile? This is why you need to consider today changing the way you think and start sharing content from your site to your Facebook group page, Facebook fan page and/or Facebook profile wall. Doing so will allow you to tap into profits from Facebook. When you write "lots and lots of content" and "do the transformation business work at full strength," you want everyone to see your hard work. Share it on Facebook and increase the potential of accomplishing [side hustle millionaire] status.
Something to truly think about.
Have a blessed & productive day.