Startups: 5 Ways to Turn a #Coronavirus Stimulus Check Into Serious Money

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  • Contributing Editor
    • May 2014
    • 2715

    Startups: 5 Ways to Turn a #Coronavirus Stimulus Check Into Serious Money

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    thoughts for turning your coronavirus stimulus check into multiple streams of future income using the Internet to start a side hustle and buying and selling, or using affiliate marketing and blogging to achieve future status of [side hustle millionaire].

    Food for thought: While many Americans are going out spending up their stimulus checks on unnecessary products and services, some are quietly flipping their “stimulus coronavirus checks” into future streams of stable residual income. How so? They’re taking a portion of their money and using the Internet to start their side hustle, taking a leap of faith into the abyss and doing the transformation business work as a future side hustle millionaire entrepreneur in the making. This can be you. Believe in yourself now and do the right thing now with your stimulus.

    1. Purchase a domain name and dedicated web hosting: One thing many people don’t know is a domain name is your personal online real estate. This is where people know you’re located if they need you for anything. A domain name is good to have because it builds online authority and plays a crucial role in years to come of improving your natural search engine rankings (in combination with having an SSL certificate installed on a domain). Good news is, a domain name, as a one-time opportunity and new domain owner provided by hosting companies, can possibly be offered to you at an introductory price of just $.99 for the first year, depending on which hosting company you decide to purchase it from. Domain name renewal fees go anywhere from $14 to 20 annually. Dedicated web hosting is recommended because as your site builds traffic years to come, dedicated servers have the capacity to handle large sums of incoming traffic from search engines and social networks. A dedicated server also handles unique and dedicated IP addresses, provides enough bandwidth, RAM memory, disk space and offers a variety of other features economy and small business web hosting plans don’t. Overall, it’s worth the money to fork out and purchase dedicated hosting for your online business in the infancy of your side hustle Internet marketing career.

    2. Install WordPress on your dedicated server and blog about something you love as a business side hustle: WordPress is the number one an absolute dominant blog semantic publishing platform in the entire world. Self hosted WordPress blogs allow side hustle bloggers and affiliate marketers who use it to build a business amplify their voice in search engines and social networks. How their voices are amplified through WordPress blogging is by doing just that… “Blogging.” Having a self hosted WordPress blog allows you to have 100% administrative control over the look, feel and other administrative features associated with being a self hosted WordPress blog owner. Moreover, installing WordPress on your dedicated server will open you to infinite possibilities of possibly utilizing thousands of WordPress plug-ins readily available to download at your fingertips. With WordPress installed on your dedicated server, you have the ability of promoting affiliate programs and selling your own products and services relevant to the content of your blog. Blogging about a niche topic you have an undying love for puts you in a prominent position of potentially making money online 24 hours a day seven days a week. Wouldn’t it be a beautiful feeling to wake up in the morning knowing that you made money online sleeping? It’s possible when you have a WordPress blog on your server and create content often for it. The more content you publish either daily or every other day, the more traffic you receive from search engines and social networks, increasing your probability of making money online around-the-clock. Your coronavirus stimulus check can help you transform the $1200 you received into a future potential five or six figure monthly income online. It’s all up to you what you do with that stimulus check once you receive it. Are you going to go bonkers and go shopping at,,,,,,, or your local shopping mall once you get your “second round coronavirus check?” Or will you have a mature thought process and look to the future, by using your “second round coronavirus stimulus check” to start an online business and be a future potential “side hustle millionaire?” don’t let that money burn through your hands in a matter of minutes or hours once you receive your “coronavirus second round stimulus check.”

