#SideHustleMillionaire: Making Millions From #Writing #Blogs About #Fashion and #Footwear is Possible for You

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  • Contributing Editor
    • May 2014
    • 2715

    #SideHustleMillionaire: Making Millions From #Writing #Blogs About #Fashion and #Footwear is Possible for You

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    People out at shopping malls and elsewhere sometimes don't have a clue what kind of footwear to purchase. They have the money on hand to buy right away. They may be confused and only enjoy window shoe shopping in the moment. Who knows? One thing a lot of people don't know when the Internet is fashion and footwear bloggers will stay dedicated to your blogging grind earn very good money from affiliate programs. This can potentially be you. As there is uncertainties in employment opportunities in America from time to time, people looking for unique ways to supplement their income without getting completely out of their comfort zone. This is where the awesome power of fashion-footwear blogging comes in and the grand opportunity to earn revenue from affiliate programs.

    People Love Fashion

    People sometimes do let their computer or searching in search engines, looking at fashionable photos on sites like Etsy.com, Pinterest.com, Kaboodle.com, and many more at clothing and footwear. People read blogs every day. You could be making good money with your own fashion and footwear blog as people could find your content listed in search engines and shared on social networks. And besides, everybody searches online for clearance sales and reviews of some clothing and footwear before physically visiting the store to make a purchase, if they don't to buying online. If you look at this from a broad point of view as a fashion blogger, not only can a flood of ideas potentially run through your mind as you're reading this, but, you can also make this a family fun project whereas you and your spouse are writing for the blog daily. Imagine how much money you can potentially make in two years after launching a fashion and footwear blog telling people where to go to get the best sales on their favorite name-brand stuff? If you blogs six days a week 2 to 4 times a day for two years, there is the potential to possibly earn six figures. A very great possibility.

    Fashionable Footwear

    Everybody loves shoes. It's better in some cases to get the best deals on shoes from the store than purchasing online. Vice versa. Let's say for example if you happen to visit his outlet store and you find a pair of your favorite summer skips on clearance not advertised on the company website. You happen to get a better deal over top of the clearance price because maybe they asked you to fill out a survey on how that stores performing so they gave you a extra 10% off over top of the 70% off. You couldn't get this deal online but only in-store. You then go home to your computer or have your laptop on you with Wi-Fi connection and happen to load up your speech recognition program before writing a blog post and publishing it to the Internet. You tell people in your blog how you got a great discount on a certain shoe or sneaker at a particular outlet store and include a photo of it in your blog post. Can you imagine how much traffic that will drive from search engines and social networks? People you don't even know will be sharing your content across the Internet which can potentially result in increased affiliate marketing revenue for you, the fashion blogger, if you have advertisements for affiliate programs inserted in the right places on your blog.

    If your mind is tuning in now to the potential infinite possibilities of how much revenue you can potentially generate online from fashion and shoe blogging, that means it's time to get started. Maybe you're not ready to get a domain name and dedicated web hosting right now. It's okay. To get started with blogging and learning along the way you can start with a free blog on blogger.com. Th en, you can head on over and sign up for a few good affiliate networks on:
    • affiliate-program.Amazon.com
    • Linkshare.com
    • CJ.com
    • ShareASale.com
    • Advertising.com
    • AffiliateWindow.com
    • shoes.com/en-US/Content/AFFILIATE.aspx
    • member.impactradius.com/campa...Hilfiger.brand
    • zappos.com/associates-program
    If you perform a search in your favorite search engine under terms of "footwear affiliate programs," search engine of choice should return good results. You can also try related search term phrases to find more affiliate networks. Always know the Internet can be a positive portal of financial freedom for you if you put it to work and invest time into creating quality content. There is an audience online for every niche. There is enough business and money online to go around for every blogger and Internet marketer. Don't procrastinate any further and get organized with starting your business now as you'll be glad years later you've done so. Last but not least, if you think people don't talk about fashion and footwear online, check out the video above compliments of Bloomberg television.