#BlogHer: Dedicated to Helping Women Become Full-Time #BloggingWomen

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    • May 2014
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    #BlogHer: Dedicated to Helping Women Become Full-Time #BloggingWomen

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    #Blogging as a #businessforwomen - http://www.drewrynewsnetwork.com/forum/business

    (BlogHer.com) - "BlogHer is a blog that was founded in 2005 by Elisa Camahort Page, Lisa Stone and Jory des Jardins. The founders created the blog to answer the question, "Where are the women bloggers?" Their question has been answered since BlogHer is now featuring over 60 women bloggers who are blogging on a variety of topics. It has grown to become a community and a media company."

    These fine female blogging entrepreneurs had not a clue how big their company would be after they met in 2005. According to the video, co-founder Jory Des Jardins of BlogHer.com started attending blogging conferences consisting mostly men. After attending blogging conferences mostly consisting of males, she creatively brainstormed about an alternative blogging approach for women. This is how Jory and her co-founders successfully expanded the female blogging site today known as Blog Her. Not only did they successfully expand the female-powered blogging platform, but expanded into sponsoring a "female blogging affiliate program." The Blog Her affiliate program is a beautiful revenue-sharing opportunity whereas female bloggers can create an account on the site for free and start writing in hopes of making money through a blog her affiliate publishing network. Affiliate marketing is an online revenue-sharing partnership between an advertiser and publisher-blogger whereas bloggers sponsor advertisements on their blogs from advertisers they partner with in hopes of turning their blog readers into repeat buyers. When blog readers click ads on blogs and purchase a product or service from that blog, the blogger earns something what's called an "affiliate commission." Many people today are earning a quiet fortune doing affiliate marketing alone and quit their day jobs.

    They worked creatively to cater to a target audience succeeding above expectation. "Where are all the female bloggers," the co-founders wondered. By seeking out female bloggers and showcasing their writing on BlogHer.com, female bloggers felt compelled to write more on Blog Her publishing network and their personal blogs. They wrote about topics complaining about issues in their current relationships, motherhood, pregnancy, weight loss for women, getting married, cooking, challenges mother's face raising children, and the list goes on. Working women also had a unique voice on the female publishing blog network and discussed everything related to the workplace. Why females voicing their opinions and useful information they had to empower others in female powered blogs, they use the power of their voice and computer keyboard to make money in affiliate marketing and earn a share of the ad revenue from the Blog Her affiliate publishing network.

    'Female Blogging Conference'

    The co-founders of Blog Her reached out to female bloggers bringing them together at woman powered blog conferences. The purpose of bringing female bloggers together was to form a female blogging conference for sharing useful ideas and networking with mommy bloggers. This is a great idea because at the time, this was an "untapped female blogging market."

    Sponsoring a female blogging conference not only brought together blogging mothers from all walks of life, but also introduced A-list celebrities to female blogging speaker conferences.

    'BlogHer.com Strong Since 2005'

    Upon a quick analysis of the female powered blogging site, traffic rank reporting of Blog Her dot com ranking at the time of this post is at an all-time high of 16,705 in the United States opn Alexa. This is an excellent traffic rank in the U.S. on Alexa because Blog Her continues to show strong growth and empower female blog readers. And with that being said, Blog Her will always continue to be a strong blogging site meaningfully bringing women together, because "content is King on the World Wide Web." When women get together and share ideas, there's no telling how many more opportunities will present itself to female bloggers.

    Are you a female blogger not yet affiliated with the Blog Her publishing-affiliate network? Now's your time to jump on the bandwagon. Not only will other women find your blogs and ideas useful in their lives, but shall also have the grand opportunity to potentially put yourself in the drivers seat to earn "good money" from sharing your writing and ideas on the BlogHer.com affiliate publishing network. And besides, wouldn't it be inspiring for not only other women found your blogs and writing useful, but a major celebrity or major celebrities possibly picking up your writing and using part or all of it in their blogger speaking conferences? Blog Her is definitely the place you want to be, if you long-term blogging desire is to be seen and heard and get more traffic to your mommy powered blog.

    Overall, BlogHer.com creates an abundance of joy and stirs up emotion in female content creators and female readers.

    Female Bloggers Discussing Unemployment

    A good thing about BlogHer.com is the ability for women to discuss everything on their mind. Unemployment is one of those sensitive issues. With that said, female bloggers on the blogging platform can discuss either their current unemployment situation, how they overcame unemployment with blogging their way to a full-time income, additionally to empowering other women with creative ideas how to use unemployment as a stepping stone to uncovering hidden opportunity. Female bloggers discussing unemployment and everything related to it also opens the floor to inviting other female bloggers-female content creators to sharing their personal experiences on the job before separation from companies they work for. So if you look at the positive side of things, getting this sensitive issue out in the open brings people together for the good of anything. Are you listening?

