#ShoeReviewBlogging: Get Your #ShoeBlogging #SideHustle Going and Make Money Online in Your Spare Time

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  • Contributing Editor
    • May 2014
    • 2715

    #ShoeReviewBlogging: Get Your #ShoeBlogging #SideHustle Going and Make Money Online in Your Spare Time

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    #shoereview #blogging as a way of #makemoneyonline #24hours a day & #accomplishing #sidehustlemillionaire #status

    It's time to put your computer to work if you have one at home with an instant Internet connection. The Internet was created to do more than surf, and check up on friends and family on social networks. People look for unique ways to supplement their existing income or no income with possibly earning money online from affiliate programs. Did you know you can easily create a blog startup around the topic of writing shoe reviews? It's possible you believe in yourself and do the work necessary to succeed as a "shoe review blogger."

    Some people are confused what brand shoe to buy that'll match with their outfits. Some people just search for shoes in search engines not knowing what particular brand they desire to purchase. Many people search in search engines like Google and YaHoO! for shoes just to look at without even make a purchase. With your own "shoe review blog startup," you can potentially rank well in search engine results pages, just by writing "blogs about shoes." How cool is that? Making money from contextual advertising and affiliate programs alongside your blog posts discussing footwear is possible.

    Here's what you need to do to get started is a shoe review blogger:

    1. Get your own domain name and affordable web hosting (search this site for "web hosting")

    2. Install WordPress on your Web server after acquiring your domain name and hosting

    3. Join a good shoe affiliate network such as onlineshoes.com/info/affiliate

    4. Acquire a speech recognition program to write content with your voice (search DrewryNews for "speech recognition")

    5. Write blog posts daily with your speech recognition program and give personal insight on what you think about certain shoes

    6. Build meaningful relationships with your readers and take time to respond personally to their feedback about your blogs

    7. Including image and video with your blogs instantly engage readers wh ich will entice them to share content from your blogs on their Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest and LinkedIn profiles

    8. Don't get lazy; the more content you write for your blog the more potential you have to get free traffic from search engines and social networks

    9. Don't give up in the process of building your blog from scratch-making money takes time

    10. Don't pay attention to negative people if they leave adverse blog comments on your posts

    Always have a positive outlook and see the good in what you are doing as a shoe review blogger. If you post meaningful blogs and put forth the necessary effort, there is the great ability to earn decent money from affiliate programs on your blog blogging about shoes. Who doesn't like reading shoe reviews? Besides, not everyone likes going out to the shopping mall to buy their shoes at the store when they can potentially by those same shoes on the Internet at a cheaper price. They'll not only be saving money on gas, but, appreciating you for writing a review about a shoe they may potentially be interested in.

    This is a helpful idea for anyone to make money online by creating a "shoe review blog startup." You can make more or less in the business of blogging and affiliate marketing depending on your outlook. The ball is completely in your court. If you want to gain experience in blogging before resorting to paid web hosting and a domain name, you can always create a free blog on Blogger.com. However, once you start building up serious traffic from your free blog, you may want to seriously consider purchasing a domain name and small business affordable web hosting, because when you post content to free blog, they don't tell you that they pretty much own your content until you decide to have your blog removed. This is why it's important to have your own domain name and web hosting because the content you write and publish to your blog is building up your personal online brand. You don't want your content to build someone else up and they are quietly making money off of you, right? Think about it.

    If you're serious about making money online, go for the gusto right now and get your own domain name and web hosting.