    3. Visit your local thrift store and start buying quality used brand name good and re-sell them on your blog and on buy & sell websites for a profit: Places such as,,, and other local less-than-famous thrift stores carry hidden treasure. Believe it or not, many financially well off people secretly-quietly donate luxury goods such as large screen plasma televisions, nearly brand-new suitcases, golf clubs, porcelain dishware, Polo Ralph Lauren clothing, brand-new wireless computer keyboards still in the box wrapped in plastic, donate lamps, and other fine luxury goods. Some “wealthy donors who donate to thrift shops” sometimes stuff additional items inside of nearly brand-new-gently used suitcases before donating to thrift outlet locations. One donor in the past allegedly stuffed a medium-sized stereo inside of a nearly brand-new suitcase before dropping it off at a brand-name thrift store location. That is said to say this… Don’t overlook shopping at a thrift store, because while others may overlook it as a waste of time and only a place of having “transformational landfill items,” hidden treasure has yet to be found. You just never know what you’ll find in a thrift store selling for virtually pennies on the dollar that you can’t turn around and sell it online for an amazing markup profit.

    4. Scour the web by looking on buy and sell websites for low-priced brand name goods, purchase, then resell on your buy & sell page and blog for a profit:,,,,, and other fine buying and selling websites have sellers on their selling amazing items at beyond affordable prices. Most of the sellers do the same thing others do: visit thrift stores, purchase items for far below retail value, turn around and markup online for a resale profit. Some items resellers resell online fail to have the correct pricing. This means that some sellers will purchase valuable things from the thrift store and resell online don’t mark up their prices to a certain point of making enough money. These are the types of people you want to have a specific concentration on because either they don’t know anything about pricing and having an in-house profit margin goal, or they’re just looking to get rid of it for whatever they can get. For example, if a person visits their local thrift store and finds a luxury item for sale back in perfectly good condition such as a genuine leather motorcycle jacket that normally retails for $1000 and purchases it for let’s say $25, resells online for $100, that’s a $75 markup. However, with just minimal maintenance on the jacket and using the right type of camera and background to have the leather motorcycle jacket seen in a certain light, the seller can easily net anywhere from 300 and $500 or possibly more. All because they took the time to perhaps shine up the jacket a bit and use the right digital tools to put the motorcycle jacket in a certain light before potential buyers. Camera and lighting plays a crucial role in achieving the asking price of anything you sell online. If you can’t make it to your local thrift store to browse items for sale, you can always surf the web for buying and selling websites that have luxury items for sale by sellers for rock-bottom prices. Lastly, as you start to build up your closet of luxury items for resale, open up a Google docs spreadsheet or Microsoft Word document and list all items for sale and how much you paid for each item. Next to the price you paid for each item, list your online asking price. This will help you to “get organized with no delay” and set online profit margin. As your items start to sell and you trickle in profits from selling thrift store items online, then you can measure month-to-month your sales progress and future sales goals. This will keep you motivated in buying and selling online as a full-time side hustle career, and rely less on your “cushy day job” for an uncertain income.

    5. Take a small percentage of your Coronavirus stimulus check and set that aside in an account that’s NOT considered “discretionary income spending”: Many people who received their [coronavirus stimulus checks] May the said mistake of spending their “coronavirus stimulus checks” on virtually nonsense. They went out and spent their stimulus money on things that don’t profit them. Others who received “coronavirus stimulus money” made a wise choice of paying off personal debts such as satisfying credit card balances, paying one student loans, making huge mortgage payments, and putting off “discretionary stimulus spending,” on items such as buying Cologne, cars, spending on fashionable clothing, etc. It’s a wise choice for a person looking to transition successfully into entrepreneurship “if they received a stimulus coronavirus check” to take “after they have paid 10% of times in church,” to set aside a portion of their check from the coronavirus stimulus and in the best in starting an online side hustle. Setting aside a portion of your coronavirus stimulus check is a wise thing to do. Why? We live in an age of financial uncertainty, wishy-washy thinking politicians and mentally off track authoritative figures, and virtually new job security. With that said, any kind of money you come into should inspire you to invest in yourself. Whether it’s your regular paycheck you get every two weeks from your cushy day job, pension check, Social Security benefits or your stimulus money, always set aside a portion of that money to invest in starting your own side hustle business. Investing in yourself by starting a side hustle business will “change the history of your human thought,” motivating you to think highly of yourself to the point that you can succeed in self employment, versus working for unthankful employers. And besides, when you start your side hustle business and succeed in making more money for yourself, it’s a beautiful feeling waking up in the morning knowing you potentially make money online sleeping. This is the beauty of using the Internet and setting aside a portion of your stimulus check or pension income to start your own side hustle, by doing the transformation business work and believing in yourself out of inspiration or desperation.

    Related content ---> “starting a side hustle in the coronavirus pandemic”:

    ‘Stop Letting Your Employer Keep Financial Power Over You’

    No employer in their right mind wants their employees to know the “secret sauce” to achieving financial freedom. This is why employers only pay you a certain salary for hourly pay. The system is designed to keep you coming back to work and making them rich off of the hard work off of your back. They pay you only so much to keep you dependent and working paycheck to paycheck without light up the road for a potential reuse and financial flexibility. They love it when employees have lots of children and piled up bills. Why? It keeps that employee not only dependent on working hard on your job, but possibly inquiring with your employer if there’s “overtime work” available. Employers love when employees work overtime because it makes the money hand over fist. For the employer, that is. Employees think that receiving overtime pay will help them get closer to paying off personal debt. That’s an absolute lie. If you even talk about starting your own business on the job and someone overhears you that’s not included in the conversation, you risk being pulled into the boss’s office and possibly “terminated wrongfully.” Wrongful termination is something most employers don’t have a care about doing, as long as the employer doesn’t get caught by the EEOC-equal employment opportunity commission, and has their case swept under the rug if the terminated employee filed a federal complaint.

    When you start a side hustle working from the comfort of your home online doing something you love to do and already received your “coronavirus stimulus money from the federal government,” you work quietly from the comfort of your apartment or home to do something you’re passionate about as a labor of love now as an official business. You're investing in your future by relying less on your employer and taking back the power you unknowingly gave them. Taking back power from your employer is absolutely possible through starting a side hustle. The Internet is here to stay. That said, you can start a side hustle online today, tomorrow, the next three months, the next six months, for the next five years and achieve financial freedom. That is, if you “do the transformation business work and stay on track” with your business goals by creating “lots and lots of content” for your side hustle business.

    Do I Need Previous Experience to Start a Side Hustle?

    With using the Internet to start a side hustle, it’s a good feeling to know you don’t have to worry about carefully crafting an employment resume and performing routine functions associated with getting ready for a job interview. You don’t have to pick out clothes for the next day such as a suit with this shirt and tie and shoes, and rehearse words you’ll use before the prospective employer. You don’t need to worry about listing previous employment and highest level of education completed, more visiting your local health clinic to participate in pre-employment drug testing. No reference or background checks necessary. All you need in this line of work is sheer ambition, a long-term vision, and a passion for doing what you’re about to do as a side hustle.

    A word of caution to you… When you’re starting a side hustle on the Internet in whatever you choose to do, don’t look at how much money you’re not making warmaking in the infancy of your online business career. If you’re in it for the money and looking to achieve overnight profits online, you minus well stay on your cushy day job and work for your employer for the next 20 to 40 years and retire on potentially 30% retirement income. If you’re sick and tired of being sick and tired of making someone else rich and long overdue for a pay raise and a financial upgrade in the uncertain game called life, “get that side hustle going,” as once said in a YouTube video.

    Is Business School - College Required to Start a Business?

    No, you don’t need to go to business school or college to start a business online. You don’t need any previous experience how to market anything. However, if you have a mind for this line of work and don’t have a clue how to sell or market anything online through either direct selling or buying and selling websites or using affiliate marketing and blogging as a means of generating recurring income-multiple streams of income, use to search for “how to make money online videos.” The best thing you can do with started business now on the Internet with no previous experience or college education, and and up making more money than college graduates in upper level management positions earning over $100,000 annually and laughing at them for staying on their cushy day jobs, while you sit at home and potentially earn $100,000 monthly from your online based side hustle that you had no previous experience or business schooling in starting.

    What Has Past Jobs and Failed Relationships Taught You?

    Past employment and failed relationships should’ve subliminally taught you something. Both temporary situations and people that came in and out of your life may or may not have instilled in you a spirit of determination. Failed relationships and past employment working for crappy employers should have taught you to believe in yourself and do the transformation business work out of inspiration or desperation by starting your own business. Not now. Right now. Past jobs working for unthankful employers and failed relationships possibly taught you about the power of positive thinking, using doubt and negativity from people to profit from in your future business endeavors.

    How do you feel when you’re wrongfully terminated because an employer allegedly has something against you? How do you feel when a financially wealthy person offers you a scholarship, then turns around and rescind their offer without explanation? How do you feel when you’re dumped in a relationship because the person you’re dating allegedly rebounded to sleeping with their ex behind your back suspectedly a few more times, while they potentially lied to you about being home and in the bed sleeping “getting organized?” Those negative feelings you feel in the moment should indirectly bring out the best in you in terms of having unwavering determination to start your own business, prosper in your side hustle business, and be the best person you can be positively. Wrongful termination and being wrongfully dumped in past relationships are merely “subliminal blessings in disguise.”

    Can a Stimulus Check Make Me a Future Side Hustle Millionaire?

    That’s totally up to you. You probably received a $1200 coronavirus stimulus check from the federal government for your immediate spending. Most people went out and spent their stimulus checks on whatever they wanted to buy from,,,,,,,,, or other websites purchasing discretionary items they have no immediate use for. Some people spent their coronavirus stimulus checks on purchasing Nike retro Air Jordan sneakers and clothing. Using a portion of your stimulus check to start an online business is the smartest thing to do and here’s why. You’re not thinking in the moment of spending up your stimulus monies on impulse items. You’re looking to the future by investing in yourself today using your coronavirus stimulus check. You’re focused on “future financial security,” by taking a chance today and using a portion of your stimulus check to start a business, unsure if you’re side hustle business will ever make money. You’re putting off your discretionary needs and wants in the moment.

    This type of thinking of putting off your discretionary desires to focus on your future by starting a business today and using a percentage of your stimulus check will definitely [change your history of human thought]. Moreover, using a portion of that stimulus check today to start a business teaches you the subliminal fundamentals of using “just a little to earn a lot,” meaning to appreciate what you have now which is only a handful by investing in yourself today to be a future millionaire down the road. It won’t be an easy journey traveled, but definitely worth doing the transformation business work, out of “inspiration or desperation.”

    'Moving Forward as an Entrepreneur in Transition'

    Perhaps this post gave you something to think about in terms of believing in yourself and taking back power from your employer or people who don’t believe in your ability. It’s never too late to do the transformation business work and start your own business. Side hustling in today’s era is an absolute must if you desire to achieve and retain financial security. Having a day job is definitely good, because it allows you to satisfy immediate costs such as paying your rent or mortgage, keeping food in the refrigerator, ranking utilities paid, and keeping clothing on your children’s backs. But mind you, you are absolutely at the mercy of your employer. If your employer has anything against you in their heart for whatever reason or they don’t see you as someone they would potentially promote in the company, your hourly pay or annual salary will be stagnated regardless of your level of education. This is why it’s absolutely imperative the start a side hustle online and create a supplemental income outside of your job. Always remember that “job means [just over broke].”

    The CARES Act potentially allowed you to receive a $1200 coronavirus stimulus check from the federal government. You probably haven’t fathoms the thought of starting a business at the you received the first stimulus check from the CARES Act. Guess what? You’re potentially going to receive a second $1200 stimulus check momentarily after the HEROES Act is passed in the Senate. Remember to tithe 10% of your stimulus check in church because you need to do that every time you receive gross income. Most importantly, tithing 10% of all income “taxable or nontaxable income” is absolutely mandatory by Biblical law. Tithing 10% of all income [taxable or nontaxable income] puts you in the drivers seat for future residual blessings, and business success beyond your human thoughts.

    Don’t look at how long it takes you to become a side hustle millionaire by earning your first $1 million online. Keep doing the transformation work in your side hustle as a labor of love regardless how much money you make. When least expected, you’ll become an online millionaire and grateful for the struggles you had to endure.