    This is why Blog Her is an excellent content blogging network for women because of the valuable thoughts exercise into the Internet universe. Blog her allows women to exercise their creative strengths, absorb information from other female bloggers "as previously mentioned," and use advice to their business advantage of getting ahead in life. What female in her right mind would have knowledge of this women powered blogging network with the ability to make money online and ignore this wonderful opportunity? What woman in her right mind would ignore the opportunity of being a part of this wonderful female blogging network and ignore the potential of making new friends and perhaps building a business from scratch by way of word-of-mouth online and blogging her way to a full-time Internet income? If you're unemployed, this is the perfect time for you to get deep within as a woman and unleash your hidden potential. The Internet is here to stay and will always be a solid source of income for women who'll put the World Wide Web to good use for making money from blogging and business networking among women on the Blog Her female blogging network.

    'Female Bloggers Against Gun Violence'

    This is by far one of the most trending topics today on the World Wide Web. Gun violence. Criminals who buy guns illegally and legally. Most women are outraged at gun violence in their communities and have little to no voice in having their say in United States politics. This is where the beauty of blogging as a woman comes into play. Female bloggers who start Sirius full-time business blogs centered around the niche topic of gun violence and ways to tackle it will seek instead traffic to their blog posts. This is not a debatable statement and a guaranteed fact. Female bloggers will voice their concerns on their business blogs about how enraged they feel towards gun violence and speak their minds respectively will quietly have blog readers subscribed to their blogs "some blog readers of which will be potentially United States politicians and law enforcement officials." Women who blog about ways to tackle gun violence automatically put themselves in the drivers seat to earn good money from advertisements on their blocks and have the grand ability to have their blog posts picked up by the block her female blogging content network. They are, once female bloggers discussing gun violence have their posts shared on the woman powered content network, it will bring like minds together in discussing this negative issue and creative ways to combat gun violence as a woman.

    Ever lost someone dear to you and your heart to gun violence? A friend, coworker, childhood friend, family member, next-door neighbor, ex-girlfriend or ex-boyfriend? Blogging about it as a female blogger and sharing your blog posts on the BlogHer.com woman powered content network is a great way to get your feelings and intellectual expression in the open. Not only is it a way to demonstrate your emotions, feelings, and creative writing strengths, it's also a way to meaningfully bring others to gather to your content while respectively building your e-mail blogging business from scratch discussing topics dear to your heart.

    'Blogging Inspiration from Arianna Huffington'

    HuffingtonPost.com founder Arianna Huffington discusses blogging in an onstage interview in 2014. If you didn't know, Arianna had humble blogging beginnings. She didn't know much about being a full-time female blogger when she started the now famous online newspaper site that earns over $1 million in revenue monthly from adverts. Arianna started the site as a means of empowering others with useful information as a full-time female blogger blogging on the SixApart.com blogging platform powered by Movable Type.

    Arianna Huffington paves the way through direct inspiration for female bloggers from all walks of life. Her blogging journey from small potatoes to greatness quietly inspired women to start mommy blogs as a means of creating a full-time income from the Internet. If she can do it why can't you?

    You Need BlogHer.com in Your Blogging Life Year Round

    You're going to need a blog as a woman for instant connection to your audience year-round. Things will take place in your life whether it be on a business or personal level that'll inspire you to create a blog post. It can be birth of your new child, a promotion on the job, perhaps a 50 pound to 100 pound weight loss transformation, a salary increase, something political, or whatever. Either way you look at it as a woman, you'll need to "blog year-round." When issues arise in today's world, you'll need to get your voice instantly synthesized to your target audience "with no delay." This is the time for you to blog and "strive for excellence to get organized" across the board, connecting with your audience on sensitive issues. Stay blogging year round most importantly. Having a blog as a single woman, female college student, or working mother is a must for every woman in today's world of information technology.

    Are you convinced as a woman to start a blog and take blogging seriously now that you know about BlogHer.com? If you're still not convinced about taking blogging seriously, you're seriously leaving serious money on the table. Blogging is not for men or women thinking about instant profits. The beauty of a woman blogging is getting her feelings out in the open and transforming those feelings into meaningful discussions and transforming feelings into money in the long run.

    It's amazing how the power of blogging and using the awesome power of your voice as a woman to create content thru a useful tool for men and women known as a voice dictation - speech recognition program can make words appear on the screen and turn blogging into a full-time career all off of the strength of a person's mouth speaking into a microphone. This is why we need more female bloggers on the web blogging to their hearts content and talking about any and everything that's on their minds.

    Drewry news network is in full support 100% of all women blogging as a full-time online career and transforming into "blogging mothers." It's beautiful to hear about amazing transformation blogging business success stories about females who knew nothing about the power of the Internet and blogging and how they turn in idea into a full-time blog and profit through a passion they have for something. This can be you if you believe in yourself and do the transformation business work at full strength. Be inspired and never give up.

    Seeking additional blogging inspiration as a woman or aspiring blogging mother? Check out the related content links below for inspiring blog posts and articles for women seeking to transform from an everyday woman to a full time female blogger: